Because he's not Lucio or Ana.
It's Blizzard's fault for making those two the dominant Supports to such a degree that people get mad at you for picking anything else.
Corner peeking a discorded bastion with a full volley of orbs is so delicious.
I play alot of Zen but still don't use alt fire as much as I should. I should practice it more, especially if the reload buff goes live.
Reading all of your placement match horror stories, I don't understand how I got off so well in comparison. I ended the last season at 3009 SR and after W7-L3 placement matches I ended up at 2950. I won one game and I was back where I was last season.
Just under 200 SR for 3 wins in a row ez ez
Because he don't have burst healing. But in comps that have a lot of squishies (200 hp) characters and few tanks, I would argue Zenyatta is a better pick over the average Ana.
Just under 200 SR for 3 wins in a row ez ez
Just under 200 SR for 3 wins in a row ez ez
Your Sombra videos have made me an almost powerful Sombra. I will keep at it.
I would like to watch these videos.
Let's play a game of guess the enemy team's average SR.
Easiest street phase I've ever had.
Also a decent dart on a nano'd Tracer from the same game.
lol if you didnt show the status screen i woulda thought you're playing with some plat or gold. the whole enemy team was so uncoordinated and that junkrat up on the high ground still lobbing nades when the payload is already past him by a whole lot
But unless you are at least master meta is not as important as personal skill. And even then, some of the top SoloQ mains on LoL aren't even used in pro because the meta there is different.Too many memories flooding back now of some players spamming Lucio on the character select screen over and over during season 2 to dictate your character choice.
Or Rein when I went with a tank that wasn't him.
Obviously I get why (the meta!) but it doesn't stop it from being obnoxious.
Because he don't have burst healing. But in comps that have a lot of squishies (200 hp) characters and few tanks, I would argue Zenyatta is a better pick over the average Ana.
So Sty just did a video calling people who play only one hero as "One Trick Ponies". I say that's a better name over Mains.
Damn. Can't edit it out though
You didn't give a number though. It's.3672
We finished that map with 5:10 left and pretty much just walked it to the last check point like the previous one. The enemy team was playing 2-2-2 with Soldier, Genji, Zarya, Dva, Ana and Widow so it wasn't as bad as that comp but they all changed as we got first point on the first push.
So Sty just did a video calling people who play only one hero as "One Trick Ponies". I say that's a better name over Mains.
Let's play a game of guess the enemy team's average SR.
Easiest street phase I've ever had.
Also a decent dart on a nano'd Tracer from the same game.
thanks for linking, i like having sombra gameplay to watch while eatingWell if you insistalthough disclaimer, all my sombra vids are on QP, my comp grind has been almost all mercy so far!![]()
Man you're strolling through placements whilst I got my shit kicked in.
Guess I wont be queuing with you anymore rip.
thanks for linking, i like having sombra gameplay to watch while eating
still trying to figure out the best way to use her
i usually use her till i get an ult or two then switch to tracer :lol
Guys, please stop picking Mercy on KotH. It is very hard to make her work on those maps; yes, she's better with the invincible res but she still has a hard time keeping herself alive while staying in position to heal her team.
An ineffective Mercy is just about the biggest liability that a team can have.
Actual sentence I heard in voice chat today:
"Why the FUCK do we have two healers?!"
God, I hate silver tier...
Actual sentence I heard in voice chat today:
"Why the FUCK do we have two healers?!"
God, I hate silver tier...
Actual sentence I heard in voice chat today:
"Why the FUCK do we have two healers?!"
God, I hate silver tier...
Happens quite a bit in gold games. Ill go ana or zen to heal with Lucio and people will trigger. I don't get it. Doesn't happen as much in plat.
are you on console? I've NEVER had this happen in gold. rarely in silver. But I'm on PC.
but like 95% of the time, no one ever questions 2 healers. People just bitch when we only have 1 healer and want 2 healers.
Valkia tearin' it up on NA right now. 120 ping and still the Pharah God(420).
Guys, please stop picking Mercy on KotH. It is very hard to make her work on those maps; yes, she's better with the invincible res but she still has a hard time keeping herself alive while staying in position to heal her team.
An ineffective Mercy is just about the biggest liability that a team can have.
The difference between mains and one-tricks is that one-tricks don't switch, but mains will.So Sty just did a video calling people who play only one hero as "One Trick Ponies". I say that's a better name over Mains.
The difference between mains and one-tricks is that one-tricks don't switch, but mains will.
I'm a Mercy main, but I play a good Zen, too, and I'm willing to fill roles even other than support. I've switched from Mercy to Ana in games where my team was convinced it was the only way we could win. I've only played Mercy in half my games this season (14 out of 30).
Now Eevee is a one-trick Mercy. He only plays Mercy and will just leave the game if someone tries to pick it so he can't.
DSPStanky is a one-trick Lucio, but nobody complains about one-tricks Lucios or Reins.![]()
That's basically the whole point of the video, heh
Overwatch Pit Championship gonna be great (starts March 20):
Notable USA Teams:
NRG & friends
LG Evil (formerly Hammers)
Notable EU Teams:
eUnited (formerly Reunited lol)
Ninjas in Pyjamas
Bench Boys
Eissfeldt and Mineral just went inactive from LG Loyal last week, so I wonder who they'll be running.
Overwatch Pit Championship gonna be great (starts March 20):
Notable USA Teams:
NRG & friends
LG Evil (formerly Hammers)
Notable EU Teams:
eUnited (formerly Reunited lol)
Ninjas in Pyjamas
Bench Boys
The difference between mains and one-tricks is that one-tricks don't switch, but mains will.
I'm a Mercy main, but I play a good Zen, too, and I'm willing to fill roles even other than support. I've switched from Mercy to Ana in games where my team was convinced it was the only way we could win. I've only played Mercy in half my games this season (14 out of 30).
Now Eevee is a one-trick Mercy. He only plays Mercy and will just leave the game if someone tries to pick it so he can't.
DSPStanky is a one-trick Lucio, but nobody complains about one-trick Lucios or Reins.![]()