I just played with the most obnoxious player on Overwatch. Just played "troll" characters, sat inactive as Symmetra spamming "Defend the point", and was generally a huge ass. But what really, really got to me was that his account was relatively new, putting in only 10 hours of Quick Play, but a whopping 500 hours in this season's comp. This guy is a full-time loser who has nothing better to do with his life than sit around trying to ruin people's enjoyment. Is he working for Gearbox or something? An alt account for IDDQD to vent some stress over the lack of any teams wanting to play with him? What happened to make this person so pathetic? Absolutely baffling.
Edit: I proceeded to win two games and then play four straight with a Hanzo Torb/Main who started as a Master but very quickly fell back to Diamond.