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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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sparkle this bitch
Just had one of my best games as Ana. Shame for the nerf, because shooting down Pharahs has finally clicked. Getting nasty with that sleep gun though. Definitely had one of my favorite plays with running up to a Reinhart with shield, sleeping him, ulting our soldier right as I did. I died, but he mowed down the other team with his Ult+mine.

I feel like I should learn Lucio and Zen too or at least Zen. Then I'd feel pretty well balanced going forward. Can do Zayra/Rein/DVa, Mercy/Ana/Zen, Soldier/Pharah, Bastion.

Would anyone be interested in starting to team up in Comp for a game every now and then? I'm around 2750 now. Still pretty new to the game, but improving. I'd like to get 3000 ^_^


So salty with competitive today, dropped from around 3550 to 3390 thanks to team mates quitting, deliberate throws and some just not bothering to try and work as a team. Wish there was a report button.

Still, at least I now get to play with some friends I couldn't before so there are positives.
The difference between mains and one-tricks is that one-tricks don't switch, but mains will.

I'm a Mercy main, but I play a good Zen, too, and I'm willing to fill roles even other than support. I've switched from Mercy to Ana in games where my team was convinced it was the only way we could win. I've only played Mercy in half my games this season (14 out of 30).

Now Eevee is a one-trick Mercy. He only plays Mercy and will just leave the game if someone tries to pick it so he can't.

DSPStanky is a one-trick Lucio, but nobody complains about one-trick Lucios or Reins. :p

That's because that's a job no one wants. I'll gladly swap out one of those characters if a OTP asks me to swap with them, even though I can play them decently enough. No one will complain about characters who are needed every match in which any fill-in will suffice.

I will say this though, playing one character for too long will distort your sense of getting outplayed. For instance, Kephrii will be quick to blame his team comp rather than his Widowmaker pick. Actually, he'll blame his own aim rather than swallow his pride and admit that the Widowmaker pick might not be as useful at some of the later stages of maps.


Last night, me and my friends did a 6-stack for competitive and we did surprisingly well. I think our tally for the night was 4-2? It was a really nice change of pace for me cause usually people are so against 6-stacks. Perhaps cause we were all playing the in high-gold low-plat range, and we had two players who are normally diamonds? Either way, feelsgoodman


Dropping like crazy right now due to alot of terrible ass comps. Guys getting hard countered but won't change because "it's my main". I don't get the whole I rather lose as a main then possibly win with someone that works.

Main reason I hate the whole "I main X" because other then a few characters like lucio and mercy where you can make that argument, that shit is toxic


That's because that's a job no one wants. I'll gladly swap out one of those characters if a OTP asks me to swap with them, even though I can play them decently enough. No one will complain about characters who are needed every match in which any fill-in will suffice.

I will say this though, playing one character for too long will distort your sense of getting outplayed. For instance, Kephrii will be quick to blame his team comp rather than his Widowmaker pick. Actually, he'll blame his own aim rather than swallow his pride and admit that the Widowmaker pick might not be as useful at some of the later stages of maps.
I've seen Kephrii swap to McCree when the Widow wasn't working, but I've also seen him stay on Widow when it wasn't working, either, so he can be stubborn for sure.


Last night, me and my friends did a 6-stack for competitive and we did surprisingly well. I think our tally for the night was 4-2? It was a really nice change of pace for me cause usually people are so against 6-stacks. Perhaps cause we were all playing the in high-gold low-plat range, and we had two players who are normally diamonds? Either way, feelsgoodman

Finished placements? What was your rank?


Dropping like crazy right now due to alot of terrible ass comps. Guys getting hard countered but won't change because "it's my main". I don't get the whole I rather lose as a main then possibly win with someone that works.

Main reason I hate the whole "I main X" because other then a few characters like lucio and mercy where you can make that argument, that shit is toxic

Lucio yes, Mercy no. Hate Mercy mains. Sorry mercy mains.
So salty with competitive today, dropped from around 3550 to 3390 thanks to team mates quitting, deliberate throws and some just not bothering to try and work as a team. Wish there was a report button.

Still, at least I now get to play with some friends I couldn't before so there are positives.

