There is something interesting about the elimination system in Overwatch that appeal to everyone and especially the casual crowd, I was playing with some of my friends that usually don't play too much FPS because they suck ass and they rage-quit pretty quickly because of it, they said to me that they aren't enjoying COD for example because their KD sucks and they don't kill enough people to think they're valuable to other people but they were enjoying Overwatch like crazy, yelling stuff like "oh my God, do you see that ? I killed 3 people in less than 2 minutes, game is amazing..."
Sure it wasn't really their kills but the assist=elimination stuff and I think this system is really great, it rewards team play, make people think they're valuable, boost your confidence and make you less obsessed by your KD because it always looks like you're doing great, I think all games should copy this system, it can maybe even kill camping in games...
they were so exited that they decided to buy the game tonight, good job Blizzard, looks like the casual crowd like this kind of stuff and I do as well...