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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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There are a lot of other things in the game that initiate lmao. I don't think you actually like get the risk/reward on how hook works if the only reason you're fine with it is that it makes shit happen.

Using an AWP has tons more risk/reward built into, most importantly the eco investment that you have to build up.
Yeah, I'm definitely fine with it. Likewise it could be said you don't because you're on the receiving end a lot, but that doesn't add anything to the discussion. With the AWP you're getting the chance at a one shot kill every second. They're different games, but if someone's going to bring up that CS:GO felt fair because of Deagles, well, the game is also pivotally built around being pegged instantaneously and it's fine there just like it's fine here.

No, no it's not. Because first of all cs go engagements look like this:

Nothing else is going on but you and that angle. If you get killed, it's your fault for not aiming correctly. You had a fair chance. Fair.

Here is Overwatch:
A bit of a false equivalence here I think as you're showing an overhead view of a KOTH versus a single sightline choke in first person. CS:GO has more open areas than that, and conversely OW has tighter spots as well. But I think we're diverging off topic here, the point was that you initially brought up the Deagle as an equivalent in CS:GO when it already does have an easy mode OHKO bodyshotting disruptor.

And you know what? Sometimes in all that chaos you take some damage, you get debuffed, you get headshotted, you slightly fall out of position. And then you correct it.

But roadhog doesn't allow for corrections. Every 6 seconds there is a chance you or any of your teammates will die to a random hook flying through your team. It doesn't even have to be aimed, just thrown in the general area.
One shot kills in this game, should demand monumental amounts of skill, outside of ults. A mccree double headshoting me is fair, and wouldn't happen if I moved correctly.
I would argue that with the prevalence of hitscan in the game there is actually less you can generally do in other situations when you're caught in a bad place than when Roadhog gets you. There isn't much you can do on your own once you've got hit other than to eat the combo, but there is a lot that your team can do to interrupt, which has been my angle all along. It's true though, I am not saying there's a case for outplaying a Roadhog hook 100% of the time and that 100% of the time it is your fault for getting hit, but the game's full of moments like that, and there are many engagements to be had in the larger picture of the round to make up for it. *shrug*
Yeah, I'm definitely fine with it. Likewise it could be said you don't because you're on the receiving end a lot, but that doesn't add anything to the discussion. With the AWP you're getting the chance at a one shot kill every second. They're different games, but if someone's going to bring up that CS:GO felt fair because of Deagles, well, the game is also pivotally built around being pegged instantaneously and it's fine there just like it's fine here.
you're like completely missing 3/4 of CSGO's metagame with this statement lol.
you're like completely missing 3/4 of CSGO's metagame with this statement lol.
Which is why I'm trying to quell that line of discussion because it's mostly irrelevant, I'm not the one to bring up CS just pointing out that it also has one shotting as a foundational pillar of it with "you can play around it" being an argument that fits to Roadhog as well.
Which is why I'm trying to quell that line of discussion because it's mostly irrelevant, I'm not the one to bring up CS just pointing out that it also has one shotting as a foundational pillar of it with "you can play around it" being an argument that fits to Roadhog as well.
that's wrong.


A bit of a false equivalence here I think as you're showing an overhead view of a KOTH versus a single sightline choke in first person. CS:GO has more open areas than that, and conversely OW has tighter spots as well. But I think we're diverging off topic here, the point was that you initially brought up the Deagle as an equivalent in CS:GO when it already does have an easy mode OHKO bodyshotting disruptor.

I would argue that with the prevalence of hitscan in the game there is actually less you can generally do in other situations when you're caught in a bad place than when Roadhog gets you. There isn't much you can do on your own once you've got hit other than to eat the combo, but there is a lot that your team can do to interrupt, which has been my angle all along. It's true though, I am not saying there's a case for outplaying a Roadhog hook 100% of the time and that 100% of the time it is your fault for getting hit, but the game's full of moments like that, and there are many engagements to be had in the larger picture of the round to make up for it. *shrug*
You're missing the point. The thing with csgo is that you can clear all angles one by one. You almost never have to watch 2 angles at the same time if you're good. And if you know the grenades, which you should, as it is a huge part of the game.
I don't understand what you're saying about the deagle. Its a 2 shot body shot, and good luck hitting anything if you're spraying, if you don't die to the enemy first.

Also, what? Hitscan is worse? How? What? With hitscan you can use your movement to dodge their shots? You can use your abilities to fall back or heal yourself?

