How is your QP MMR like maxed out but your comp SR so low. I don't get it.
150 hours of Comp played, 400 hours of QP.
Another 250 hours of Comp and I might get GM.
The "maxed out QP MMR" still casts a pretty wide net, too. I still see other Diamonds in my QP games, even though most are Master/GM.
My placement matches are like walks in the park compared to QP, though. I'm absolutely going to get Master this season, I was 150 off last season and just kind of gave up after decaying back to 3000, but I'll do it this time.
I also play A LOOOOOOT of Lucio in Comp and my Lucio is nowhere near as good as my Mercy/Zen, but everyone always wants a Lucio and my preferred picks are more situational.