Lol glad I didn't come on today.
Just look at the team comps. Your team is 5 DPS and one healer and the other team is 2/2/2 with good heroes. How do you carry that?
Weekends are for other games.
Also a good rule because if not the only game I'll ever play from now on is just overwatch lol.
I only lost 6 SR on my group account today :v
You don't carry that. That's the answer. It was clear when they woke up a nanoboosted genji with a zarya bubble on them that we would lose.
You don't carry that. That's the answer. It was clear when they woke up a nanoboosted genji with a zarya bubble on them that we would lose.
Just the Bastion probably seeing as the Zen kicked the Genji to death.That Zen/Bastion...
They really wanted to die so badly?
Dunno how we threw that so hard. Damn reaper ults I guess. The Zarya + Genji combo was pretty good though. Might Zarya more often. Did this today.Forgot to post this earlier but this counted as 6 dragon blade kills.
Reinhardt stole my POTG thoughYou didn't have to shatter, I had it under control! Best part is we lost this game 3-0 even though for two rounds we took it to 99-0. We had a Mercy... Guess what didn't happen all game.
It's difficult when you get stretches of 5-10 games like that and people tell you "if you're good enough, you'll still win" but it's so hard to carry people trolling or genuinely bad comps.
Or weekends are for farming free loot boxes.Again.
Weekends are for other games.
Also a good rule because if not the only game I'll ever play from now on is just overwatch lol.
22 heroes and I get Hanzo on my team every game. And then every other game, I get the golden combo of Widow + Hanzo. Doens't matter if there's a Winston or Genji running rampant on their team.
When played well, both can wreck teams though.
When played well, both can wreck teams though.
Every match this morning has basically been this. Watching your Widow get sniped by a Rein is fun times.22 heroes and I get Hanzo on my team every game. And then every other game, I get the golden combo of Widow + Hanzo. Doens't matter if there's a Winston or Genji running rampant on their team.
Dunno how we threw that so hard. Damn reaper ults I guess. The Zarya + Genji combo was pretty good though. Might Zarya more often. Did this today.
Yeah I was the zarya. I was tracer before but it wasn't working out so I switched for the second round. I said in coms that I was going to ult and only to use genji ult so we could save others for the next fight but rein still ultra.Was you the Zarya? Can't even remember. But yeah, I'd kill Ana and Soldier and just turn back to see our whole team has died. I try to stall on point waiting for the res and when I die, I see the Mercy walking back from spawn lol.
Who has the best weapon sounds and why is it Widowmaker
Yeah I was the zarya. I was tracer before but it wasn't working out so I switched for the second round. I said in coms that I was going to ult and only to use genji ult so we could save others for the next fight but rein still ultra.
Yeah it's a serious problem at this level. There's barely any ult management. The amount of times you see people use ults after the fight has become a 6v3 situation is staggering.
Zarya is probably one of the best carry heroes in the game. The best ult in the game along with an ability that can counter one shots like hook/charge is just so valuable.
Lmao it is pretty good.Zarya. When your full energy and shooting that gun... Erotic
In my experience the randoms instalocking the dps always fall into this category. And when you ask them to switch its "im gold in damage".Fuck me it's painful to see people pick DPS and never do any substantial damage.
The problem is everyone thinks they're the good one.
Sounds like a waste tbhSombra nano though
Sounds like a waste tbh
Sounds like a waste tbh
You're all the way back to before Ana released.Have I decayed down to 3000 yet?
Pretty much. You win a fight and people use it for clean up duty.Yeah it's a serious problem at this level. There's barely any ult management. The amount of times you see people use ults after the fight has become a 6v3 situation is staggering.
Zarya is probably one of the best carry heroes in the game. The best ult in the game along with an ability that can counter one shots like hook/charge is just so valuable.
Agree with both statements. At lower ranks people throw ults even though there's no more need for them, which gives the other team the advantage next fight. Being a good Zarya can get you into diamond/masters in no time.
Question about Zarya ult. Had a scenario today where Roadhog, Mercy and Ana were retreating to regroup with their team who had just spawned and I ulted them. Was this ok or just plain bad? The rein was nowhere near them and it was both their supports. Their respawns arrived too late to help and I had my ult up again next fight anyway. I might have gotten too bloodthirsty and wasted it.
Who has the best weapon sounds and why is it Widowmaker
I played a game on Hanamura where we legitimately had a 4 minute long team fight to win the point. By the end of it I was so stressed out I just called it a day.
Who has the best weapon sounds and why is it Widowmaker
I think that ult is fine. You get to stagger three of them, and without the Reinhardt there to shield them it should be three easy kills. Making the other team have to wait for their supports is always a good thing.
getting nano'd after an emp is no joke. shred through EVERYTHING