Also the interruption argument is irrelevant. Well yeah, if the whole team focuses one hero he won't be able to do much, but sooner or later his team will be able to capitalize on it.
Doesn't change the fact that the hook is bullshit.

Also as skii said, what you said about hitscan, genji and tracer being annoying to you leads me to think you just don't understand how aiming and movement works. Which is at the core of what I'm talking about

With the AWP you're getting the chance at a one shot kill every second.
And a chance at a one shot death every time you try it.


You're argument is like "it's fine and you can play around it." I won't argue that you can play around RH hook and teams can focus the dude, but I'm telling you that a lot of the things you're saying about the game are actually like just outright incorrect based on the experience of higher ranking players on the pub ladder as well as what is happening in pro matches.

Risk/Reward on hook has been borked for ages and the hero as a whole has been a hot topic for a long time because of it. The only time the character hasn't been an issue was when the game was in a state where nothing could live past 6 seconds, and even then late game strats during that patch cycle used the character to just go for wonky ass hooks.

Nothing has been said to give me the impression you actually understand what high level Overwatch looks like past, present, future. Just bad examples of things that aren't practical and ignoring the piles of evidence to the contrary.
Also, what? Hitscan is worse? How? What? With hitscan you can use your movement to dodge their shots? You can use your abilities to fall back or heal yourself?

Also the interruption argument is irrelevant. Well yeah, if the whole team focuses one hero he won't be able to do much, but sooner or later his team will be able to capitalize on it.
Doesn't change the fact that the hook is bullshit.

Also as skii said, what you said about hitscan, genji and tracer being annoying to you leads me to think you just don't understand how aiming and movement works. Which is at the core of what I'm talking about
I wasn't saying anything about the Deagle, just that there was a better weapon to refer to.

With hitscan you can dodge, after already being put at a large disadvantage with being initially shot and trying to peg the direction it came from if you're not already being killed by a follow-up skill, McCree and Soldier can put out burst on squishies and take them out fast. My point with the hook is that you can get hooked, but being hooked still means it needs the follow-up which is not a guarantee. You don't need to focus on him at all times, but he's pretty much not doing anything of note until the next hook so unlike other characters which ARE still potent in-between CDs, Roadhog's pretty vulnerable.

Also as skii said, what you said about hitscan, genji and tracer being annoying to you leads me to think you just don't understand how aiming and movement works. Which is at the core of what I'm talking about
Nah I get it, when I play Tracer I get away with some ridiculous stuff so I'm mostly talking from my experiences where my team can't handle a Tracer or the other team can't handle me as one. I've not had a single match where a Roadhog has been as troublesome.

And a chance at a one shot death every time you try it.
Roadhog is vulnerable during as well.

You're argument is like "it's fine and you can play around it." I won't argue that you can play around RH hook and teams can focus the dude, but I'm telling you that a lot of the things you're saying about the game are actually like just outright incorrect based on the experience of higher ranking players on the pub ladder as well as what is happening in pro matches.

Risk/Reward on hook has been borked for ages and the hero as a whole has been a hot topic for a long time because of it. The only time the character hasn't been an issue was when the game was in a state where nothing could live past 6 seconds, and even then late game strats during that patch cycle used the character to just go for wonky ass hooks.

Nothing has been said to give me the impression you actually understand what high level Overwatch looks like past, present, future. Just bad examples of things that aren't practical and ignoring the piles of evidence to the contrary.
Feel how you feel, but abstractly referring to various levels of play and presenting it all as being self-evident isn't a compelling stance to me unless specifics can be cited.


but he's pretty much not doing anything of note until the next hook so unlike other characters which ARE still potent in-between CDs, Roadhog's pretty vulnerable.

He's one of the best characters at breaking Rein shields, can deal good damage at mid range whilst hook is down and can one shot enemies in close range. Definitely not potent whilst hook is down...

Nah I get it, when I play Tracer I get away with some ridiculous stuff so I'm mostly talking from my experiences where my team can't handle a Tracer or the other team can't handle me as one. I've not had a single match where a Roadhog has been as troublesome.

So you're basing all this on the fact that the tracers you've faced have been more "troublesome" than the Roadhogs you've faced... lmao.

Roadhog is vulnerable during as well.

He's not though. He has Rein shield, 600 HP, an Ana behind him etc.
So you're basing all this on the fact that the tracers you've faced have been more "troublesome" than the Roadhogs you've faced... lmao.
Would you have an issue with Roadhog if you didn't find him a problem to handle?

He's not though. He has Rein shield, 600 HP, an Ana behind him etc.
Hmm I wonder if that has more to do with the 90% pick rate other characters than Roadhog...


