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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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Log in and notice I've lost 150 SR to decay. Decide to play some comp to stem the bleeding, Everyone is still playing bastion meta on console. Guess I'll check back tomorrow then.


3 wins in a row, 2 with trolls on the other team that gave up on defending just because we finished the map on attack. Disgusting.

Sent you a message from my main a few days ago, was wondering what's going on. Already sent you a FR from my alt, only playing there for now.

No one seems to be playing this anymore when I log in with my main. Too many good games released at once.
I've been on but I guess I'm not on your friends list anymore lol


Had a mercy main in my placement game who was 3900. Team dies but I manage to escape. We regroup but not enough healing so at can't engage yet. Wondering why mercy wasn't healing. Turns out she was near their spawn losing a 1 V 1 to their mercy.
I feel bad for Mercies that take the surprising amount of damage meme as actual advice to use the pistol.

I don't know why Mercy has a "Solo Kills" stat on Overbuff. The higher that stat, the worse the Mercy.
Since turning off voice chat and putting on music instead, I've climbed from my low point of 2450 (immediately after placements, when I was on a gross losing streak) to about 2750.

The other key is to not let anyone else play Ana or Soldier, I've discovered.


I feel bad for Mercies that take the surprising amount of damage meme as actual advice to use the pistol.

I don't know why Mercy has a "Solo Kills" stat on Overbuff. The higher that stat, the worse the Mercy.
Yeah don't know what they were doing. Guessing they disengaged but they should've just jumped off. Staggered deaths and we lost that team fight since they engaged us right after mercy died. Lost that round but won the game at least.
Since turning off voice chat and putting on music instead, I've climbed from my low point of 2450 (immediately after placements, when I was on a gross losing streak) to about 2750.

The other key is to not let anyone else play Ana or Soldier, I've discovered.

I've been playing all solo queue this season and have been doing just that. After 3 seasons in the 2800 range, I have decided that comms are mostly worthless in that elo and below (when solo queing). People will generally not listen to call outs and strategy and the flaming and tilting of others occurs often and is detrimental. The few times I have joined voice this season upon specific request, the person requesting usually turns out to be a huge jerk and I find myself just muting and squelching them. There are times when it has been useful but it's rare.

I always use coms if I'm playing with anyone else but I'm finding it to just not be worth it when I'm solo. I'm also maining DPS this season while solo and DPS get a lot of flak when things go awry. As a DPS it's easier to focus and come back with huge results after a bad engage and win when people aren't constantly screaming in your ear to swap within the first 30 seconds of the game.


Yup, you don't need comms if you're good enough with your heroes and have good game sense. Just hearing people whine or bitch about something is just a big distraction.
I've been on but I guess I'm not on your friends list anymore lol

I'm playing way too late for you on the week, usually 0-1am, though that might change in this one. My SR right now is 2750, if we play together the average will be around 3000SR. In theory the games should be easier, but I don't know if there's also a higher chance of getting throwers compared to games with an average 200-300SR higher than that. I'm always up to play with you when I'm in a comp mood.

Are people over their the fear of Bastion on console yet? Are we gonna do some real Comp?

Bastions in my games have been hilarious. He's OP for sure, but a lot of people overestimate his abilities, you can't just be by yourself in sentry mode completely exposed and expect to survive lmao

And yeah, I'm also not using mic anymore. If I'm in a group I turn voice chat on, but I'm not speaking anymore. My concentration levels are much higher this way, and in my last games I didn't felt like the talk was helping at all... on the contrary, only makes me feel more frustrated.


Bastions in my games have been hilarious. He's OP for sure, but a lot of people overestimate his abilities, you can't just be by yourself in sentry mode completely exposed and expect to survive lmao

He needs a team to babysit him do to anything. So yea, he's not that much of a threat.
Wow. No wonder my stats are shit compared to last season. I just had a complete shutdown in Hanamura defense with Soldier, and quick rush to cap the point when we attacked (team did well and changed). The only person that rubbed me the wrong way was our Junkrat; he doesn't give a shit about team comp and died instantly at the choke point instead of taking the high ground or spamming form a safe place.

In every competitive game I had, a Junkrat must have been there, and he was argumentative and mostly refuses to switch. Seriously. Junkrat is the new Hanzo; at least Hanzo has his shitty arrow and ult+grav combo.

I am probably a game away from gold. Last game was good; we had good communication and our plan worked. Hopefully low level players will start rushing choke points and choosing dive characters more instead of dying at choke points. They just give Sym and turret characters too much respect; just rush them and capitalize when a flanker starts poking the team from behind; it is like they freeze, watch you die while preparing a toxic team message that says die with us behind the choke point. I recall going behind the team and destroying EVERY Sym turret there with Tracer, so half of their DAMAGED team starts chasing me and my team didn't respond. It is partially my fault for not calling them via voice channel even if they don't want to listen (it was QP with me preparing Tracer for comp).

