Mobile Suit Gooch
Grundle: The Awakening
Okay...I got that D.Va skin...Finally. Spent money for it tho.
Story of my life.
Is there s ban/suspended bug going around or something? Yesterday while I was playing the game just stopped toward the end of a match and I got booted out and wasn't able to long back on to the server( I'm on Xbox). Now when I turn it on competitive just says " unable to play while suspended or banned" and there's no clock or anything. Is this supposed to be permanent or something
I don't even know how you would cheat on a console. I guess I send them an email. No idea how any of this worksThere's either a bug or you got smacked upside the head with a ban for cheating. Either way, I'm curious to hear what happens next.![]()
I also got the pig hog skin, at first I though I liked it, but after a bit it ended up grossing me out. Everytime I saw hog in hero selection screen I pictured my own face inside a dead pig head and freaked out for a bit. Eventually I switched it to a shark skin which weirdly enough doesnt bother me at all.
If people want vod review for pc stuff I don't mind recording myself talking over one. Im not interested in doing any fancy editing, but I dont mind recording stuff to help people who have questions. I also answer questions and show how to do stuff when I stream ;_;
I can't do a ton or anything and I'd like to post anything for others to learn from too :v
An hour after my bad Volk loss with a single attack Mercy as our healer i played another comp game and it was Volk again with another single Mercy, but this time a battle mercy.
Why is this a thing that is happening to me? Is it because Blizzard knows i like Mercy so they want to crush me with bad Mercy teammate losses until i admit defeat and main Lucio? No one wants that fate.
Hot zen best zen.
Nutcracker Zenyatta is best Zenyatta.
Anywho, I'm at 2450. I just want to get to Platinum before the end of the month.![]()
Same. Finding someone to duo with, even using GAF, is really hard.
So when is the end of Season 3, anyways?
I'm about to spend 6750 and be brokespent 4.5 k coins to nab the things i missed, feels bad
spent 4.5 k coins to nab the things i missed, feels bad
I'm about to spend 6750 and be broke
I don't think they've set a date yet, but I doubt they wouldn't give at least a weeks noticeSo does Season 3 end in a couple days or next week?
Do I keep CP from this season? Or no.
Comp match starts, me (Ana) and the other healer (Mercy) mention that there is no one to sit with Rein and protect flanks/backs. Match goes on turns out we need a Pharah counter as well as a DPS to sit with Rein because not only are we getting picked from side but also top...meaning Soldier/McCree. Instead we get a shitty Tracer and another Pharah who can't hit the enemy Pharah, nor do they take care of our flanks/backs since they are busy getting hammered at the front line, so I have to take care of Pharah as Ana on my own instead while also trying to heal and check flanks. Match finishes everyone blames the poor Mercy, I tell them it's their fault for not protecting the flanks and he says "Don't play healer if you can't protect yourself" ...lolwut?
The reason I hate this game's competitive mode so much is that I can tell if we are going to win or lose the match within the first minute of a round starting depending on how the players behave and play. And it's heartbreaking to almost always find myself on a team where no one likes to switch to a team composition that has more synergy even after failing for 2 minutes straight. I'll take a 1000 Hanzos that protect flanks and do their job over useless DPS that can't protect flanks and get countered when they try to attack enemy.
Yeah, you shouldn't need many heals, but you need to know where health packs areIf its one thing I've noticed practicing my Tracer game in QP, its that she barely needs healing (unless the player is an idiot and doesn't grab health packs constantly when needed). I think one slow match gave me a self-heal card thanks to just under 1.2k healing from Recalls.
Its such a contrast from playing Zarya and Rein. Heals can make or break how well I go playing the tanks but if I get any healing while I'm playing as Tracer I think to myself, "Thanks, buddy. I didn't need it but I won't say no".
The only time I'll manually ask for healing is when we have a Torb and he's being a stinge with the armour kits.
Can't wait for season 4. Going to use the fresh start to bring up my skill with other characters up.
I don't get particularly angry, but the weekend kiddos really get me going. If I met some of these people in real life... we wouldn't have an issue because they probably wouldn't have anything to say face-to-face.
The RNG has treated me way worse in this event. On Olympics, Halloween and Christmas events i managed to get most of the stuff I wanted with just the regular drops.
In this one I've barely got anything, a couple of emotes/highlight intros here and there, and one single skin for Winston.