Interesting day of Overwatch with NDF, and the return of our lost brother Optimus. Started with the absolute worst teammates/games you can imagine, but we managed a couple draws and a win in with the losses.
Then we went on like a four game winning streak, on Ligiang we had a Torb who was totally throwing the game, by mid second round we had all just accepted the loss and weregoing to try to have fun the rest of the match. Then the dude switched to Tracer and we won 2 games in a row, and in round five we had 99-0. They took the point and we started getting creamed. In out last ditch fight at 99-99 we walked right into a graviton but somehow we survived, won the fight, and the match. One of the best matches I've ever played. I woke up my whole house we won it.
Then we had a great Anubis offense, 4:30 remaining. Our D only left them 1:10. But they managed to cap the first point in OT. With 6 people on point our Zarya solo ulted them... I was stunned. Then the Dva he was grouped with fought all six players instead of running away. We got rushed 4-6 had no graviton, and lost the point. We lost 4-3. That one sucked.
Thanks for the games fellas, interesting cast of randoms tonight, from the screaming match to the super cool two stack who we absolutely dominated with twice in a row with.