I didn't calculate it I tested it ingame with the result being 13 damage.I'm confused about the math. Why 120 * (1 - 0.85)?
Surely it would be (1 * 0.65)/2
(Base Damage * 35% damage reduction)/50% nano boost damage reduction
And your calculation is missing something: The incoming damage is reduced by 35% not the health of the bastion increased. So of every incoming 1 damage you have to deduct 0.35. So his effective health is
300 / (1 - 0.35) = 462.
And as I said the damage reduction in this game is additive (again that's the result of testing it in the game). So the calculation for nanoboost and ironclad would be
300 / (1 - (0.35 + 0.5)) = 300 / (1 - 0.35 - 0.5) = 300 / (1 - 0.85) = 2000
To get to the damage:
Every incoming damage is calculated by
(1 * (1 - sum of all damage reduction)) - (armor reduction based on the result of the preceding paranthesis. Calculated by: (MINIMUM(half of the incoming damage, 5))
based on my testing.
So the damage Bastion receives from 1 body shot is:
(120 * (1 - (0.35 + 0.5))) - (MIN(half of the incoming damage, 5))
= (120 * 0.15) - (MIN(half of the incoming damage, 5))
= 18 - (MIN(9,5))
= 18 - 5
= 13
I hope I could clear up any confusion if not feel free to ask about any of this.
From op