Hoya Destroyer
Oh shit! I thought my boxes would automatically get event-ized. That sucks. I've wasted days saving them. lol
Chinese New Year > other events
Man I want that Junkrat skin and emote. Actually most of the skins look fantastic - guess I'll probably be buying loot boxes again!
I think this event trumps most of the other events because while it's "seasonal" most of the skins can also be used year-round and not feel out of place. Especially the Journey to the West ones.
Zarya gets shafted yet again
I am honestly wondering if they're saving up some good skins for a later event. Any Russian-related events anyone can think of?
I doubt Overwatch will celebrate any sort of Russia events, with the whole Putin/Trump thing going on right now.
I don't think that matters to them. Hopefully Zarya gets something that is more unique. She also needs better voice lines. Even her event voice lines are so boring.
Nothing beats "I want to hug you like a big fuzzy siberian bear" though.
wait, which event is that from. i don't remember it.
i dont think its from any event? You can just buy it.
Nothing beats "I want to hug you like a big fuzzy siberian bear" though.
at least Zarya will have a spray?
Her Christmas emote is great. Unending presents for days.Zarya gets shafted yet again
at least Zarya will have a spray?
Her Christmas emote is great. Unending presents for days.
Had a horrible KOTH game last night and lost straight rounds to a Rein, Dva, Hog, Zarya, Mercy and Mei team. How the hell are you supposed to stop something like that? Our Reaper tried and tried but we were getting outdone. In these situations, is it best to go triple DPS? We were running triple tank, 2 healers and one DPS at the time.
Some random on my team in Comp was using that cuz most of the other team quit and he got kicked for inactivity 10 seconds before it ended, lol
Me too. I like playing Ana, but I always feel like I'm underperforming on her because I know she's capable of so much in the right hands (aka not mine).Ryujehongs the only other player apart from Seagull ive seen who has a montage video thats over 1million views.
I wanna be that good of a dps Ana ;_;
I only realised recently that it is not safe to leave when the final score shows up and got treated as a leaver :/That's so brutal.
At least I know now not to do that. I lucked out and got that emote on a random box right before I was going out of town. The event ended while I was still gone.
Had a horrible KOTH game last night and lost straight rounds to a Rein, Dva, Hog, Zarya, Mercy and Mei team. How the hell are you supposed to stop something like that? Our Reaper tried and tried but we were getting outdone. In these situations, is it best to go triple DPS? We were running triple tank, 2 healers and one DPS at the time.
Four tanks and a solo healing Mercy? Mercy shouldn't be able to keep all of them up if they're taking enough damage, right?Had a horrible KOTH game last night and lost straight rounds to a Rein, Dva, Hog, Zarya, Mercy and Mei team. How the hell are you supposed to stop something like that? Our Reaper tried and tried but we were getting outdone. In these situations, is it best to go triple DPS? We were running triple tank, 2 healers and one DPS at the time.
Tried to play 3vs3 Elimination last night, 2 games straight there were folks glitching out of bounds with Mei.
Dunno how to report 'em to Blizz from the PS4 client.
With that comp you should have had one of your dps go Pharah since they don't have anything to counter her.
Had a horrible KOTH game last night and lost straight rounds to a Rein, Dva, Hog, Zarya, Mercy and Mei team. How the hell are you supposed to stop something like that? Our Reaper tried and tried but we were getting outdone. In these situations, is it best to go triple DPS? We were running triple tank, 2 healers and one DPS at the time.
haven't kept up with the game much since the end of the last event. In the midst of bitching about Roadhog's skins I've seen bitching that they didn't go through with the hook nerf that was on PTR? What happened there?
wait, which event is that from. i don't remember it.
also decided to clip it so its easier to watch and share
I had my first evening of positive winrates in a while, and it's because I started picking Roadhog and ganking people. I spend my time running around the backways and nabbing squishies while my team does the firefights. It was extremely effective and enjoyable.
Roadhog seems like a poor choice for Defense, though, so I've been using Mei as well. I really love Zenyatta, but it feels like I need a competent team for him to really shine.
I honestly dont understand people who play sniper characters that cant snipe.
I honestly dont understand people who play sniper characters that cant snipe.
Trailer was hype. Tracer stays winning <3
Zarya gets shafted yet again
Hmmm, interesting perspective.I'd pick him over any other DPS on defense. He survives a lot, eats flankers and destroys tanks.
Because everyone has to learn at some point. Personally, I pick Widowmaker when my team is so awful I think there's no hope of victory so that I can practice my sniping skills. I actually got gold elimination once yesterday and it felt amazing. My team was awful and we still lost, though.I honestly dont understand people who play sniper characters that cant snipe.
For sure. Want to get a six stack and just have some fun in CTF while we grind boxes.let's go buddy! Tonight. Arcade grind for boxes.