So many L's in a rownow I'm below 2000 again...
Solo Q?
So many L's in a rownow I'm below 2000 again...
He was just a random dude who sat himself in a corner and spammed grenades.Was the 'Rat LiK? Otherwise I got nothing.
NBA Jam!!OMG just heard my D.Va say: "Boom shakalaka, she's on fire!" for the first time ever!!
feels like every time I get a game with a decent team, someone on the other team disconnects immediately. fucking sucks, man
So many L's in a rownow I'm below 2000 again...
Solo Q?
Linear ramp is broken but woah aim smoothing is amazing
Linear ramp is broken but woah aim smoothing is amazing
Makes it feel like a real consoles fps my aim is so much better now and switching targets is a breezeWhat's so good about it?
I use him fine with 70/70 in dual zone. Havent tried new controls yet.I like using Hanzo on pc, but I find him kind of wacky on console, nevertheless I try to do my best with him, 100% effortstubbornness, so besides turning auto aim off(cause that messed up his scatter-to-their-feets thingy), does anyone else playing him on console has some advice for his control settings? I haven't try the new options yet, I wonder if these help him at all.
What effect it does from turning it 0 to 100%?Makes it feel like a real consoles fps my aim is so much better now and switching targets is a breeze
Makes it feel like a real consoles fps my aim is so much better now and switching targets is a breeze
Not sure the mumbo jumbo but basically you don't need high sensitivity settings to be able to turn around quickly anymore you can have say 40-40 and quickly turn around with low aim smoothI'll need to test this out. It's basically 1:1 movement?
Not sure the mumbo jumbo but basically you don't need high sensitivity settings to be able to turn around quickly anymore you can have say 40-40 and quickly turn around with low aim smooth
I think it's what komaru said
There's a pretty big thread on reddit that explains it all pretty well. Linear ramping is pretty much broken but aim smoothing plus dual zone seems to be working for tons of peopleWell, if it plays like the CoD games, this could be a game changer.
There's a pretty big thread on reddit that explains it all pretty well. Linear ramping is pretty much broken but aim smoothing plus dual zone seems to be working for tons of people
I use him fine with 70/70 in dual zone. Havent tried new controls yet.
What effect it does from turning it 0 to 100%?
sailor suits
handing out roses
korea is weird
I loled when the dude said he got special equipment. *cough*xim4*cough*Here's the ow forum thread that also links to the reddit thread.
Some good stuff in there
Here's the ow forum thread that also links to the reddit thread.
Some good stuff in there
You want smoothing as low as comfortably possible.(ive been experimenting at 50,im going to try lower)Do we want aim asssit and smoothing at 100 each?
Dual zone is two speeds, slow until you tilt the stick about 70% of its range of motion, than fast as hell for turning after you exceed the 70% range of motion.
Exponential Ramp is an exponentially growing speed, so if you tilt the stick 20% it will be going 20% speed, 40% will do 40% speed etc.
So you'll get a lot of different speeds with expo ramp. But you'll only have two with dual zone.
Dual zone was made as a very user friendly mode, so anyone can touch it and be adequate. This is what limits it in the end.
What amazing spectacle are you watching
You want smoothing as low as comfortably possible.(ive been experimenting at 50,im going to try lower)
Aim assist is also whatever youre used to.
I'm also going to try expo ramp too. After reading this
Matchmaking is rigged, everytime get to season high I get teamed with a bunch of shitlords. For like 15 games straight.
I was actually aiming for Genji hoping to time it with reflect dropping but he moved out the way before but ended up hitting mccree behind him lolThat second one is pretty bullshit.
Yeah, I spent a good long while testing the various settings (as McCree against Ana bots) and found 70/70, dual zone, 100 aim assist, 0 smoothing was working best for me. But this isnt too far off from what I was using so maybe this won't be for everyone.Currently testing aim smoothing at 30 with sensitivity 70/70, dual zone, aim assist 100
Matchmaking is rigged, everytime get to season high I get teamed with a bunch of shitlords. For like 15 games straight.
Well, if it plays like the CoD games, this could be a game changer.
What does aim smoothing do anyway?
It makes your cursor/camera movement smooth instead of being "jerky" and rigid like what you would normally get with a mouse. Controllers use smoothing because of the limited movement you have with the analogue stick; it accelerates your inputs rapidly until a threshold.
It is basically aim acceleration for your analogue stick. Now your analogue stick will move at a constant rate depending on sensitivity, so you will have accurate aim instead of the random acceleration results you would get with smoothing.