I am playing HotS for the D.va skin... I am a monster.
OMG HOTS is pure garbage, am I supposed to suffer just for a skin ? The UI of the game is a complete mess and why the fuck can't I even quit a game that started ? ...
I was wondering if I should play it to get the skin, but it sounds like I need to play it A LOT to get that skin?OMG HOTS is pure garbage, am I supposed to suffer just for a skin ? The UI of the game is a complete mess and why the fuck can't I even quit a game that started ? ...
I was wondering if I should play it to get the skin, but it sounds like I need to play it A LOT to get that skin?
Fuck that.
I was wondering if I should play it to get the skin, but it sounds like I need to play it A LOT to get that skin?
Fuck that.
I was wondering if I should play it to get the skin, but it sounds like I need to play it A LOT to get that skin?
Fuck that.
We're all monsters now.
Thanks for the info, guys. 10 games in total, and I only care about the D.Va skin...
Might be worth considering. Each game is about 20 minutes, right?
Pharah mains will crySpeaking of the new cinematic.
Why haven't they buffed D.Va to fly and shoot at the same time yet?
Speaking of the new cinematic.
Why haven't they buffed D.Va to fly and shoot at the same time yet?
Don't you dare.
The only reason I'm playing it is because of the awesome Overwatch cinematic. (And, ahem, the crossover event... I guess.)
What healer were you?
Strictly out of curiosity, because I can't think of 3 worse characters to have as a group for that event than Hanzo/Reaper/Junkrat.
That shit was unwinnable, even if they did group up, normal difficulty aside.
I'm not gonna lie, Genji fighting Diablo is pretty fucking cool
D.VA confirmed for HOTS.
I'm not gonna lie, Genji fighting Diablo is pretty fucking cool
they made diablo short as shit tho
I just found out there's a huge Symmettra teleporter exploit, i would dare call it even game breaking.
Basically if you do the the exploit right, even if the enemy team kills your teleporter, it will still stay "up" until all 6 trips are used.
Fucking EHHH blizzard,if it's not one thing it's another...
Jesus fucking Christ!
Even in the Uprising PVE people just run around doing their own thing. Why do so many people struggle to understand that Overwatch is a fucking team game?!
Of course you need healing, Hanzo, you've just pissed off all by yourself. But I've just had to go resuscitate Reaper and am now working on getting the wayward Junkrat back to full health. How about we all group up?
Oh, we're all dead. Never mind then.
definitely liking the look and feel of my new Nacon controller... havent tested it out in OW yet but my muscle memory from my Xbox 360 days made me instantly feel right at home with the where the thumbstick placements are.
Well see if it actually improves my game at all lol
hahah yeah its actually been out for over a week which is ridiculous lol
Speaking of the new cinematic.
Why haven't they buffed D.Va to fly and shoot at the same time yet?
I'm not gonna lie, Genji fighting Diablo is pretty fucking cool
Yeah I read that all the known issues were fixed with firmware updates so I jumped on one. Latest firmware update lets you map the buttons straight from the controller no need to log onto the pc which is nice.100% do not use unless you have the new firmware and software, I had one before and returned it, the right stick was completely inaccurate (it's a known issue). Supposedly they fixed it. All in all, it's a very comfortable controller, the buttons on the back are nice, I don't like how big the bumpers and triggers are though.
Playing off meta?
So I decided to finally take competitive seriously for once and I made it to Diamond for the first time ever! I was playing with nothing but randoms the whole time too. I think I'll be able to reach Master eventually. I'm sure I would have been at this point a lot sooner, but I sort of stopped playing regularly about 2 months after the game launched.
So I decided to finally take competitive seriously for once and I made it to Diamond for the first time ever! I was playing with nothing but randoms the whole time too. I think I'll be able to reach Master eventually. I'm sure I would have been at this point a lot sooner, but I sort of stopped playing regularly about 2 months after the game launched.
Just had a game where a sym on our team put down an invisible teleporter on the point. It couodn't be destroyed so we just kept spawning back on point. Thats a pretty ridiculously op glitch. He said he puts it on payloads and just lets his team respawn there on maps too. I'd be fucking pissed if the other team did that to me.
Damn, D.va OTP in the flesh.
And with D.Va, no less. More treats for you, man. :3
I'm still struggling, but I hope to get to Diamond soon.