I had some good games with Tracer and Winston lately; I am getting the hang of them. I previously avoided DPS heroes because of my ping and lack of map knowledge (health packs specifically). My aim got much better too, even though I don't have aim issues in another games. I bought the G502 logitech FPS (optical is much better than laser) mouse and it is really great; that and practicing aim in custom games.

Speaking of my gaming mouse, the last one I had was brand new, but it was cheap. I bought cheap stuff because I already have another set and I am transporting my whole damn PC with me every weekend. So the new cheap one has a shitty laser and low DPI. When I do fast movements like concussive blast behind and then look in front again (-180 degrees and back to neutral), the mouse actually slows down as in it cannot read movements that fast. I tried messing around with dpi settings but it was clearly a crappy laser issue lol. It was hilarious; flicks were very inaccurate with MCree and Widow.


Completely agree. Junkrat's that refuse to switch are much worse than Hanzo's that refuse to switch. At least even bad hanzo's get random hs or good ults but Junkrat's are always terrible. When told to switch they play the ''..b-but gold damage'' card.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Completely agree. Junkrat's that refuse to switch are much worse than Hanzo's that refuse to switch. At least even bad hanzo's get random hs or good ults but Junkrat's are always terrible. When told to switch they play the ''..b-but gold damage'' card.

Most of that gold damage was probably from spamming at large, impossible to miss barriers.


You what feels good? When my Soldier does more damage than the Junk in my team of randoms. Just doing my job.

I had a game recently where I was gold damage as Sombra when we had a Roadhog on our team.

DrRiku isn't pro, but he is a god Hog


Harb is awesome, but he does play a lot of Zarya.

Harbleu would be my best suggestion to watch. He plays zarya a lot too though.

So I watched this:

And he plays how I do, which is the opposite of how people here said to play Hog. He's not tanking the team fights, he's roaming and taking picks, even to the point where he stalks a Lucio for a good 2 minutes toward the end instead of protecting the payload. I don't know what to think. :-/
Log in and notice I've lost 150 SR to decay. Decide to play some comp to stem the bleeding, Everyone is still playing bastion meta on console. Guess I'll check back tomorrow then.

I was on a tilt and tried to force my last two placements, which were losses, and landed in the mid-2800s. I've been playing solo since. Hit a personal low, dipping into the 2700s, where I've never been.

But I'm back in the 2800s. I go up to 2890 and then I fall down to 2810. Back and forth, all weekend long. Ugly, ugly weekend.

I need to duo/trio to break through to the other side but haven't caught anyone on.

Also, FYI for everyone: Zarya at max charge using just her beam cannot out-damage Bastion's self-heal when he's in turret mode. Bastion never gains any ground, but she can't kill him with that alone. You'll eventually reload and he'll poke you.

I can play Zen for that. Did that in placements with no issues as long as other people know to focus on him.

I had a round the other day as Zen on Hanamura. We had a Mei that would wall when Rein's shield would drop. I kept a discord on Bastion and charged alt-fire. When he blasted through Mei's wall, I'd let it go. Killed him around 3 times that way before he finally changed his tactics. By then, it was too late and they never took point A.

Zen smokes Bastion if he can peek around corners or have some type of protection.
I just hate Bastion. Why? Because you need your WHOLE team to know how to deal with him. The moment they are afraid and they don't know how to navigate the map, you lose. It is stupid because today I had a game in Anubis where our generic Bastion player who stood in one place behind my shield got cheesed by the other team when they rushed left in the first point and flanked us from the right. I shielded them and pointed out the direction of the other team, yet fucking Bastion didn't change position, and my team didn't kill the damn overextended rein that I baited from the other team.

Next round, I tell them to use the same standard strategy to attack point A in Anubs that the other team demonstrated live in front of them, yet I find myself alone and FUCKED in the left hallway even though I told them I am going there. Okay, shit happens, I tell them to regroup and go left, then I flank left from windows above yet they still die and I've never been healed (ironically, Ana blamed me and started cussing when we lost). I killed their Bastion and Mercy at the same time, and nothing happens. We still lose after D.Va ults and our Reinhardt is not Reinhardt anymore (could have blocked the ult AND allowed us to shoot into our Zarya's grav). A lot of stuff happened in that game that were wrong, but the most jarring was that Bastion; it happened in front of them. The other team showed them how to enter and take point A. It is ridiculous.

