Anyone want to queue up with me on PS4? Still high plat, can flex. PSN:ElzaWalker
IDDQD officially announced for NRG. Can't wait to see the new NRG in action once the other members are finalized.
IDDQD is a player and NRG is a team.What does that even mean ?
I ended up lower than you and I play Genji ;~;
McCree was pretty great when he had no damage fall off and FtH did the full 70 a hit
Remember when Genji had triple jump, 8s sword, animation cancels, 35 damage a kunai, and swift strike dealt 60 damage with a bleed effect?
One of my personal faves was Zen orbs not having LoS checks.
There is nothing worse than a terrible Rein in competitive. Holy moley.
Fucking lol. That's awfulAnnoyed.
Time to charge into their whole team!
Wait, where's my team?
IDDQD is a player and NRG is a team.
seemed p chill when he was playing with seagullHope personalities don't clash with IDDQD on NRG. Now all we need is Harbleu.
seemed p chill when he was playing with seagull
he kept calling him buddy it was cute tbh lol.
obv thats just seagull but i doubt they would have signed him after he was dropped for those reasons from fnatic
Just realized Harbelu is a free agent right now. Would be a strong addition to NRG, and would allow Seagull to focus on DPS since he plays a strong Zarya as well.
EDIT: Nevermind, I misread. I thought you were talking about getting out-healed by the enemy Ana, not your other support.I'm doing something wrong when I play as Ana.
I'm healing people up fast, not dying much.
Still, I lose out to other healers on the team when it comes to total healing.
Harbleu would compliment NRG nicely. He would be their main Zarya, but since Seagull also has a good Zarya, they could triple tank reliably with Harb on Hog.
I'm doing something wrong when I play as Ana.
I'm healing people up fast, not dying much.
Still, I lose out to other healers on the team when it comes to total healing.
Think I'm out of Overwatch, although kinda ironic after spending 40$ on it, but it feels like you need to know people to win competitive because there are times where you'll get so many teams in a row that don't want to work together depending on your luck and people who quit at the slightest chance of loss.
I've put enough time into this game to get the enjoyment I wanted from it, but I'm starting to get tired of it. At times it feels pretty repetitive, and the current meta to me isn't as fun as it use to be. Think I've just gotten tired of the game.
Ah well, that's just me anyways.
I was kinda the same. Just couldn't find any fun playing competitive alone at all. It was terrible. It's not like i played S1 and S2 a lot, actually i only played few matches but really wanted to play more during this season. After similar experience i just gave up and i am having fun in QP. I don't have friends to play competitive with, i don't use mic, i am not having fun... i guess it's just not for me. And that's ok.
After this event is over i think that i am taking a break from the game completely or playing much less.
I was kinda the same. Just couldn't find any fun playing competitive alone at all. It was terrible. It's not like i played S1 and S2 a lot, actually i only played few matches but really wanted to play more during this season. After similar experience i just gave up and i am having fun in QP. I don't have friends to play competitive with, i don't use mic, i am not having fun... i guess it's just not for me. And that's ok.
After this event is over i think that i am taking a break from the game completely or playing much less.
Yeah, glad I'm not the only one who felt this way. I didn't mind using mic, but this game requires specific coordination to win at and I'll always be at a severe disadvantage VS the people who queue together. And the current meta just isn't for me.
I enjoyed competitive season 2, however.
It honestly won't hurt to take a break. I switch between Diablo III & Hearthstone when I'm not feelin' up for Overwatch, as I don't want to get burned out from playing it.
Okay redeemed. I went all out that last game. Got 4 golds, potg, and so many clutches. Ended up getting 56 points from it all. Never seen me get that much before.
I'm doing something wrong when I play as Ana.
I'm healing people up fast, not dying much.
Still, I lose out to other healers on the team when it comes to total healing.
Haha, we won. They quit too
We beat them twice before they started winning, dude! I know cause one of them is on my friends list and I was messaging him in between rounds
My experience is like the opposite tbh. Usually gold healing as Ana, her nade combo is just so strong.Well you can almost never out heal a Lucio, a Mercy you are even with but I would give advantage to Mercy and Zenyetta you should out heal unless he used his ulti a lot.
Also nice game on Ilios in comp, doing good for 2 rounds and then the team starts complaining that they don't get enough heals after we start loosing which is normal because I'm constantly being harassed by a Tracer and the Genji started hunting me. I give Ana to an other dude since he said he would be better, after 1 minute on Well he goes back to being a DPS. I just stayed on soldier on got a bronze for elims in the end after having silver after round 2. Pretty sure we lost due to the Genji not being handled properly and people switching up the comp too much except for me and the Lucio. Morale of the story. never trust other people at being good at healing.
My experience is like the opposite tbh. Usually gold healing as Ana, her nade combo is just so strong.
The PTR's main menu now plays a song from the very beginning of the reveal cinematic trailer . Maybe it's Talon's Theme?
Reminds me a little bit of Alexandre Desplat's GODZILLA theme.
Watch them push this song plus the broken payload when 1.8.0 goes live.
it was datamined a few days ago
people theorised its for doomfist