Feel how you feel, but abstractly referring to various levels of play and presenting it all as being self-evident isn't a compelling stance to me unless specifics can be cited.

You're saying a character that has been able to literally carry pro matches and have people say "first hook wins" at that level isn't a good enough argument for you though. You say RH is not great without CDs while he still potentially deals hundreds of damage per shot. You harp on about hitscan having a huge advantage in a game where Roadhog has had higher usage rates than any hitscan character outside of maybe Soldier, and hitscan heroes have been lower usage rating than many different projectile ones.

Like there are other people in the thread who I know at least follow high level gameplay and development saying the same things to you, and you like aren't saying anything relevant back?

I fight RH, I play in high rating, I've been in scrims, I've followed all this. Idk what you got other than some hard on to hate on Reinhardt who has been addressed before by good players and the devs in which we've found agreement.


I wasn't saying anything about the Deagle, just that there was a better weapon to refer to.
A weapon that costs a fortune and is trash in close range or when you miss a shot.

With hitscan you can dodge, after already being put at a large disadvantage with being initially shot and trying to peg the direction it came from if you're not already being killed by a follow-up skill, McCree and Soldier can put out burst on squishies and take them out fast. My point with the hook is that you can get hooked, but being hooked still means it needs the follow-up which is not a guarantee. You don't need to focus on him at all times, but he's pretty much not doing anything of note until the next hook so unlike other characters which ARE still potent in-between CDs, Roadhog's pretty vulnerable.
Why is that you suddently ignore the abilities for disruption? If you're a gengu, you've got reflect, or dash, if you're a mcree, you can still outskill the player, if you're a soldier you can heal, if you're a sombra you can translocate, if you're a hanzo you can hs or scatter them, if you're a widow its your fault for getting flanked, if you're a mei you can ice block or ice wall, etc etc etc.

There is a chance for you to fight back. With roadhog THERE ISN'T. You best hope the stars align and ana is looking at your direction or zarya has her shield on cd, but all of this is already beneficial against hitscan, so it works both ways.

Also when roadhog has his hook on CD, he is just breaking the rein shield. Making his next hook easier. Nothing to see here.
Roadhog is vulnerable during as well.
That's bullshit and you know it.


Would you have an issue with Roadhog if you didn't find him a problem to handle?

No but the fact that a large number of player have issues with Roadhog is pretty telling. And these are top players.

Hmm I wonder if that has more to do with the 90% pick rate other characters than Roadhog...

But any other hero that's not Roadhog in that situation doesn't get a free pick with no draw back as well as requiring little skill...

You don't seem to even try to understand what's being said. 3 people are telling you why Roadhog's hook is problematic and your best response has been "I find him less troublesome than Tracer when I play"


I've lost 500 rank points since yesterday. Can't win a game anymore and they haven't even close. They've all been blowouts. So frustrating.
This reminds me of the time in the beginning of OW, when I tried convincing people Bastion wasn't overpowered.

Was it Bastion that was OP, or was it Bastion behind a Rein shield with a pocket Mercy that was OP?

Cause I feel Hog is manageable out in the open, but yeah behind Ana + Lucio + Rein he's troublesome.


Was it Bastion that was OP, or was it Bastion behind a Rein shield with a pocket Mercy that was OP?

Cause I feel Hog is manageable out in the open, but yeah behind Ana + Lucio + Rein he's troublesome.

Well of course any hero out of position against your whole team will die.

And people thought Bastion was OP because everyone was new and bad at the game. No one says he's OP now because people have learnt how this game works and what counters bastion so it's no longer problematic.
You're saying a character that has been able to literally carry pro matches and have people say "first hook wins" at that level isn't a good enough argument for you though. You say RH is not great without CDs while he still potentially deals hundreds of damage per shot. You harp on about hitscan having a huge advantage in a game where Roadhog has had higher usage rates than any hitscan character outside of maybe Soldier, and hitscan heroes have been lower usage rating than many different projectile ones.

Like there are other people in the thread who I know at least follow high level gameplay and development saying the same things to you, and you like aren't saying anything relevant back?

I fight RH, I play in high rating, I've been in scrims, I've followed all this. Idk what you got other than some hard on to hate on Reinhardt who has been addressed before by good players and the devs in which we've found agreement.
I'm saying that a handwavy response about higher level play isn't really compelling on its own or adding much, which have been the bulk of what you've gone with as opposed to DevilDog and Skii. I don't have a hate for Reinhardt, but I do think he's been a pink elephant for how long he's been a central figure on matches. As of the last meta report, Roadhog has had the lowest use rate of the tanks in the tank meta only barely making it into B tier use. So if he really was as important as you say, it seems even high level matches haven't come to reflect it.

