When are they buffing Zen?
Hopefully never. Buffed Zen is scary.
When are they buffing Zen?
When are they buffing Zen?
So am I missing something or are we still going to be in the 3 tank meta? Ana nerf doesnt seem enough, and I doubt there has been enough testing done to tell if it has.
event probably won't go live until like afternoon est tomorrow like the other events, right? kind of wish their events went live sooner.
Rein/Zarya/Roadhog will still be a spicy comp after the patch.
They're on West Coast, so releasing stuff earlier would mean having stuff come out really early in the morning for them.
Yeah curious about this: is there no other counter to a Rein besides another Rein? Always feels like the case and it may be what this problem stems from.
I may even settle for #HitscanZen
Crazy to think this game has been out almost a year already
I reinstalled the game. Glided into diamond. Well, that was easy.
I may even settle for #HitscanZen
I mean, that's kinda how projectiles workI would love this. Something about the timing with his orbs doesn't gel with me, I have a hard time hitting intended shots. So I just spam where I expect people to be. That usually works out though, lol.
Rein counters are tricky because they usually need some backup. Like a Bastion melts him, but one on one it could get messy. I can boss one around as Lucio, but I need people to keep the pressure so he keeps his shield up.
One on one I'd chose Phara, Soldier, Junkrat or Zarya.
I would love this. Something about the timing with his orbs doesn't gel with me, I have a hard time hitting intended shots. So I just spam where I expect people to be. That usually works out though, lol.
So am I missing something or are we still going to be in the 3 tank meta? Ana nerf doesnt seem enough, and I doubt there has been enough testing done to tell if it has.
So we have to delete roadhog got it
Is there a site to check my match history? My team had a 40 game win streak in 3v3 that I'd like to look at![]()
I come into work early all the time, friend
I've been in a lot of games like this. The attacking group just loses at the first point because the attacking group just won't push in and attack. They just endlessly pepper each other with stuff from a safe distance, and no one pushes forward when someone dies.
Then during the last 30 seconds before timeout, the attacking group attacks out of desperation, and they either surprisingly win because the defense wasn't that good to begin with, or they lose horribly because the push was uncoordinated/people can't aim.
Tbh even with hook 2.1 he is still probably too good. I'm only thinking he'll see a bit of a drop in play because Ana can't keep up, but a part of me says ti doesn't matter as long as he is still deleting people.
Reminder again, hold off doing your arcade boxes till tomorrow so you can get event ones.
Also, can't wait for people to bitch about hog tomorrow, going to be sweet.
The heavier the firefight is, the more dangerous it is for Zenyatta to just sit and fire continuously. It's great when you need to be low risk. It's also a good burst damage tool against characters like Bastion. I usually use L-click on Reinhardt's shield until it's cracked, and then I charged R-click while my team breaks it for a chance to burst him down.Can anyone explain when the hell I would ever use Zens right click? It's still pretty fucking bad for me.
Can anyone explain when the hell I would ever use Zens right click? It's still pretty fucking bad for me.
Can anyone explain when the hell I would ever use Zens right click? It's still pretty fucking bad for me.
It's actually a pretty good burst option ever since they buffed it. Just have it charged when you go to peek and you might "oops" somebody out the fight. Pre-buff it was pretty bad so I think that perception is still around?
Three games in a row people deliberately throw my games from the start because i pick sombra LUL
Three games in a row people deliberately throw my games from the start because i pick sombra LUL
So am I missing something or are we still going to be in the 3 tank meta? Ana nerf doesnt seem enough, and I doubt there has been enough testing done to tell if it has.
Lets see your sombra stats
Im still maintaining the 50/50. But yeh, the biggest obstacle is everyone thinks im throwing lol.
Cause people have no idea how to play with a Sombra.
When I ask people to get ready for when I ult Reinhardt they're like "lol wut?"
Lets see your sombra stats
Im still maintaining the 50/50. But yeh, the biggest obstacle is everyone thinks im throwing lol.
Can anyone explain when the hell I would ever use Zens right click? It's still pretty fucking bad for me.