Does anyone have enjoying modes from PTR?
Omnix crisis is okay though i liked Human vs Predators(sombra(2) vs 6 soldier)
I protect my supports all the time, weird.
I don't really protect my healers that much with barrier unless its like a dva ult or 76 ult or something.
Maybe if the cooldown on it wasn't absurd I could use it in ways to save my team, cut LoS AND use it for dives. But because of hero stacking, I have to deal with this massive cooldown. Even though hero stacking isn't even possible in the main modes anymore.
Are you referring to Zarya barriers?
You protect them by killing stuff like any DPS would. I'm talking about having actual abilities that mitigate damage like a 2000 HP shield or a bubble. His abilities aren't "tank" abilities.
A lot of DPS can use their abilities to protect their team. Soldier can drop a heal station for his Ana, Genji can deflect the damage from a hook combo, McCree can flash the flanker going after your Zen etc.
Winston I think.
I've been trying real hard to do that with Soldier.This is what it looks like when you play Mei enough that you know the exact timing of her ice block.
When I'm having a good Roadhog match, I rarely die. But I take loads of damage that I heal. I mean, if I get a gold medal for healing even though we had healers means I took A LOT of damage. Taking loads of damage equals being a priority for the opponent team (not because I shield my team, it's because I'm dangerous to them) and rest of team can breath a bit.
Roadhog is a tank in my book.... with an insane damage output![]()
why does this happen
And even if you make the argument that you're building ult by healing that damage, your ult is one of the weakest DPS ults in the game.
And this is the absolute key misconception people have when they think Roadhog is a tank. By "tanking" that damage, you've fed a ridiculous amount of ult to the opposition team. A lot of the time, people will target Roadhog to build their ult quickly because it's impossible to miss him. But with a Reinhardt sheild, Winston bubble or a Zarya bubble, shooting into those does not build your ult at all.
And even if you make the argument that you're building ult by healing that damage, your ult is one of the weakest DPS ults in the game.
I've been trying real hard to do that with Soldier.
The day I land that perfectly timed rocket hit will be a good day.
My favorite is a perfectly timed Rein charge to get her right as the ice block ends. I've done it once and it was beautiful.
My favorite is a perfectly timed Rein charge to get her right as the ice block ends. I've done it once and it was beautiful.
I met a Rein on PS4 who could charge me out of ice block so reliably I just stopped doing it around him. Ice blocking was equivalent to jumping into the Ilios pit around him.
You could always cancel block early or use it to bait him of you know he's planning to charge.
I met a Rein on PS4 who could charge me out of ice block so reliably I just stopped doing it around him. Ice blocking was equivalent to jumping into the Ilios pit around him.
Yeah I used it on the graviton but rein put his shield up just in time.that gif
few things are as intense as watching that grenade cool down as you're surrounded by like the entire enemy team jsdnkfj
Had a pretty good defence with Ana after switching from soldier on attack.
Made a few mistakes here and there but luckily didn't get punished on it.
Not sure how we didn't lose the point there honestly.
Also anyone else notice it's normally soldiers who are toxic in general? Probably because they think they have to carry their rubbish teammates?
Diamond League indeed.
Your comp points are based on your career high for the season, so there's no risk in getting anything lower.
Your CP bonus reward is paid out by Season High, so you have nothing to lose there.
edit: savage beatings
Tbh I think the game's kind of tunneled towards burst damage right now due to Ana in her present state, the common notion of double healers on top of that, and contesting with a Rein shield to get your moments in between.
I told him I'm going to nano his visor next push. He decides to ult on 1 bar of health against a hog.If that Soldier was as good as he thinks he is, he'd probably be in masters at this point with that hero. People in diamond are really toxic for sure.
Nope, I play alone, but I'll definitely tag along with a Sombra player from now on.Got a friend who can play Sombra? Those two are an evil combination.
Don't give up! I was shit with High Noon as well but it kinda clicked for me after a while. Hide behind tanks or Reinhardt's shield, and about the lock on, maybe it's just me but it locks faster when I'm not that far away from enemies.Every time I feel like I'm getting pretty competent with McCree I completely fail at using high noon for the billionth time and feel like trash.
Junkrat is super squishy, most heroes should take him down easily.How in the world do ppl keep letting junkrat just run all over us even when we have a zarya and a pharah. Why does no one ever target him![]()
Every time I feel like I'm getting pretty competent with McCree I completely fail at using high noon for the billionth time and feel like trash.
Owl's adventures with high noon: a choose your own ending story
There seems to be a gaggle of enemy players huddled around the same area and you've successfully snuck around the side/to high ground, you slam the button and begin IT'S HIIIIGH NOOOOON"....
a) It turns out your team actually had this covered without your help, you stroll out to a pile of corpses and look silly
b) you get shot in the face, when watching the kill cam the perpetrator who shot you was basically just looking around on a whim as opposed to actually knowing you were about to ult
c) the enemies are in a graviton surge but their soldier somehow manages to panic ult, have the sights lock directly onto you over the 5 other closer members of the team and shoots you dead before it can lock.
d) everyone gets behind cover because you suck, moments later the enemy McCree does the same thing and kills 4 plus players to rub it in
e) you fire prematurely because you don't quite understand the lock on, meanwhile you SWEAR the enemy McCree's version of high noon snaps to full killing potential in a fraction of the time.
In any case the story ends with me looking sad and silly.
This is what it looks like when you play Mei enough that you know the exact timing of her ice block.
Oh yeah this as well, I main Mercy as well and I try to stay close to McCree players when they seem to look for higher ground since they're close to release High Noon, feels good when I help someone get that stuff done right. <3One day a Mercy will boost you while you're High Nooning and you'll get a quint. Your day will come!
Sniping them as Widow is fun too.i like doing that with rein charge instead. seeing a helpless mei get splat on the wall![]()
Every time I feel like I'm getting pretty competent with McCree I completely fail at using high noon for the billionth time and feel like trash.
Owl's adventures with high noon: a choose your own ending story
There seems to be a gaggle of enemy players huddled around the same area and you've successfully snuck around the side/to high ground, you slam the button and begin IT'S HIIIIGH NOOOOON"....
a) It turns out your team actually had this covered without your help, you stroll out to a pile of corpses and look silly
b) you get shot in the face, when watching the kill cam the perpetrator who shot you was basically just looking around on a whim as opposed to actually knowing you were about to ult
c) the enemies are in a graviton surge but their soldier somehow manages to panic ult, have the sights lock directly onto you over the 5 other closer members of the team and shoots you dead before it can lock.
d) everyone gets behind cover because you suck, moments later the enemy McCree does the same thing and kills 4 plus players to rub it in
e) you fire prematurely because you don't quite understand the lock on, meanwhile you SWEAR the enemy McCree's version of high noon snaps to full killing potential in a fraction of the time.
In any case the story ends with me looking sad and silly.