A weapon that costs a fortune and is trash in close range or when you miss a shot.
But a OHKO CD of 1 second!!!!!!! ;) Show me Roadhog doing this.

Why is that you suddently ignore the abilities for disruption? If you're a gengu, you've got reflect, or dash, if you're a mcree, you can still outskill the player, if you're a soldier you can heal, if you're a sombra you can translocate, if you're a hanzo you can hs or scatter them, if you're a widow its your fault for getting flanked, if you're a mei you can ice block or ice wall, etc etc etc.

There is a chance for you to fight back. With roadhog THERE ISN'T. You best hope the stars align and ana is looking at your direction or zarya has her shield on cd, but all of this is already beneficial against hitscan, so it works both ways.

Also when roadhog has his hook on CD, he is just breaking the rein shield. Making his next hook easier. Nothing to see here.
I'm not ignoring disruption abilities, but if you've got your back to a McCree or Soldier you can just as easily get combo'd with less time for team recourse just basing on the nature of the characters. I'm not actually saying hitscan is some generally bad thing, just in the case of being caught off guard as the example was being hooked when you didn't see it coming. He is a good Reinhardt shield killer though, no doubt, but this also means he's poking out to do it unless he also has a Reinhardt protecting him then hmm...

That's bullshit and you know it.
Absolutely not. Contrary to popular belief, the time it takes Roadhog to draw the hook, stun a person, and bring him back, is not a moment where Hog is invulnerable.

But any other hero that's not Roadhog in that situation doesn't get a free pick with no draw back as well as requiring little skill...
Every character gets a chance at a pick once shields are down and everyone's out in the open. That's also on the Reinhardt's communication.

You don't seem to even try to understand what's being said. 3 people are telling you why Roadhog's hook is problematic and your best response has been "I find him less troublesome than Tracer when I play"
I understand, I get it, I can agree to disagree but I'm just interested in the discussion because balance changes have a knock-on effect where a character being nerfed or buffed then completely changes how other characters handle. D.Va being in rise? Hitscans get less prevalent. Ana became really useful? Now tanks get highly used. When I repeatedly get: But every 6 seconds someone instantly dies! Nebulous high level play reference! What if Roadhog is getting protected by the highest use rate (but totally balanced guys we swear) characters in the game!

I think it's less of a matter of things like Roadhog himself is a problem but rather the environment he's in causing him to be more potent than he would otherwise be. If Reaper can get in vogue again then Hog can get fucked.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Roadhog is a cheap piece of shit and nothing will convince me otherwise.
Fuck it, this conversation is going nowhere. Best leave it at that before I facepalm even more.
I had your post and was ready to respond (also that CS reply was just in jest, I used a winky! C'mon!) But you're definitely taking a more aggressive take on this where you MUST be right and that a contrary view MUST be dismissed and stupid regardless of any alternate circumstances being pointed out. C'mon dude, we're just pickin' some grey matter on our experiences to kill some time and talk. We don't have to be right or wrong about it.


I had your post and was ready to respond (also that CS reply was just in jest, I used a winky! C'mon!) But you're definitely taking a more aggressive take on this where you MUST be right and that a contrary view MUST be dismissed and stupid regardless of any alternate circumstances being pointed out. C'mon dude, we're just pickin' some grey matter on our experiences to kill some time and talk. We don't have to be right or wrong about it.
I had taken this discussion more seriously than you. However it's extremely frustrating having a discussion with someone where I'm trying to be constructive and genuinely trying to get my point across, and the other person is halfway chilling/shitposting not giving any thought on things hes posting.

Whatever, I like with chilling anyway.
I'm glad I never entered it. There were a few times where my mouse hovered over post but it's being more fun to observe.
With me? I'm always down for nice discussions about Overwatch :)


If anything it should be the opposite. Whiffing hook should be way more punished than it is.

If you are bad at RH you should be punished tbh. I generally don't like making already simple things easier because people can't be bothered to learn to do it. With how they changed hook I can be kinda okay with it because the skill involved with one shotting was really esoteric nonsense at some point and having good reactions when hook bugged out. Even then it rubs me the wrong way.

Idk call me old fashioned for thinking somebody whiffing a skill shot should be appropriately punished at the very least.

