As long time Genji main pick winston and sniff Genjis ass the entire game and watch him regret life choices.
Only works if the Genji isn't pussyfooting with his team all the time, getting heals. Seeing less and less lone wolf Genjis these days.
As long time Genji main pick winston and sniff Genjis ass the entire game and watch him regret life choices.
All goes well I won't have to. It's strange to think about a world where I won't have to take Winston 80% of the time just to deal with a fuckin Genji. I could actually try other characters! This server thing will be the best thing to come to overwatch yet. Custom servers will enable me to play Overwatch the way it was meant to be played: without Genji. There's never any fun to be had when there is a Genji on the enemy team. Sure, you can win but it comes with blood and sweat and stress. Your whole team has to pick a comp just to counter a Genji.
Fuck Mystery Heroes is fun as hell.
Not when the opposing side is attacking with two Reins, two D.Vas, a Roadhog and a Mercy whilst your team has 3 Zenyattas and a couple of Anas.
Honestly, they really need to switch off hero stacking in Mystery Heroes.
Not really. Zen or Lucio ult nullifies Genji. A Rein saving their shatter for Genji nullifies him. Soldier saving his visor for Genji ult nullifies it. And that's without talking about his counters. I think people just don't take enough strategy into games. So many ways to nullify Genji, it just takes teamwork or a plan.
Fuck Mystery Heroes is fun as hell.
Only works if the Genji isn't pussyfooting with his team all the time, getting heals. Seeing less and less lone wolf Genjis these days.
My point exactly. It many times takes a group effort to shut down this one character and most of the time on soloq the players are not up to that.
Ive had most success taking out Genji in Solo q with Ana and Winston. Most of the time you can feel when a genji/enemy has their ult so id save the sleep dart for that. I just dont recall the last time genji was such a huge issue in my games. I dont find him any harder than a tracer or a mccree.
Like really, if you want to talk about a hero that takes the most resources to take down and counter, that would be reinhardt.
Pharah up there too (not the most obviously) or is it just me?Like really, if you want to talk about a hero that takes the most resources to take down and counter, that would be reinhardt.
Pharah up there too (not the most obviously) or is it just me?
Is it just me or did you used to be able to escape Hooks by using reapers ghost, meis ice body, junkrats manual bomb or mcrees flashback after being hooked? It feels like the game just refuses to let you retaliate after being hooked. Because I swear you could escape post hook before?
Is it just me or did you used to be able to escape Hooks by using reapers ghost, meis ice body, junkrats manual bomb or mcrees flashback after being hooked? It feels like the game just refuses to let you retaliate after being hooked. Because I swear you could escape post hook before?
Haven't spent anything, only missing Winston, Ana, Symmetera, Tracer and Junkrat skins
I never understood buying boxes
Like there will be a new event again soon enough...
I think its a waste of money
Playing against a good widow is the most fucking miserable experience ever.
My point exactly. It many times takes a group effort to shut down this one character and most of the time on soloq the players are not up to that.
Widow kind of counters road hog, in that she's one of the few that can kill him without being in his range. Her high damage output also allows her to overcome his sustain, especially as he has to stop moving to heal.Genji shouldn't require a group effort. He's directly countered by Winston, Symmetra and Roadhog. Tbh, a good McCree completely shuts him down as well. He also doesn't do too well against Zarya.
Genji has a few direct counters and can be managed by other heroes as well. He's not like Roadhog who basically has no counters.
But managing to headshot them as Mei is the most fucking satisfying experience ever.
The console aim assist benefits him disproportionately tbh. They've shown before that they are willing to do platform specific balancing, if people really don't think he's an issue on pc then they should just nerf his damage on console.
He's seriously in every game. If we don't have a soldier on our team and we're losing, it's usually pretty obvious why.
Gold medallion dropppppp
500 gold. ;_;
Also why do people think roadhog/zarya is a proper tanking setup. ;_;
Because expecting your team to stand behind your shield is pain
Also why do people think roadhog/zarya is a proper tanking setup. ;_;
Because expecting your team to stand behind your shield is pain
lol wanting tank mains to exist that aren't just bootleg Roadhog players.
edit: I know y'all are out there and I love every last one of you, but everybody knows that guy exists.
Is there a EU PS4 community here on Neogaf ? Would be Nice to come in Contact with more EU players.
Interesting day today, I was at 2955 SR after dropping from 3400 over the course of a week, I then proceeded to go on a 16 game win streak in 1 day to get to masters. I went from 3408 to 3501 off one game.
made this gif just as a really quick example to show why soldier is so oppressive on consoles
i don't touch the right stick at all during this clip, the game literally rotates me to keep me looking at the enemies. all i'm doing is holding right, and then holding left. you can even see when the auto aim unlocks at the end of the gif.
Roadhog isn't a tank lol. He doesn't do anything to mitigate damage or protect his supports/DPS like a tank should do. He just stands there throwing his hook for free kills. That's not how tanks work.
Roadhog isn't a tank lol. He doesn't do anything to mitigate damage or protect his supports/DPS like a tank should do. He just stands there throwing his hook for free kills. That's not how tanks work.
I protect my supports all the time, weird.