They should incentivize winning in Quick Play ¯\_(ツ

my deaths have increased substantially ever since I've seen the pros killing themselves in certain situations to respawn with their team and avoid giving the other team ult
especially the case with my main Lucio because I tend to out survive my team and really am best served respawning with them for speed boost
was actually wondering if this is something I should be doing. given that I see it done on the esports level, I'm assuming it isn't a terrible thing to do?
Yeah I mentioned this above that if you jump off the cliff then it'll inflate your deaths, though it might just quicken the inevitable so still useful stat.
With Lucio you don't necessarily have to jump off. If you can you can, disengage instead.
Bonus if you can speed boost other teammataes out and heal them up. You kinda have to decide. Plus some maps might not have a place for you to jump off.
If somebody has high kill participation, they are likely to at least be with the team doing something to make kills happen. It just lets me know who is actually contributing to fights and kills. I know some heroes won't get as many (lol Rein) but it's p informative of how people are trying to play the map in a high quality match. Damage is a good stat too, but if it isn't contributing to kills it's kind of bunk. Junkrat isn't the only one dealing trash damage.
I think deaths are good too, ye. Every death is a potentially lost teamfight which is massive. More people should play not to die sometimes ;~;
Yeah depends on the hero. I think KD is probably best since it takes both since it measures how much impact you have per life, but you have to consider what the average for a specific hero is since some aren't expected to get a higher KD.
With damage, I often hear in response so somebody saying they got gold damage medal that it was useless damage on reinhardt's shield but isn't it kinda of useful since you should be trying to break it and if they have to recharge it then you are delaying them? Useless damage to me would be poke damage when you have your ult.
Also forgot deaths get inflated during stall parts, and kills too. eg Hanamura point B. Defence throwing themselves on the point gives attackers more kills and defenders more deaths.