Dude is talented as fuck and nothing against him but c'mon. He isn't Snape.
I didn't even care about the whole Hermione being black thing. It's not just about race. I just can't see him as snape.
I do hope he gets a role in the show but just not Snape.
Why are they making another adaptation of the books? There are plenty of stories they could tell in this universe in and out of Hogwarts. Do we need the same story again?
The thing is the movies weren't completely accurate to the books. Prisoner of Azkaban pretty much completely skips over all of the Marauders. All we get is the map and find out that it was Harry's dad. Goblet of Fire misses out a lot. Order of the Phoenix even more. Half Blood Prince focuses a lot on Harry/Dumbledore learning how to defeat Voldemort but they wanted to make it more into a teen romance movie.
Scenes/plots I want to see on screen that weren't in the movies:
The two scenes of Weasley's and Dumbledore picking harry up from Dursley's in GoF + HBP. Weasley's destroy their house and Dumbledore talks shit to them.
SPEW/more house elf stuff
Marauders (not just the map)
Seeing Neville's parents and the whole St Mungos scene.
Two Way mirror (it is in the movies but not as important as the books)
Lots of foreshadowing scenes were cut from earlier movies.
Ginny not being a dumb idiot
Deathday Party
More HBP voldemort related flashback scenes. I want to see Trelawney make her original prophecy, Dumbledore interviewing Voldemort to be a teacher, the Gaunts, and Hepzibah,
there is actually too much stuff to list that was left out the movies.