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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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I started playing comp again after basically skipping S3.

Master is so depressingly easy to get now. In S2 it was at least kind of difficult. I don't understand why.

Did the rank distribution changes in S3 affect Masters+GMs? I though it only changed the distribution so that less people end up in gold.
I haven't shaved in a while. Looking in the mirror this morning, I see a couple of really gray hairs in my beard and know right away what they are...

One for each of the Reinhardts I played with in last night's games.

In one, he never put up a shield. Not once. Would charge into 3-4 of the enemies and just swing. No shield to back up. In the other, we have ourselves a flanking Rein! Oooooo. Very skillfully feeding the enemy ult, who get and use them often. I see people complaining about folks not grouping behind a Rein... I'll settle for a Rein to fucking group behind!

But I had some really nice games with Zarya, which surprised me since I haven't played her in a while. Anytime I switched off of her in an effort at "team comp" it was a bad decision. I might just main her this season.

Fucking solo q, man. Massive highs, crushing lows.


I started playing comp again after basically skipping S3.

Master is so depressingly easy to get now. In S2 it was at least kind of difficult. I don't understand why.

Did the rank distribution changes in S3 affect Masters+GMs? I though it only changed the distribution so that less people end up in gold.

According to Blizzard, in s3 Master was top 3% and GM top 0.5%.


I haven't shaved in a while. Looking in the mirror this morning, I see a couple of really gray hairs in my beard and know right away what they are...

One for each of the Reinhardts I played with in last night's games.

In one, he never put up a shield. Not once. Would charge into 3-4 of the enemies and just swing. No shield to back up. In the other, we have ourselves a flanking Rein! Oooooo. Very skillfully feeding the enemy ult, who get and use them often. I see people complaining about folks not grouping behind a Rein... I'll settle for a Rein to fucking group behind!

But I had some really nice games with Zarya, which surprised me since I haven't played her in a while. Anytime I switched off of her in an effort at "team comp" it was a bad decision. I might just main her this season.

Fucking solo q, man. Massive highs, crushing lows.

I thought you looked liek your avy. Now you ruined the illusion.
This has easily been the worst comp season experience for me.
Yeah, I'm squatting around ~2650, wondering why I can't play every role. I can either instalock Soldier and maintain a >4.0 e/d but get braindead tanks and healers who die over and over...

...or I can lock the tanks and supports and watch tilted dudes who are "diamond" but plummeting 300-400 points below their season highs do absolutely nothing on McCree.

Whenever I try to use something fun like Sombra or Winston, there's just no teamwork at this level to support them.

Made Top 1000 Mercy for QP

And somehow Top 1000 Satan
Top 1000 useless, pointless Sombra main over here.

I need to play Zarya more. I miss my Season 2 Waifu.

Man last night's matches were so different than the day before.

I think I went 3-1, only lost one because one of our supports decided to play Widowmaker when we had like 15 meters left on the payload.

Oh well. Can't win 'em all. My Rein seems to be helping improve my win streak, however.

Back to 2700, which took me much longer to get to last season. Hopefully I hit Diamond this season!


Yeah and Diamond is top 10% anyway, so if you're high diamond I guess you're top 5%.
Hopefully this is the season I finally manage it. Going to insta lock zarya as much at I can. Diamond was top 14%. Since it was 10% of the population reached diamond, 3% reached masters and less than 1% GM.
Same i decided to start locking Zarya asap.
Most of my losses now are coming from dps not being able to do their jobs or just getting outplayed.


Same i decided to start locking Zarya asap.
Most of my losses now are coming from dps not being able to do their jobs or just getting outplayed.

From Ana to Zarya too right?
My only loss so far came because our Sombra was never in the fight or hacking reinhardt. Just too focused on hacking packs and our other dps was pharah. Other team had soldier, mccree and ana all on the high ground uncontested. Was begging for a Winston.
That was as Ana so my Zarya games are still 100% win rate.
From Ana to Zarya too right?
My only loss so far came because our Sombra was never in the fight or hacking reinhardt. Just too focused on hacking packs and our other dps was pharah. Other team had soldier, mccree and ana all on the high ground uncontested. Was begging for a Winston.
That was as Ana so my Zarya games are still 100% win rate.

Yh, my win rate with Ana tanked at the beginning of the season with the bastion buffs and i dont feel as comfortable as before with her. I guess i loss my confidence with her

My Zaryas been getting better from end of s3

I almost lost a hanamura match yesterday night cause of a Sombra as well but i asked as politely as possible
"i dont mind off meta picks if you can make it work but switch off if it doesnt pls"

We won 3-2 after the player switched to tracer and things became much easier and ended the game with a pulse bomb combo.


Some guy called me toxic for tilting, despite flexing for people who wouldn't flex and getting mad when people would keep waking up the bastion in tank configuration.

Oh Overwatch.

I did go attack torb though. That was fun surprisingly!


Looking for meaning in GAF
Doa and Monte keep roasting Esca ;_;
I'm not sure what the casters have against Esca. He seems to be doing fine to me. Even if he wasn't getting picks he's doing his job and being a credible threat.

