30 games into the season, I'm still getting it. My last loss was -22 and my last win was +39.
I'm pretty sure that my bonus SR stopped at 25 games after placements (35 games total).
It's still common to win 30-35 SR per victory but I don't think it's bonus SR because sometimes I also get like 20 or so.
If you can say something when you win a game after the 35 without being on a winstreak to see if it's actually like this.
I dont get it, what is about being in gold and people ignoring mercy.
I continue to get games where i know mercy has her ult and she's going to come in and win the game....and I tell everyone, focus mercy, mercy mercy mercy.
and yet people ignore her and she flys in and rezzes like 4.
yet, I never get that mercy on my team....I always get the mercy who dies before the team does, and doesn't get back in time.
I've literally lost all my games today due to this ONE issue. I try to focus her as Rein, looking for her, But I just don't do enough damage before she "HEROES NEVER DIE"
Some of my games in gold were hilarious because of this. A lot of times I was playing Zen and I was chasing the enemy Mercy inside a huge fight where everyone just ignored me. It's like if I'm not shooting them it's ok, they don't bother with me, even if I'm killing their Mercy lol
And Mercys at this level don't use pistol a single time to fight back, it's unbelievable.
What do you guys think about mains in Overwatch?
IMO not good if you want to climb by yourself. People often say to at least be good with one dps/tank/support but even that is not enough.
Counters are so strong in this game that the more characters you know how to play, the better you are prepared in case games aren't going in a favorable way to your team.
That requires a lot of time though, in my case I started playing with different characters when I got bored of playing Tracer, Genji and Pharah every single game. Switched to Lucio and Rein first and then started adding new ones has the time passed.