Drop rate is down from previous events it seems.
Bastion, D'va, Junkrat, Rein. ANYTHING! Blizzard pls!
Drop rate is down from previous events it seems.
I know the feel...bought 40$+ worth of lootboxes and still no D.Va skin.
Been leveling up each day to try to get it but it's getting nearer and nearer till the end of the event.
What level are the nerf roadhog crowd at? Just as a point of reference for how your team/you might be handling him. I can see why at disorganized lower level of play he'd seem op.
I bought 50 lootboxes and got everything. Maybe they gave me pity luck because I don't play the game as much these days and I know I don't won't be getting many free ones?!![]()
I don't have to "face it" just because I disagree with you. His job on the battlefield is to get picks and outside of his six second hook he is effectively a sitting duck to a team that understands how to counter him (and there are MANY ways to counter him with both abilities and positioning). The people that get killed by him the most are the ones that tunnel vision on what they're doing and don't check their flanks. Even when someone does get picked by him, that Roadhog is now totally open for an attack. Just because he requires actual teamwork to take down effectively and efficiently doesn't mean he's bullshit or broken. I'm not saying you said those exact words but the notion is ridiculous all the same.
Yeah two days here too. See if I go down to platinum today.Yeah that's rough. I once dropped from like 3800 to 3400 in the span of two nights lol
Also even with the cooldown nerf, I still think Roadhog's potential to change an even fight to 6v5 is too powerful. It should punish the bad ones though that miss their hooks, like me.
20% reduction is a pretty big deal.
Bought 10 boxes, unlocked another 10 or so.
ZERO skins I want. WTF? :'(
Drop rate is down from previous events it seems.
It is and it isn't. Roadhogs have gotten pretty good with the thing, and 20% will make it hurt more but won't change all that much with how they are performing I'm willing to bet. I think there is a perception at lower levels that his gun is bad which is absurdly not true, so they are trying to push players more towards learning to use it well. Right now it feels "random" to people that don't use it a lot.
But doesn't it affect the spread of his alt fire too?
I don't have to "face it" just because I disagree with you. His job on the battlefield is to get picks and outside of his six second hook he is effectively a sitting duck to a team that understands how to counter him (and there are MANY ways to counter him with both abilities and positioning). The people that get killed by him the most are the ones that tunnel vision on what they're doing and don't check their flanks. Even when someone does get picked by him, that Roadhog is now totally open for an attack. Just because he requires actual teamwork to take down effectively and efficiently doesn't mean he's bullshit or broken. I'm not saying you said those exact words but the notion is ridiculous all the same.
I bought 50 lootboxes and got everything. Maybe they gave me pity luck because I don't play the game as much these days and I know I don't won't be getting many free ones?!![]()
Yup. I'm already pretty consistent with it, all this does is make it so you can poke a bit further with it or go for more consistent body damage. It's a good buff that definitely makes it better, but again it's just helping people achieve something he was already doing before.
The hook nerf as is will drastically change how he's being played right now as is, so giving him that to try and control space a bit better without hook is fine by me and just keeps him relatively threatening.
To put it into perspective with the CD change, let's say a team takes 20 seconds to get space, confirm a fight, and fully engage. That's a reasonable amount of time right to about when a fight will start swinging. In that span of time, Roadhog gets 3 hooks on live. He has to whiff 3 times in order to not turn that fight, which is pretty absurd. He can whiff, confirm a kill with the next one, and still have it up to CC an ult. In any order too. Now that number is down to 2 in that same span of time, and the more time you think about the worse it gets. His overall time influencing space in a match is way down. You cannot go for guess or wild hooks anymore because there is enough down time for a team to be properly punished.
Since hook can't have that influence, putting more of a skill element and kill potential on his gun makes sense. He should still control some space with the thing. It also does mean if he does whiff hook on like a dive ro something, M1 is a bit better. I don't mind him being good at his job, I just want the risk/reward to make sense and this seems to be the right direction.
This isn't really all that true. Creating safe hooks is p easy and is done very often, and the way it works to peek Roadhog at the moment is just too tight in regards to the CD. During 6 seconds you have to re-peek him which will take at least 2 or so, and that leaves 4 seconds to kill him while he still has a reasonably threatening gun and a heal that buys him another couple seconds. Roadhog can be punished for straight hooking people, but via better angles and his team protecting him it's not extremely common. What is more common is that people have to commit to fights or they lose (you can't poke fight Roadhog and defense has an inherent advantage here) and then hook gets to have more influence. Right now hook whiffing early or even mid fight is kinda whatever since the time it takes to punish is higher than the CD, so it's pretty common to see people go for hard dives to try and get past the CD, then turn to the Roadhog once he's more committed. The whole point of the nerf is that players have to commit harder to punishing him than he has to commit to hooking them if this illustrates the point. It should be more even with an 8s CD.
I would like to state that for the record I have no issue with the PTR changes to Roadhog. I myself have only started using him within the past month. I just never found him to be overpowered due to the super intermittent nature of his DPS.
Wait Winston got buffed?
Doesn't seem too bad then. Won't really affect me much since ana doesn't headshot and people tend to ignore support getting dived at my level even if you sleep the Winston. Heck yesterday I slept one and the person I was with straight up left me to deal with him.Made his crit hurtbox smaller so you (presumably) can't headshot while his head isn't visible anymore. That's all, a QoL buff that helps him out a bit. Makes turning and spacing from good Winstons more reliable to avoid crit damage. Also makes shotguns deal a bit less damage to his face I'd assume?
Will it make him better against reaper then if shotguns do less?
Harbleu left Complexity. He's finishing out his contract, but actively looking for other teams.
God I feel old. Oh god I am old.Even he ate a lot of shit for him getting a VACation in pub CSGO when he was 13.
God I feel old. Oh god I am old.
God I feel old. Oh god I am old.
Well, his drawbacks are pretty real now. The major problem wasn't just hook getting a free pick, the problem was the CD was so low he could
A) Guess hook without much punishment
B) if he whiffed in a 1v1 he could literally hit E and have hook up again at more or less the same health
With that being gone and him stepping less on Reaper's toes, things should work a lot better. Making his gun more consistent is a decent trade off for it too. At higher elo that gun is actually pretty good, so now maybe lower level Roadhogs will be more inclined to learn how to use it rather than going for lucky M2.
I know the feel...bought 40$+ worth of lootboxes and still no D.Va skin.
Been leveling up each day to try to get it but it's getting nearer and nearer till the end of the event.
The second they dumped those ults they lost a lot of power, so Taimou going for picks to keep a fight going is crazy smart.
The event ends on the 13th right?