Wait 2-2-2 isn't the tank meta everyone is talking about? In my experience getting 2 tanks and 2 healers is a meta miracle, usually it's just 1 off-healer, 1 tank and 4 genjihanzowidowmccrees.
Nope, the tank meta is 3 or 4 tanks, Ana + dps.
Wait 2-2-2 isn't the tank meta everyone is talking about? In my experience getting 2 tanks and 2 healers is a meta miracle, usually it's just 1 off-healer, 1 tank and 4 genjihanzowidowmccrees.
I think the problem will alleviate with Rein if they create more tanks that do Rein's job but that may be months or years down the line. I don't know how they will get Lucio out of the meta without completely removing his speedboost.
Nope, the tank meta is 3 or 4 tanks, Ana + dps.
Yeah, i agree. The other tanks really dont fit the role as "tank" the way RH does. Imo, the other tanks are the problem, not RH.
And since lucio is also the only character with speedboost, people will keep using him. Other characters also needs that ability, or there has to be a strong counter to it.
I really disagree with this notion. In another context but a game of a similar vein, in TF2 who's the tank? Heavy Weapons Guy. Why is he a tank? Because he's beefier to take down and can shred those near him. The nearest Overwatch equivalent is Roadhog, but the others fit in having damage mitigating abilities and higher health pools. Reinhardt being the "main" tank because he can effortlessly defend everyone isn't what should define a tank role, he's the outlier and something I think would be an unhealthy template to base other tanks on imo.Yeah, i agree. The other tanks really dont fit the role as "tank" the way RH does. Imo, the other tanks are the problem, not RH.
Yeah, i agree. The other tanks really dont fit the role as "tank" the way RH does. Imo, the other tanks are the problem, not RH.
And since lucio is also the only character with speedboost, people will keep using him. Other characters also needs that ability, or there has to be a strong counter to it.
I really disagree with this notion. In another context but a game of a similar vein, in TF2 who's the tank? Heavy Weapons Guy. Why is he a tank? Because he's beefier to take down and can shred those near him. The nearest Overwatch equivalent is Roadhog, but the others fit in having damage mitigating abilities and higher health pools. Reinhardt being the "main" tank because he can effortlessly defend everyone isn't what should define a tank role, he's the outlier and something I think would be an unhealthy template to base other tanks on imo.
Using him as a template would probably be a disaster as you'd then allow for the stack on effect of having Rein AND another significant damage blocker in tandem and things become a turtlefest, add Mei in there for good measure and it's pandemonium. The others tanks work much better precisely because their mitigation comes in specified bursts, not prolonged damage sponges that cover significant area.If you're not using his template for other tanks then you're still stuck with the issue of Rein being the only one who can do that particular job and he will still be needed as much as Lucio's speedboost.
As I said before, some characters should actually have an in game classification of "tank buster", one that does extra damage to characters designated as a tank. Reaper and Pharah for offence and Junk and Torb with his shotgun (not turret). This avoids tanks metas as you actually can say "hey this comp has 4 tanks, ok, let me hop on a tankbuster" and actually make a dent on them even with something as broken as ana grenade
The "tank meta" is Rein + Hog + Zarya/DVa and Ana (the enabler). Coupled with another healer like Zen or Lucio and then (usually) Soldier.Wait 2-2-2 isn't the tank meta everyone is talking about? In my experience getting 2 tanks and 2 healers is a meta miracle, usually it's just 1 off-healer, 1 tank and 4 genjihanzowidowmccrees.
That's literally why she's being nerfed so heavily because she single handedly made it impossible to touch the tank meta.
Using him as a template would probably be a disaster as you'd then allow for the stack on effect of having Rein AND another significant damage blocker in tandem and things become a turtlefest, add Mei in there for good measure and it's pandemonium. The others tanks work much better precisely because their mitigation comes in specified bursts, not prolonged damage sponges that cover significant area.
Things were very different back then, and the very nature of being able to stack any hero changes considerations entirely.If this were true why didn't people run double Rein's when there was no hero limit? The fact is that a melee tank like Rein has its limitations so double stacking with Rein is not as attractive as you're making it out to be. As long as the template is similar in being melee I don't see much of a problem.
Things were very different back then, and the very nature of being able to stack any hero changes considerations entirely.
Fact is you're only guessing.
Our Rein complained the entire match because I was playing Lucio, because apparently Lucio is a "slow healer" and a "bad hero" and he wasn't getting any heals the entire game (according to him), even though we also had an Ana. I was like, dude I already have 8k healing after one round. Everytime he died he yelled at us for not healing him, until the Ana finally just left and I was solo healing. He continued to blame everything going wrong in the match on me, harrassing me the entire time to switch healers. We lose, they tell me I suck ass and to go fuck myself while my PotG plays and I get 14k total healing for the match.
