Nuno Pinto
last I checked I was 25xx so I'm a few losses away from getting there
it's a three day weekend here so I'm going to try to group up with you guys as much as possible at least get me back to Diamond
Honestly? I don't know. I want to blame my teammates because that's the easy answer but I probably should be playing better. Partly its the region I think ps4 European region is a disaster for solo queue especially at platinum range. Lack of communication. Bad team compositions. Unwillingness to make switches to another hero etc.
I feel like there are games that I do really really really well and still lose. I know I'm a diamond player and I know I can get there again a part of me just stopped giving a crap so I no longer try hard I guess and it's not like I'm playing 15 games in one day and just losing. I've dropped from like playing 2-3 games at most per day lol
I remember when I tried hard with randoms... that shit wasn't funny at all.
You had bad luck with our stacks too, I don't think you were on a winstreak with us lately, your rank usually tanks when you play with us lol