Yeah. Tracer will win a straight-up 1v1 with ease, but if Sombra sees her first—or Tracer doesn't sustain fire on Sombra because she's distracted—it's over.
Watching a Tracer or Genji flounder without blink or dash is pretty hilarious, tbh.
Honestly I'm more than okay with this, Genji and Tracer can just really mess with less skilled or new players so damn easily.Yea, I believe Sombra is a super hard counter to Genji and Tracer. They need their abilities.
To this day some of my friends who I've been playing with since the console beta still get in a right state when Tracer and Genji are running wild.
While Genji has always had a particular hard counter in Winston (now that's when I LOVE seeing the desperate deflect) Tracer I've always found tougher to nail down, sometimes my friends ask me how to best counter her and I'm kinda stuck with what to say, typically I say McCree flashbang.
I do tend to find when playing Tracer myself I get irked by jammy Hanzos (75% of the time I don't believe they planned that damn headshot!), scattering Junkrats and sometimes torb's turret in a tricky spot.
So yeah I'm quite happy with Sombra adding an extra role to countering these two, plus she's kinda screwed if the hack is interrupted.
It's kind of mean to the person who thinks they got it, lol.
In my match it was a Bastion whose team trash talked him all game for playing the character. So when he thought he got PotG he was popping off.
I've only seen the hack highlight go off three times and I was the victim in two of them, it hurts man.