Does the "Rate Match" feature even do anything notable? I just remembered it exists and I don't remember what use it has exactly.
Does the "Rate Match" feature even do anything notable? I just remembered it exists and I don't remember what use it has exactly.
Yeh thats kinda true, I find the main problem is people just think im going to die or something. Then they get woke to one of the best combos in the game grav/emp.
A lot of Overwatch's problems either stemmed from Reinhardt or does stem from him.Yeah curious about this: is there no other counter to a Rein besides another Rein? Always feels like the case and it may be what this problem stems from.
A lot of Overwatch's problems either stemmed from Reinhardt or does stem from him.
But, Blizzard won't do anything to Reinhardt because the current "accepted meta" revolves around him so if he ever was nerfed the community would go batshit insane.
It does the same damage as the regular shot per ball (46) up to 5 balls in one very short burst with no damage drop. All 5 hitting the body will kill a 200 hp hero. It's meant for sticking your neck out for a very brief instant and shotgunning it into a choke. It's also the fastest way of shutting down ultimates such as high noon or visor if you are the only line of defense. Also, discord on a Bastion in turret form, all 5 body shots and a few more regular shots will let you take him down very safely.Can anyone explain when the hell I would ever use Zens right click? It's still pretty fucking bad for me.
last night of op dva
I swear this game hates me.
I get a team with a 4 stack that has an ana and mercy....and they go WM ana and battle mercy....the 76 and Roadhog had gold/silver heals.
I get a team that started off well on hanamura then suddenly the rein rushes the enemy spawn resulting in us losing the defense. On attack he throws his dva ults way too high hitting nothing.
I get a team that has a rein that had the worst connection possible pretty much making it a 5v6 the whole match since he keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.
2 weeks, going into 3 weeks of utter insanity. Even when I play amazing it's already beyond hope. I play a couple of games, lose both. Log off, play again a few hours later, lose a couple, win a couple. Next day it's lose a couple then log off. Trying everything to avoid tilted play but literally my luck has been atrocious. I had teams where our 76 is being solo'd 1v1 by an enemy Sombra....hell I've even seen a team go quad DPS on defense.
I don't want to get even started with people changing out of 2nd healer mid match leaving me wondering why am I suddenly the solo healer. Especially when there was no reason to switch
rip my queen
Dva won't be missed.
I'm really curious to see how Blizz makes punching satisfying and fun. They did a pretty good job with Rein's hammer, but for some reason I can't imagine how they're gonna handle punching. It'd just look silly while everyone else is wielding weapons. It's gotta be a super charged mechanical punch or something.Doomfist will probably counter Rein given he will be a punching tank hero.
Well people will still pick her tomorrow cause they dont read chat notes + want to see her new skins, but they are going to wonder why shes dying so fast
last night of op dva
I still maintain that 400 armour and 100 HP was perfect for her.
Goodbye wannabe D.va's.
Roadhog's hook is awful, even with the nerf.
Who thought the ability to one shot a hero for free(every 6 seconds even) was good idea?
Sombra in general is just a misguided kit design.Her gun is too low damage, her hacking ability can be interrupted. So you're just fiddling around waiting for your EMP which no one knows what to do regarding it.
She literally has to yell "ALL THEIR ABILITIES ARE DOWN, GO!" as her ult phrase for a team to actually appreciate it.
Good news for all the Funko Pop lovers out there.
Might need to get that Lucio...Good news for all the Funko Pop lovers out there.
That's not how D.va's mech works, and she's going to be like an inch tall.
Jeff Kaplan said:Regarding Torbjorn and Symmetra: We've been watching them closely. Up until recently they were performing in lockstep with PC. Recently they've begun to diverge a little bit so we're taking a look at them now and we'll consider adjusting them.
Regarding Reporting: This feature is coming to both PS4 and Xbox. I don't have an exact ETA because there are many moving parts to make this happen. My hope is that everything locks into place before summer... or sooner. But we're at the mercy of things beyond our control on this one and we've been working super hard to make it happen.
Regarding additional bindings: We'll work on this.
for any of you console people (lul), heres some updates just for you
Just had someone on PS4 abuse the out of bounds glitch on Anus. I got footage of them, PSN ID is best_game34. They did it twice. Where do I send the footage?
Regarding Torbjorn and Symmetra: We've been watching them closely. Up until recently they were performing in lockstep with PC. Recently they've begun to diverge a little bit so we're taking a look at them now and we'll consider adjusting them.
HopeI don't understand why people think reporting does anything.
D.Va and Rein actually look okayish to me.Good news for all the Funko Pop lovers out there.
That's not how D.va's mech works, and she's going to be like an inch tall.
I don't understand why people think reporting does anything.
Good news for all the Funko Pop lovers out there.
That's not how D.va's mech works, and she's going to be like an inch tall.
need Symm, Lucio, and McCree... and maybe Mei, Rein, and D.VaGood news for all the Funko Pop lovers out there.
That's not how D.va's mech works, and she's going to be like an inch tall.
Hanzo and Widow can do it faster and free...er.Roadhog's hook is awful, even with the nerf.
Who thought the ability to one shot a hero for free(every 6 seconds even) was good idea?
There was a guy who used some script to circumvent the idle detection kicker in the Mei brawl during the holiday update. He was doing it from the first day, I saw him on the first day, I reported him on the first day. I saw him throughout the entire event and not once did he actually play, and so many people in matches were commenting on it and reporting as well. He was doing it to the very end with no issue. I don't know if any action was ever taken on them, but they really need to do better.Basically, if one player gets a lot of reports, they actually do something about it.