I was saying before that I think the server browser can fix this. Lots of unranked meta comp servers that people can play on if they get created. So like only 2 dps, 2 healers, No snipers, No Sym/torb or whatever like when I was playing TF2.
I mean, making "meta only" and limiting certain heroes is dumb as hell though. Servers for people wanting organized 6v6 sounds nice, yeah, but I would never change the core ruleset away from comp.
Eh that's dumb though. Overwatch does not strictly confirm to 222 and is better for it.
I don't mind dumb comps, i kinda just want people to work together even if just a little bit.
This. It's not people picking weird comps or off meta bs, it's people just clearly having no intention of winning or making anything that makes any sense whatsoever.