I dont think aggro deck in wild can be removed by nerf lol
Egg druid and aggro shaman already absolute busted
Aggro has to be unmanageable sometimes. If it's always manageable, then the archetype wouldn't exist.
The question is just how unmanageable it is, and how often.
Pirate Warrior "highrolls" into unmanageability VERY often, and if it gets a highroll combo the game is almost always over. Even if it doesn't highroll, it can adapt into a long-range bruiser plan through Arcanite Reaper + stacked weapon upgrades to get a face damage train most decks can't manage.
In contrast, Aggro Shaman doesn't highroll very often in my experience. Turn 1 Tunnel Trogg into consistent Overload is the only way it becomes unmanageabel. If you have a Dark Bomb or Frost Bolt on curve, everything tends to go well.
Egg Druid is in this weird position where you would THINK it wouldn't high roll often, but somehow it always does. lol Empty hand? Top deck Living Mana, then Jeeves, and then get another Living Mana. I don't know how it happens so often, but it seems to a lot! With the Innervate nerf, at least turn 1 Fledgling won't happen very often, and it will be a huge investment if it does.
It's about time Priest gets to be top dog.
Blizzard "balance" back at it!
I will be extremely surprised if Blizzard lets this stand. You kill Hearthstone as a mobile game if each match takes 30 minutes.
I wonder how you will feel when Auctioneer gets rotated and Edwin gets nerfed.
I really regret supporting Druid nerfs now. My favorite class gets dumpstered and my least favorite opponent gets buffed by omission. Not even close to a fair trade.
The FWA change is really, really upsetting. At least wait until an expansion and give us another option.
All FWA needed was one simple change: "This weapon may not attack enemy heroes" - holy fuck, now it's balanced for everyone. Or, as I suggested on Reddit, make the Pirate tribal buff +1/+0 like Murlocs got. Suddenly the best aggro deck isn't also one of the best at keeping a board and making tempo plays!
Lets play some hearthstone
Jade Druid
Aggro Druid
Pirate Warrior
Aggro Druid
Jade Druid
Jade Druid
Ok back in 6 months
I haven't seen Jade Druid in 3 days in Wild.
Because there are worse things thanks to Blizzard trying to intentionally sabotage our meta.