To me Lucio's main problem is the way his auras work.
- They are way too big
- They are extremely generous with LoS
- They don't synergize at all with Lucio's wall ride since they're so large.
I feel like Blizzard have been trying to figure out how to nerf him without thinking of nerfing the aura mechanic, but I think the devs should try this :
Lower the power of Lucio's aura the further away you are from him, change the healing and speed values and buff his Sonic Amplifier
For example :
- 100% of aura's power within 5 meters range from Lucio.
- 75% of aura's power within 5 to 15 meters range.
- 50% of aura's power within 15 to 25 meters range.
- 25% of aur's power within 25 to 35 meters range.
Those are exemple values and are probably wrong but you get my point.
(Maybe lower the total size of the aura as well ?)
- It will make positionning with Lucio an actual important skill to have
- It will allow Blizzard to buff him back the way he felt before, most notably buffing his gun and/or heal would help turn him back into the hybrid healer/skirmish he was supposed to be in the first place. (And that we all loved playing in the first place.)
- It will potentially make the wall ride ability more useful. (Buffing Lucio's movement speed while wall riding could also be good).
- It will greatly increase the overall skill cap on this character.
In general, just making this tiny change would, I think, allow Lucio to feel way better and since his range would be so reduced maybe make him less of a dominant pick no matter which map you're playing on since having a Lucio would mean : playing very close to each other to benefit as much as you can from his aura. We know a lot of heroes counter that kind of strategy well (Pharah, Junkrat for example).
Anyway, those are my thoughts after playing a ton of Lucio lately in a competitive environement and talking to a lot of pros from teams including Rogue and Misfits. The general feedback I got from them was similar. Lucio feels kind of bad, and nerfing him like Blizzard is is probably not going to fix the issue we have right now. Those were my thoughts.
Let me know what you think, hoping someone from the dev team reads this !
Cheers everyone,