Yea Cappa appears and then leaves just as soon as he does.
ez. Add D.Va, hitscan, and Zen.
for a while back, owzer kept leaving after i joined.
as for DVA against pharmecy, dont chase mercy. such a pain. learn the hard way

just tickle her to prevent self healing and hope the dps down the mercy quick.
but if pharah is alone, its easier for dva to give chase.
from what i saw last night pooh stream, you guys need to work on chasing the stray mercy. i see pooh tried to focus her when ever he can but noone was helping much. there was that game on route 66 where you guys got a random on your team who is a tracer on attack. man, s/he killed the mercy every fight up to the 2nd point giving you gives res-less fights to deal with. i praised her and pooh got jealous

pooh you did good work to keep the discord on mercy too, just that the tracer did a nicer job on follow up the kill. she got a quite few picks before a big fight too, giving you guys man advantage.
i didn't feel like playing much until end of the night. because i slept at 4am the night before lol
the the couple qp games i did with Lik yesterday before bed tilted me. made me gave zero f, and played hanzo. i felt bad on the nepal game as hanzo. the tracer in our team was giving his all and manage to get a 1-1 and i f it up by staying hanzo

thats y the next match i start playing with the team when s/he was still on our side.