"Hard work and dedication pays off!"
"I will put you in your place!"
One of the best voices in the game. It's so... unique and different.
"Hard work and dedication pays off!"
5 boxes in and I get the Dva skin. Shame I'll never use her but her current state is for the best interest of the game.
CTF is pretty bad imo. Very difficult to queue because servers are getting destroyed and the control centre is snowball central. If you cap once, that's it, you've won. Plus teams are too scared to lose so it's ending up as a draw a lot.
The best team is pretty obvious as well. Most mobile tanks/DPS and a Symmetra+Torb to protect your flag.
I got a legendary Mai skin in one of my boxes but it was Rescue Mei not a festive one...![]()
Holy crap I hate ctf they really need to change something. Every single game ends in a draw because everyone is defending
Mei OP in CTF tho.
"I will put you in your place!"
One of the best voices in the game. It's so... unique and different.
You guys have like three weeks to get a few CTF wins, but you're banging your collective heads against the wall right now.
Take a break.
Yeah, best comp is probably: Dva, Winston/Tracer, Mei, Symmetra, Torb and Ana/Lucio.
Pretty sweet looking
There is a bug where the music fails to play sometimes on PS4. I've noticed it in 2 places; the start of a round on KotH, and the music that signals that time is about to run out on escort.
Just lost a game on Eichenwalde because we failed to get on the cart even though we easily could have because none of us realised that time was about to run out without the presence of the dramatic music. We had a player rage quit because of that so we had no chance on defence even though I suspect we would have held.
Fuck leavers, please make the penalty way stricter blizzard. Lost my 7 game winstreak bonus because of that guy.
For those hyping up Hook 2.0, can you go into more detail? I'm curious to know what's different, exactly.
◾Chain Hook
◾Targets are now pulled directly in front of Roadhog (rather than straight to him), except in cases where Roadhog drastically rotates
◾Hooked targets are now released if they leave Roadhogs line of sight before being pulled
◾Line of sight checks (which determines if targets are hit by the hook) are now done from Roadhogs position, rather than the hooks position
Line of sight check is done at Roadhog, not the hook.
So, less BS hooks but more reliable picks off landed hooks as Ana, et. al won't be put to some weird side of you.
Also no Hook -> turn to make the enemy face your team either. You have to maintain LOS with them for a decent amount of the hook.
Three of your "counters" die 100% of the time now when you hook them because they are pulled in closerI know what the patch notes say, but I'm not seeing how it's an upgrade (vs. sidegrade).
How cheap would Sombra be if she could hack while concealed?