Sure, he's not Flower but he's always doing a pretty decent job on whatever hero he's on. I was pretty put off by the casters endlessly shitting on him.


The thing about Esca is he used to the "best" hitscan DPS in KR and a superstar player. As it turns out a season later, he just isn't/ He's still really good though, and his focus has changed from being a superstar DPS to having a bigger hero pool and being supporting of his team.

If you had those high expectations of him McCree dinking everyone in the world again you're gonna be disappointed. I think the dude is still world class and is focusing on different things, but yeah if you expected him to be the god it's a letdown.

He is also integral to LH's gameplan and playstyle, and he has off anf on put himself in bad positions and gotten picked. When he does get killed, it's usually extremely obvious and it will result in them losing entire maps.


I appreciate good Zaryas.
Our Zarya Dva combo was good.
Yh, my win rate with Ana tanked at the beginning of the season with the bastion buffs and i dont feel as comfortable as before with her. I guess i loss my confidence with her

My Zaryas been getting better from end of s3

I almost lost a hanamura match yesterday night cause of a Sombra as well but i asked as politely as possible
"i dont mind off meta picks if you can make it work but switch off if it doesnt pls"

We won 3-2 after the player switched to tracer and things became much easier and ended the game with a pulse bomb combo.
Haven't completed my placements so its not showing my stats on overbuff yet.
Have to make do with my masteroverwatch stats per minute instead. or overtracker for average stats.

Wish overbuff would show my comp stats :(


Already two matches where we're winning 2 to 1 and the enemy team presses the emergency button and summons a bastion, destroys us immediately. This fucking sucks. Worst season so far for me.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I didn't know he was considered a god before. I always saw him as similar to Zunba in that he's a really good player playing a very behind-the-scenes role, so he doesn't get much recognition even though he plays a vital role in empowering the higher-profile stars of the team.

So it's pretty shitty to hear the casters say that watching Esca on Widow is "painful" because good god man, show some respect. He may not be single-handedly carrying on Widow, but there's a reason why he's there.


Some guy called me toxic for tilting, despite flexing for people who wouldn't flex and getting mad when people would keep waking up the bastion in tank configuration.

Oh Overwatch.

I did go attack torb though. That was fun surprisingly!

So...you got called toxic for being toxic? lol


Yeah, I agree. As good at Monte is at casting, I don't think he quite understands what exactly Lunatic Hai's 2/2/2 is aiming to do with Esca in those situations. To be fair, not a lot fo people outside of Korea really get that playstyle. Like when Esca is on Widow, yeah he's not getting crazy headshots cause hes not a serious Widow player like Taimou. It doesn't matter though, he's just picking her because on that map he will consistently apply pressure and finish kills regardless.

Again though, this season he's been really hot and cold on a lot of stuff. He's had to drastically alter his hero pool, change from being a carry to a supporting DPS, and there are monstrous DPS players in KR where they weren't before. Esca was known for gettign in over his head and dying in S1, and so far in S2 he's had a rougher time with that which has costed his team entire maps. That's why he's getting called out more than anything; if somebody on LH is going to throw it will be him almost every time. It's easy to see him as the biggest liability in that sense.

When he does take those risks and make those plays though he's a god tier player. If he could consistently iron out the "optimistic" nature of how he sets up plays he'd be one of the best DPS players in the world. Not mechanically even, just on a teamwork and fighting level.

LH is a fun team to analyze. Lot's of interesting players in a very interesting playstyle.


Eh, I don't think Miro's hero pool is so much of a problem as it is his depth in understanding and adapting in tank mirrors. His Reinhardt isn't really bad, it's just not as three dimensional as it needs to be. A team like Runaway can match LH 1:1 on execution of those mobile comps, and I just don't think Miro was ready to adjust to a Rein going ham in a situation like that.

LH in general had not run into a team that could 1:1 match their mobile 2/2/2 playstyle, and they all seemed a bit flustered about how to handle it. I hope they work to iron that out as a team moving froward. It's their only really notable weakness right now.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I've noticed that Korean teams do use Widow differently, at least in contrast to Taimou's Widow. I feel like when I saw Koreans pull out Widow, they don't go for those crazy headshots but often just try to apply additional damage with bodyshots. They aren't getting crazy picks on people, but they are applying damage and pressure that the rest of the team can capitalize on. It leads to a less flashy looking Widow, but it still seems to work.

It's one reason why I think Envyus deserved to lose their last few matches as of late. Taimou kept trying to be a hero to replicate his team-carrying plays instead of having the team really work together. Sure, the other players started trying out other heroes and plays, but Taimou kept trying to bank the whole team's success on him taking risks and pulling off miracles, while the teams they fought against did much steadier, safer strategies that proved to work out in the long run. I don't know if it was Taimou tilting or just his ego talking, but I don't think a team can rely so heavily on crazy clutch plays. It'll lose to overall solid play eventually.