On PC there's a report button alongside the other "add friend, mute, etc." buttons but I wonder if it ever does anything lol.


That's because that's a job no one wants. I'll gladly swap out one of those characters if a OTP asks me to swap with them, even though I can play them decently enough. No one will complain about characters who are needed every match in which any fill-in will suffice.

I will say this though, playing one character for too long will distort your sense of getting outplayed. For instance, Kephrii will be quick to blame his team comp rather than his Widowmaker pick. Actually, he'll blame his own aim rather than swallow his pride and admit that the Widowmaker pick might not be as useful at some of the later stages of maps.

Yea, no one is drooling to play Lucio and Stanky is so damn good with him, why even fight him for it.


Do you hear "Die on point" repeating over and over again in your sleep and wake up in cold sweats?

I hear many things. Mercy's telling me to die on point followed by swearing and the mention of genji. Mercy's bitching about no protection when they play her on KotH. Mercy's getting me killed by waking up the hog I slept because they hate Ana because she's better :mad:


I hear many things. Mercy's telling me to die on point followed by swearing and the mention of genji. Mercy's bitching about no protection when they play her on KotH. Mercy's getting me killed by waking up the hog I slept because they hate Ana because she's better :mad:



Just had a comp match on Gibraltar where my team somehow thought it would be a great idea to defend in the left room of the tunnel? Naturally everyone died in about 4 seconds since clumping everyone together in a small isolated space is very clever.


Just had a comp match on Gibraltar where my team somehow thought it would be a great idea to defend in the left room of the tunnel? Naturally everyone died in about 4 seconds since clumping everyone together in a small isolated space is very clever.

I haven't seen that since Season 1, thankfully. Having a point down there in the tunnel was dumb.

The problem I usually run into defending the early part of Gibraltar is teams not knowing when to drop from high ground and control the server room. I've had too many games where the cart went to the first point completely uncontested, because our team stayed high ground and tried to get picks the entire time it was moving.


Just had a comp match on Gibraltar where my team somehow thought it would be a great idea to defend in the left room of the tunnel? Naturally everyone died in about 4 seconds since clumping everyone together in a small isolated space is very clever.

How is this even possible? lol
Wow. It is working.



Dying only twice with Winston? 20something-0 with Reinhardt and stopping every push they attempted. I wish I can maintain that in most games (it is inevitable if your team dies instantly and you end up with 3 eliminations gold medal). I still have issues with Pharah countering though; I had a reality check in a QP match today. I should prepare my dive characters and sharpen up my Winston, Tracer, D.Va and Genji. The latter is...I don't know. He is a popular pick, and I am not that consistent with him. I doubt I can practice him in QP without getting pissed off at some players.
The main reason I want a solo only queue wouldn't be playing against stacks... it's playing with them.

They just sit in their own voice chat so it ends up being me and one other person doing callouts for each other. It sinks the ship so fast.


I haven't seen that since Season 1, thankfully. Having a point down there in the tunnel was dumb.

The problem I usually run into defending the early part of Gibraltar is teams not knowing when to drop from high ground and control the server room. I've had too many games where the cart went to the first point completely uncontested, because our team stayed high ground and tried to get picks the entire time it was moving.

How is this even possible? lol

I don't know. I really don't. I think the plan was we'd guard the small room (?) with a Bastion, Rein and Symm but they all died... so the Symm switched to a Junkrat? We got steamrolled anyway.

My comp smugness is totally deleted now. Went from 3 wins in a row to 3 losses in a row - last match we had a 3 stack with a Pharah that didn't switch once with Zen + 2 hitscan to counter her. The entire team asks them to switch and didn't get a peep out of the 3 stack team. Feels bad.
Just had a comp match on Gibraltar where my team somehow thought it would be a great idea to defend in the left room of the tunnel? Naturally everyone died in about 4 seconds since clumping everyone together in a small isolated space is very clever.

