So sad my last Comp didn't give me POTG. I fucking saved the day. They were getting ulted by Zayra, but our team switched to Rein. Said hold on for 3 seconds, flank quick behind and gun down their Mercy. She was fucking us over all game with Rez, Ulted, and got the Quintuple kill.
Switched to Pharah at the end since we couldn't get at their healers, killed their Ana and forced to Mercy to burn the ult on a double rez, then blew her off.
Probably my best game in a while as DPS. Sucked the first round, but really put in work the last two. Caught their team alone going through a door and killed their Tracer as she tele behind, just waited for the sound and rocket to the face. Forcing them to getting pinched between both sides and they could never get any ground for that point.