Weekend Overwatch, everybody!
Our Rein complained the entire match because I was playing Lucio, because apparently Lucio is a "slow healer" and a "bad hero" and he wasn't getting any heals the entire game (according to him), even though we also had an Ana. I was like, dude I already have 8k healing after one round. Everytime he died he yelled at us for not healing him, until the Ana finally just left and I was solo healing. He continued to blame everything going wrong in the match on me, harrassing me the entire time to switch healers. We lose, they tell me I suck ass and to go fuck myself while my PotG plays and I get 14k total healing for the match.
Weekend Overwatch, everybody!
Our Rein complained the entire match because I was playing Lucio, because apparently Lucio is a "slow healer" and a "bad hero" and he wasn't getting any heals the entire game (according to him), even though we also had an Ana. I was like, dude I already have 8k healing after one round. Everytime he died he yelled at us for not healing him, until the Ana finally just left and I was solo healing. He continued to blame everything going wrong in the match on me, harrassing me the entire time to switch healers. We lose, they tell me I suck ass and to go fuck myself while my PotG plays and I get 14k total healing for the match.
Weekend Overwatch, everybody!
This sort of reminds me of a match I had yesterday on Lijiang where the enemy Reinhardt would try to come to capture the point all by himself every single time. He didn't even try edging in, just charge and hammer swings. I was Zen and he was a free kill every single time. We won very comfortably.
I feel like we played with the exact same reinhardtOur Rein complained the entire match because I was playing Lucio, because apparently Lucio is a "slow healer" and a "bad hero" and he wasn't getting any heals the entire game (according to him), even though we also had an Ana. I was like, dude I already have 8k healing after one round. Everytime he died he yelled at us for not healing him, until the Ana finally just left and I was solo healing. He continued to blame everything going wrong in the match on me, harrassing me the entire time to switch healers. We lose, they tell me I suck ass and to go fuck myself while my PotG plays and I get 14k total healing for the match.
Weekend Overwatch, everybody!
Rienhardt feeders are almost as bad as Roadhog's. Almost.
I have seen an enemy D.Va farm 5 ults in the span of 2 minutes from a Roadhog.
Guys, I fucked up and thought the GAF GOTY thread voting ended on the 25th but it was yesterday and I missed voting. Feels shitty and I didn't know where else to go so I came here. Overwatch was going to be my number 1![]()
YepIt wouldn't change anything so it's ok.![]()
This is pretty much what I've been thinking.I really disagree with this notion. In another context but a game of a similar vein, in TF2 who's the tank? Heavy Weapons Guy. Why is he a tank? Because he's beefier to take down and can shred those near him. The nearest Overwatch equivalent is Roadhog, but the others fit in having damage mitigating abilities and higher health pools. Reinhardt being the "main" tank because he can effortlessly defend everyone isn't what should define a tank role, he's the outlier and something I think would be an unhealthy template to base other tanks on imo.
I think this issues comes from the dynamic nature of the game. There's no universal static left and right. You need to think about your own position and rotation in relation to the map layout in the heat of the moment.For some reason I get left and right confused in this game all the time when making call outs. Must be going senile or something, never had this issue in any other area of life haha
I thought that shit only worked against bots, yikes. Did the Pharah just not see you at all? lmao
If I had to boil down my bad record this season to just one thing it would definitely be Insta lock Mercy's on my team.
Every teamfight is 5v6 and the team with the Ana gets better healing anyway.
Mercy is so ass, she can't do anything but heal, and she's not even the best at that.
She needs an aoe 'cleanse' ability. Removes anti heal. Wakes people from sleep, gets people off ground after Rein ult, etc.
If I had to boil down my bad record this season to just one thing it would definitely be Insta lock Mercy's on my team.
Every teamfight is 5v6 and the team with the Ana gets better healing anyway.
Mercy is so ass, she can't do anything but heal, and she's not even the best at that.
She needs an aoe 'cleanse' ability. Removes anti heal. Wakes people from sleep, gets people off ground after Rein ult, etc.
If I had to boil down my bad record this season to just one thing it would definitely be Insta lock Mercy's on my team.
Every teamfight is 5v6 and the team with the Ana gets better healing anyway.
Mercy is so ass, she can't do anything but heal, and she's not even the best at that.
She needs an aoe 'cleanse' ability. Removes anti heal. Wakes people from sleep, gets people off ground after Rein ult, etc.
You have to be way safer than how people play knowing theres an ana and a lucio backing you upMercy's npt that bad, you just can't play with her on a comp the same way as others.
You have to be way safer than how people play knowing theres an ana and a lucio backing you up
I will change your mind about Mercy.
I will change your mind about Mercy.