So...you got called toxic for being toxic? lol

Well yeah, I guess so.

TBH I don't really care. I keep a calm demeanor in the bulk of my games, consistently work to be a team player in all of them. Asking people nicely to do things just doesn't work sometimes. I didn't insult anyone, I didn't blame anyone. I asked someone nicely to switch and they ended up rage switching then quitting, so if I have to be toxic in that situation, then fine, I am.


I'm gonna play sometime soon. Maybe next week. QP and then comp.
I'm doing it to practice Sombra in a competitive environment without messing up my pc accouont :D

Did you do your placements on PS4 already? Practicing Sombra in Comp? Not on my watch!


Did you do your placements on PS4 already? Practicing Sombra in Comp? Not on my watch!

Nah I only did placements on ps4 last season because my girlfriend wanted to see what I would place. Won 2 games and got 3333 I think.
She wants to see me do this season but I want to practice sombra in my placements now so I can use her on pc if Orisa/Winston/Rein ever becomes popular combo.


Nah I only did placements on ps4 last season because my girlfriend wanted to see what I would place. Won 2 games and got 3333 I think.
She wants to see me do this season but I want to practice sombra in my placements now so I can use her on pc if Orisa/Winston/Rein ever becomes popular combo.

I'll be curious to see what your rank is from placements then.


Well yeah, I guess so.

TBH I don't really care. I keep a calm demeanor in the bulk of my games, consistently work to be a team player in all of them. Asking people nicely to do things just doesn't work sometimes. I didn't insult anyone, I didn't blame anyone. I asked someone nicely to switch and they ended up rage switching then quitting, so if I have to be toxic in that situation, then fine, I am.

I mean, I get your frustrations, and feel the same ones fairly often and start to tilt internally. Previously, I was really bad about tilting towards my team too when they refused to make adjustments even when asked politely and whatnot..but I've found over time that it tilting at all just increases your chances of losing exponentially, so I put on a shit-eating grin now and try to be as positive as humanly possible until the last second.


The more I play Orisa, the more I realize that she is NOT an anchor tank, her abilities are not well equipped to be that. She might be a great replacement to Zarya or even Roadhog, but Rein is here to stay.

I am thinking that we might need another anchor tank so we could get some diversity in tactics.


The more I play Orisa, the more I realize that she is NOT an anchor tank, her abilities are not well equipped to be that. She might be a great replacement to Zarya or even Roadhog, but Rein is here to stay.

I am thinking that we might need another anchor tank so we could get some diversity in tactics.

Problem with Orisa is that she just lacks the mobility of Reinhardt so she isn't as effective at going through chokes as your main tank. I think she'll be a really good off-tank but she fails as your "anchor" tank atm.

Also Earthshatter >>>


Problem with Orisa is that she just lacks the mobility of Reinhardt so she isn't as effective at going through chokes as your main tank. I think she'll be a really good off-tank but she fails as your "anchor" tank atm.

Also Earthshatter >>>

I just wish they gave her more unique abilities like Sombra rather than give his a mix of other heroes' abilities.


I just wish they gave her more unique abilities like Sombra rather than give his a mix of other heroes' abilities.

I think that's the most disapppinting aspect of her. They sorta did recycle some other abilities for her. She was fun to mess around with in PTR but she's not really unique apart from her design.


I mean, I get your frustrations, and feel the same ones fairly often and start to tilt internally. Previously, I was really bad about tilting towards my team too when they refused to make adjustments even when asked politely and whatnot..but I've found over time that it tilting at all just increases your chances of losing exponentially, so I put on a shit-eating grin now and try to be as positive as humanly possible until the last second.

Yeah, I should just try that.

Also lol at the throwing Genji we queued with back to back Nuno.


Nah I only did placements on ps4 last season because my girlfriend wanted to see what I would place. Won 2 games and got 3333 I think.
She wants to see me do this season but I want to practice sombra in my placements now so I can use her on pc if Orisa/Winston/Rein ever becomes popular combo.

I wish my girlfriend wanted to watch me play. :(

She has a lot to say when Widow is on the menu screen though lol.


I started playing comp again after basically skipping S3.

Master is so depressingly easy to get now. In S2 it was at least kind of difficult. I don't understand why.

Did the rank distribution changes in S3 affect Masters+GMs? I though it only changed the distribution so that less people end up in gold.

It affected every league. Platinum was overcrowded in S2, so they pushed people out in both directions. It's easier to climb to the higher ranks, but also easier to drop to the lower ones, where in Season 2 it tried as hard as it could to keep you in Platinum.

S2 Diamond is pretty much S3/4 Master. In S2, there wasn't even a difference between GM and Top 500, because the minimum SR for Top500 was <4000. Now it's like ~4300.


Lol does she play on ps4? Does she main support? You should convert her to pc.
She changed from dva main to mercy main this season. Plans to go pc soon. I hate mercy mains though. They are more tolerable now though.
I need more PS4 peeps to play Comp with and this comment only makes me sad. You PC guys have plenty of company.
I'll get her to add you :p
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