Something about Gibraltar causes people to do stupid things. I've played in high gold/plat/low diamond... and no matter how many times we're all in agreement with the "don't drop down to fight on the payload, because their spawn is right there". As soon as they see the words "Stop the payload" on the screen, the DPS or one of the tanks will immediately drop down and try to contest it. It never fails, I usually start praying that we can regroup as a team as the payload goes thru the underpass, otherwise the first point is as good as done :(


I cannot stand when people leave a comp game. They should be banned for a period of time/an amount of games afterwards or something. It's infuriating!
I cannot stand when people leave a comp game. They should be banned for a period of time/an amount of games afterwards or something. It's infuriating!
I usually don't joins compngsme until a few random because I'm still having issues where it takes forever to load up the map and get booted. I also need a new HDD because this one is on life support while I'm at it before it piles up on me
You get away with so much shit if you're playing support. No one will ever call you out, because you're playing support. Bad DPS? God help you in chat. Bad tank? People will notice and complain? Bad support? They'll keep their mouths shut if it means they can play McCree.
The only time people shit on support when you aren't healing enough because there's no protection when basically when the other team is chasing you down


You get away with so much shit if you're playing support. No one will ever call you out, because you're playing support. Bad DPS? God help you in chat. Bad tank? People will notice and complain? Bad support? They'll keep their mouths shut if it means they can play McCree.

Nope. Get shit on by shitty DPS blaming you for dying.
I've had people blame me as a support when they don't position themselves well, but I mostly get complemented for my Lucio; I try to stay alive while timing the healing burst properly. My very early OW games were with Lucio and Reinhardt, and I immediately learned that I have to stay alive and actively healing or blocking in the case of Rein; both are crucial parts of the team.

People will call you out and falsely accuse you if you are Ana though, especially if Ana is the sole healer in the team. Either they don't have Rein/good positioning/bad DPS, or there is a Junkrat near the enemy spawn or somewhere away from the team that is asking for healing.

I blame Blizzard for the Ana fiasco. They wanted people to play support, so they went for something appealing: a sniper healer. So when someone is forced to go healer because all of his low MMR teammates picked the fun flankers and defense heroes, he picks Ana and plays her like Widow. DPS Ana players AND people who don't understand how efficient Ana is as a solo healer are the worst.


Whew. Finishing today at 2872. Had some fun Zen matches where it felt like I was hitting every shot - really surprised that that individually aiming/clicking each shot does wonders for your aim with Zen!
I only have two kinds of healers in my matches: those that think they should be on Roadhog all the time, and those that never help me. :(

People who don't know how to pocket heal are bad too, and there are a lot of pseudo pocket healers out there. Again, blindly copying top players. I had few good Mercy players who know how and who to pocket heal without ignoring the team. The bad ones just stay stationary and heal a tank or a DPS (waiting to get flanked). They don't fly enough around teammates. Those mobile Mercy players are the ones I hate fighting too, since they put me in a situations where I have to gamble chasing them or backing off; sometimes they group up nicely for a team kill if my aim was on point+good teammates who push with me.

My favorite thing to do aside from smashing unsuspecting Hanzo/Widow/Bastion/Healers is hitting Mercy in Pharmercy who is expecting you to hit her Pharah instead (good players know that healers are a priority targets so they are prepared).


Looking for meaning in GAF
You get away with so much shit if you're playing support. No one will ever call you out, because you're playing support. Bad DPS? God help you in chat. Bad tank? People will notice and complain? Bad support? They'll keep their mouths shut if it means they can play McCree.
This is very different from what I've seen. People definitely do shit on you for playing support.

You didn't heal them when they were across the map and way out of line of sight.

You didn't pocket them and enable suicidal behavior when you were the only healer and trying to help the rest of the team, even after you've explained that you will be doing exactly that.

You didn't keep them alive when bathing in Junkrat bombs.

You didn't notice them needing heals when they were nowhere near where they were supposed to be.

You didn't read their minds and give them exactly what they wanted, when they wanted.

You didn't pick the healer they think you should play.


You get away with so much shit if you're playing support. No one will ever call you out, because you're playing support. Bad DPS? God help you in chat. Bad tank? People will notice and complain? Bad support? They'll keep their mouths shut if it means they can play McCree.

The higher rank you go, the more supports get blamed. Na sound barriers galore


The amount of bad Sound Barriers I run into even in GM is mindblowing. The amount I see in pro games is also baffling.
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