So it's okay to be punished for being in the map-wide engagement zone of the AWP, and grenades exist to deter them, but the same isn't true for the range of engagement for Roadhog and the myriad of abilities that also disrupt him?
No, no it's not. Because first of all cs go engagements look like this:
Nothing else is going on but you and that angle. If you get killed, it's your fault for not aiming correctly. You had a fair chance. Fair.
Here is Overwatch:
A billion angles to watch from, 6 enemy players you need to keep your eye on, their ultimates, their abilities, whether or not they are hitscan or not and how you should position and move yourself, them not flanking and attacking your supports, all while you have to aim for the head, calculating your shots and managing your abilities to survive.
And you know what? Sometimes in all that chaos you take some damage, you get debuffed, you get headshotted, you slightly fall out of position. And then you correct it.
But roadhog doesn't allow for corrections. Every 6 seconds there is a chance you or any of your teammates will die to a random hook flying through your team. It doesn't even have to be aimed, just thrown in the general area.
One shot kills in this game, should demand monumental amounts of skill, outside of ults. A mccree double headshoting me is fair, and wouldn't happen if I moved correctly.
What's the purpose of it being included on MOBAs? At the very least, it's a way to flag people who purposefully feed or stop participating for the last part of a match.
Report them for griefing/inactivity. Nothing will happen to them though, but I won't stop you if it makes you feel better