I thought that way too, but the thing is that Roadhog IS his hook. He's not a character without it, he's an ult battery. If you punish missed hooks then his appeal at lower levels of OW play may be reduced, but Roadhog isn't really a huge problem there. At high levels Roadhogs are the only ones making consistent plays, and thus need to be reined it.

The assumption I am making here is that when you say missed hooks should have a longer cooldown, you also mean that landed hooks have the standard 6s cooldown. That won't help at all at high-level play where the hook accuracy is insanely consistent. The good Roadhogs will continue to be a dominant force and the only playmakers.

So, if a missed hook is 8 seconds cooldown and a landed one is 6, a miss and a hit is 14 seconds of cooldown. The same applies for the opposite. But what about accurate hooks? Punishing missed hooks means that hooks can be landed in 12 seconds, but punishing landed hooks means 16 seconds of cooldown.

Since hook 2.0 is so consistent in getting an ensured kill after a landed hook, good Roadhogs need to be held back by other means. Rewarding their accuracy, in this case only, is not a good idea. I understand the idea of punishing whiffed skillshots but Roadhog needs his hook to do anything, but his status in the meta needs to be affected somehow.


Like I said before, I kinda think you guys are just salty about being hooked. >_>

Just to get this out of the way, if he was really a problem at top level, why is he not a pick on every team? It's possible the new hook will be a problem (again, I haven't played enough of the new patch to render any real judgment), but we need more time before we can see the effects of it.

As for lower level games... there are drawbacks to picking Roadhog. Shocking, I know. At least on this page, I haven't seen it mentioned that he's an ult battery (I mean, it seems obvious enough to not even need to mention but from the vitriol I've seen yeah I'll say it). I can and do punish flankers but the smart ones know how far away they can poke out in the open and when they can peek. The dude's a fat giant with no movement or shielding abilities and not-top players will have a much easier time hitting his lardass than like Genji or Tracer. They may not get the kill because Ana lol but if they win an ult charge war that could turn the team fight.

I'd also like to know who is doing these midrange, RMB headshots consistently that the example would be brought up. Yes, absolutely it's doable but again outside of top players* I want to ask if this is something you see consistently. I play at the 2700s right now and it's not something I see. I admit my aim sucks. For me it's not an easy shot.

Yeah, hook is a strong ability but I think you lose sight of the whole picture if you just look at everything it can do and don't look at the strengths and weaknesses brought to your team by picking Roadhog. I've switched off Hog allot because the enemy team is too smart with their shield or stun management or their flankers are too smart and maybe my team could just use some extra defensive tanks or maybe another mid-long range DPS to just go into a shield war. It's not so simple to just say the hook's strong so it's dumb.

*I actually don't know of top players who can do this. I haven't seen it discussed. I'm just assuming, so any examples would be nice.
I had taken this discussion more seriously than you. However it's extremely frustrating having a discussion with someone where I'm trying to be constructive and genuinely trying to get my point across, and the other person is halfway chilling/shitposting not giving any thought on things hes posting.

Whatever, I like with chilling anyway.
I've been trying to be genuine and constructive as well, that CS tangent was just irrelevant on the whole and kept getting spiraled but really does not have bearing on Overwatch, so it was getting worse the longer it went on and I'm sorry if that coloured things. I don't appreciate that you just see it as thoughtless posting because it happens to be a contrary view or one you don't share. Eh, whatever. Dropping the topic and moving on.


Looks like triple tank is still the way to win games. Can Blizzard just nerf Ana to the ground already please so I don't have to see this broken hero every game


i'm really shocked at what Blizzard keeps with the nerfs & buffs, even after their "internal testing" and the PTR......

it's almost like it doesn't matter.


Hmm, not a huge fan of the spray change. It's cool that I can have four sprays available, but moving the right stick is annoying lol.

It would be nice if you could pick a default that will spray when you double tap the button.
Man Winston is just too fun to play as. When you get into a good rhythm with him he becomes a force to be reckoned with. Got into a great groove defending Hanamura with him in Mystery Heroes, which is about the only time you can play as him right now. I hope there's a meta soon where he's viable again.
Man Winston is just too fun to play as. When you get into a good rhythm with him he becomes a force to be reckoned with. Got into a great groove defending Hanamura with him in Mystery Heroes, which is about the only time you can play as him right now. I hope there's a meta soon where he's viable again.

It;s true, winston is the best


Hmm, not a huge fan of the spray change. It's cool that I can have four sprays available, but moving the right stick is annoying lol.

It would be nice if you could pick a default that will spray when you double tap the button.

did you even look into the options?
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