You're saying a character that has been able to literally carry pro matches and have people say "first hook wins" at that level isn't a good enough argument for you though. You say RH is not great without CDs while he still potentially deals hundreds of damage per shot. You harp on about hitscan having a huge advantage in a game where Roadhog has had higher usage rates than any hitscan character outside of maybe Soldier, and hitscan heroes have been lower usage rating than many different projectile ones.
Like there are other people in the thread who I know at least follow high level gameplay and development saying the same things to you, and you like aren't saying anything relevant back?
I fight RH, I play in high rating, I've been in scrims, I've followed all this. Idk what you got other than some hard on to hate on Reinhardt who has been addressed before by good players and the devs in which we've found agreement.
I'm saying that a handwavy response about higher level play isn't really compelling on its own or adding much, which have been the bulk of what you've gone with as opposed to DevilDog and Skii. I don't have a hate for Reinhardt, but I do think he's been a pink elephant for how long he's been a central figure on matches. As of the last meta report, Roadhog has had the lowest use rate of the tanks in the tank meta
only barely making it into B tier use. So if he really was as important as you say, it seems even high level matches haven't come to reflect it.
A weapon that costs a fortune and is trash in close range or when you miss a shot.
But a OHKO CD of 1 second!!!!!!!

Show me Roadhog
doing this.
Why is that you suddently ignore the abilities for disruption? If you're a gengu, you've got reflect, or dash, if you're a mcree, you can still outskill the player, if you're a soldier you can heal, if you're a sombra you can translocate, if you're a hanzo you can hs or scatter them, if you're a widow its your fault for getting flanked, if you're a mei you can ice block or ice wall, etc etc etc.
There is a chance for you to fight back. With roadhog THERE ISN'T. You best hope the stars align and ana is looking at your direction or zarya has her shield on cd, but all of this is already beneficial against hitscan, so it works both ways.
Also when roadhog has his hook on CD, he is just breaking the rein shield. Making his next hook easier. Nothing to see here.
I'm not ignoring disruption abilities, but if you've got your back to a McCree or Soldier you can just as easily get combo'd with less time for team recourse just basing on the nature of the characters. I'm not actually saying hitscan is some generally bad thing, just in the case of being caught off guard as the example was being hooked when you didn't see it coming. He is a good Reinhardt shield killer though, no doubt, but this also means he's poking out to do it unless he also has a Reinhardt protecting him then hmm...
That's bullshit and you know it.
Absolutely not. Contrary to popular belief, the time it takes Roadhog to draw the hook, stun a person, and bring him back, is not a moment where Hog is invulnerable.
But any other hero that's not Roadhog in that situation doesn't get a free pick with no draw back as well as requiring little skill...
Every character gets a chance at a pick once shields are down and everyone's out in the open. That's also on the Reinhardt's communication.
You don't seem to even try to understand what's being said. 3 people are telling you why Roadhog's hook is problematic and your best response has been "I find him less troublesome than Tracer when I play"
I understand, I get it, I can agree to disagree but I'm just interested in the discussion because balance changes have a knock-on effect where a character being nerfed or buffed then completely changes how other characters handle. D.Va being in rise? Hitscans get less prevalent. Ana became really useful? Now tanks get highly used. When I repeatedly get: But every 6 seconds someone instantly dies! Nebulous high level play reference! What if Roadhog is getting protected by the highest use rate (but totally balanced guys we swear) characters in the game!
I think it's less of a matter of things like Roadhog himself is a problem but rather the environment he's in causing him to be more potent than he would otherwise be. If Reaper can get in vogue again then Hog can get fucked.