still to this day, the best line i ever heard, and only once, was junkrat saying "Cheers, mate! The cavalry's here!" and Tracer kinda sad going "That's my line"
I never heard that?? Omg! Lol
still to this day, the best line i ever heard, and only once, was junkrat saying "Cheers, mate! The cavalry's here!" and Tracer kinda sad going "That's my line"
still to this day, the best line i ever heard, and only once, was junkrat saying "Cheers, mate! The cavalry's here!" and Tracer kinda sad going "That's my line"
I never heard that?? Omg! Lol
LOL... I'll have to keep an eye out for this one. Haven't heard it before.
I've heard it once too, not sure which map though.again, i've only heard it once, it was on attack on king's row, and i've been playing the game since launch. for some reason some lines just don't pop up
I want to get to Platinum.
Never heard it until watching a YouTube vid.Best line is definitely tracer going "death comes" when she kills reaper
anyway, who here plays with the music on?
My friend said 45 hours(me) played on Overwatch isn't alot. Wat. He has over 200! (double wat) played.
My friend said 45 hours(me) played on Overwatch isn't alot. Wat. He has over 200! (double wat) played.
My friend said 45 hours(me) played on Overwatch isn't alot. Wat. He has over 200! (double wat) played.
You are going to out grind me in overwatch too Karst! I played under 100 hours of UMvC3 and MvC3 combined over the many many years.I've played 20 hours in the last month - definitely not a lot.
I had over 600 hours in MvC3.
People tend to rack up hour counts in the thousands in multiplayer games, when they really get into them. "A lot" is relative.
Putting 2 full days of your life into a single video game is still a lot, really. It's a weird thing to argue about.
This.he was right where he needed to be when the game first came out and then blizzard randomly nerfed him because of a youtube video
People tend to rack up hour counts in the thousands in multiplayer games, when they really get into them. "A lot" is relative.
Putting 2 full days of your life into a single video game is still a lot, really. It's a weird thing to argue about.
Sometimes tens of thousands...don't look at my wow/civ 5 play time please, it's shameful
don't look at my wow/civ 5 play time please, it's shameful
I've played Overwatch for 12 full days in the eight months since launch.
I'd do it again.
So tired of DPS that can't shoot a Pharah.
Best line is definitely tracer going "death comes" when she kills reaper
Civ 5 for me is 1.5k hours. Warframe is 1.8k hours. Overwatch is nothing in comparison.
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I dont know what Warframe but I had no idea you were such a civ pro. :>
I had a combined 3.5k hours on quake 3 and unreal 2004, but then I took like 5 years off fps so I lost alot of it feelsbadman.
200 hr QP
45 Mins S1
170 hr S2
150 hr S3
Send help.
Respect your elders!Wtf anyone else have this ad
Ads are based on your search history :S
1.5k isn't much compared to most civ v played I think. I only typically play on Emperor but have won on deity a few times. Spain makes deity really easy.
The bad thing about the warframe hours is that I haven't played it in 2 years and its still almost 2k hours.
Haven't played many FPS games. Seems like everyone is a quake/unreal pro at the high levels.
Damn I must be an old guy who wants to be shredded.
I think the highest could win on was king lol. But I only had about 80 hrs. Yeah all the people who play mechanically intensive characters have an fps background. Quite a few support/rein mains who don't though.
King with 80 hours is decent. Never liked playing above emepror since the ai gets massive boosts. It's ok on civ vi since the ai is so dog shit. Just steal their settlers=free city.
Basically me. I ended up having 100 hours on Lucio back on PS4 because nobody else would play support. When I did my S3placement I kept getting asked to Lucio since they thought I was a Lucio mainThe only games I won was as Lucio though. Also played Zarya a lot on PS4. On PC its Ana and Rein now so just supports/tanks for me. Did have a decent Tracer though on PS4 at least.
We should 1v1 so I can see your aim. Weird thing about this game is never actually playing vs any of your friends.
At least you didn't have to experience those awful S1 coin flips on 2CP maps.
I lost to skii 1 v 1 Ana. He had like 1 hour maybe on Ana at the time. Too ashamed to 1 v 1 now. You've probably seen my aim while spectating I guess.
This applies to me as well.cant shame me
i have no shame.
Lol yeh thats just one round though. Not sure if I spectated you before or not.