I just can't wait until Bastion becomes irrelevant again. There is no point in having a systematically powerful team just because of one stupid character that requires too much attention from both sides. It negates all the mechanical skill and positioning that you would have in a non-Bastion game. His issue is high DPS; the game doesn't work well with high DPS characters that can have healers and barriers around them; it is stupid. Get the fucking memo and nerf that gimmicky piece of shit. How generic can you get with a moving, self-healing, high DPS turret? Just make anything other than that.
Didn't get to play this weekend.

Did I miss anything or has the meta settled down a bit post Bastion buffs?

I've only seen him picked sporadically but he doesn't seem THAT hard to burst down.

I played Zenyatta for 3 matches in a row (King's Row, Gibraltar, King's Row) and he was one the first two and it was pretty easy for someone to do normal flanking while I debuffed him and Kamehameha'd him. He's getting nerfed a tad, I believe, and it's certainly something he could do with because it feels like he can suck too much out of a team if people don't know how to deal with. That's probably as it should be (if you don't know + adapt you should lose), but equally he's just a bit too tanky.

In other news, made it to Diamond for 2nd season in a row which is nice. Sometimes those matches that will tip you over the edge are so tense that by the end of if I feel all Inner Me vs Battle Zenyatta:

Esp when you're so close to wwinning and the team go on Bilbo-esque adventures
getting a little better shooting. also i LOVE the sleep animation when you dart a pharah in the air. her ugly but gracious falling from the sky is great lol. we had a soldier who didn't do shit through a game. i took her down with my dart than the soldier did (which only killed her because he had ult)


Really? Zen is one one of the best heroes, imo. What rank are you?

I'm 2100. I started picking him to help me climb as I'm solo-queuing. Won all the matches I've used him on so far but I get mega whining and passive-aggressiveness for choosing him.
Reading all of your placement match horror stories, I don't understand how I got off so well in comparison. I ended the last season at 3009 SR and after W7-L3 placement matches I ended up at 2950. I won one game and I was back where I was last season.

Lucky? :p


I'm 2100. I started picking him to help me climb as I'm solo-queuing. Won all the matches I've used him on so far but I get mega whining and passive-aggressiveness for choosing him.

Because he don't have burst healing. But in comps that have a lot of squishies (200 hp) characters and few tanks, I would argue Zenyatta is a better pick over the average Ana.



So I watched this:

And he plays how I do, which is the opposite of how people here said to play Hog. He's not tanking the team fights, he's roaming and taking picks, even to the point where he stalks a Lucio for a good 2 minutes toward the end instead of protecting the payload. I don't know what to think. :-/
Can't really tell you anything about it since I don't play hog. I stick behind rein though on the rare time I do play him. Probably because he's playing against diamonds instead of the usual GMs so he can afford to play like that? Better to find a game with him playing better players.

How to trigger Skii

So I watched this:

And he plays how I do, which is the opposite of how people here said to play Hog. He's not tanking the team fights, he's roaming and taking picks, even to the point where he stalks a Lucio for a good 2 minutes toward the end instead of protecting the payload. I don't know what to think. :-/
Harbleu himself would tell you that he only does this in Competitive because he knows he can get away with it. He's specifically said that in a team environment/higher SR match going for those roaming picks can end up fucking you and your team over if you get caught out. It really just depends on the coordination of yours and the enemy team.


I'm 2100. I started picking him to help me climb as I'm solo-queuing. Won all the matches I've used him on so far but I get mega whining and passive-aggressiveness for choosing him.

Man, his Discord is so good that I dunno why anyone would bitch about him. Oh well, can't win them all.
Can't really tell you anything about it since I don't play hog. I stick behind rein though on the rare time I do play him. Probably because he's playing against diamonds instead of the usual GMs so he can afford to play like that? Better to find a game with him playing better players.

How to trigger Skii

Harbleu himself would tell you that he only does this in Competitive because he knows he can get away with it. He's specifically said that in a team environment/higher SR match going for those roaming picks can end up fucking you and your team over if you get caught out. It really just depends on the coordination of yours and the enemy team.

Thanks! I see he has video guides - going to watch those today.
Man, his Discord is so good that I dunno why anyone would bitch about him. Oh well, can't win them all.

rogue zen is best zen until you realize theres no healers on your team. feelsbadman. i can do both until team decides to go behind a wall. bitch. if blizz buff zen to allow heals through walls it would be great.

i need to learn a tank. because everyone rushes to pick support during comp.

i picked zarya which i'm so bad at it. need to learn how to put up barrier and shield others better. luckily QP still allows me to goof around and learn until they get people whining like they trying to recruit people or something.
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