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Pakistan to execute 500 jailed militants in wake of Taliban school massacre

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If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Pakistan plans to execute around 500 militants in coming weeks, officials said Monday, after the government lifted a moratorium on the death penalty in terror cases following a Taliban school massacre.

Six militants have been hanged since Friday amid rising public anger over Tuesday’s slaughter in the northwestern city of Peshawar, which left 149 people dead including 133 children.

After the deadliest terror attack in Pakistani history, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif ended the six-year moratorium on the death penalty, reinstating it for terrorism-related cases.

“Interior ministry has finalised the cases of 500 convicts who have exhausted all the appeals, their mercy petitions have been turned down by the president and their executions will take place in coming weeks,” a senior government official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

more here: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/12/...militants-in-wake-of-taliban-school-massacre/


Don't know how I feel.

In one way, it is cornering the taliban even more. They are clearly affected by the military operation, and killing of their brethren in jail will drive them further into a corner. Plus, they will be less burden on society without taxes paying for them.

On the other hand, I hope emotional tensions don't put an innocent man on death row.


What happened was absolutely disgusting....no....worse....there are no words for what happened. It is so heinously inhuman as to be beyond all credibility.

But....an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. I would not be surprised if something just as vile is not even now being planned in retaliation. The second you have state sanctioned murder of a captive is the second you have moved down a much darker path...and I pray it is one that does not end in yet more violence.
The Pakistani army wants blood for blood and blood it shall have, but they're going to learn the same lessons the US did by fighting wars with proxy insurgent armies in the hardest possible manner.
Goddam,what a shitshow. This is not good for all involved, especially the innocents caught in the cross fire (the kids and thier families), and the innocent about to be executed. Damn, this whole thing is making me physically ill.


So over the course of six days, 500 inmates have exhausted all of their appeals and had each of their mercy petitions considered and rejected?

That's some fast-food style extermination going on there.


For reference, this is only 278 less people than the global number of people executed in 2013.

(note: this doesn't include China, which is thought to execute thousands annually but doesn't publish stats about it)


Fully support this. Kill em all.

A few thoughts:

1. They aren't all guilty. In fact since the justice system is a bit of a joke there, it's likely that quite a few are not guilty.

2. If you start killing people in revenge, you become nearly as bad as the people you are taking revenge on.

3. This will likely provoke further attacks by radical Muslims of equal or greater horror.

So it's probably not that wise.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The thing is, morality aside, the Taliban doesn't give a fuck about its prisoners who it will now count as martyrs and laugh as Pakistan diminishes the horror of the children's deaths with this new atrocity.


I won't be shedding a tear, but I don't condone this. Never have, never will condone the death penalty.

I understand not shedding a tear for violent militant extremists. But what about the innocent people inevitably thrown into this pool of 500?


Except these aren't the people involved in the school massacre

Well obviously, they're all dead aren't they?

I think most people aren't going to lose any sleep if that number of Taliban do get executed, the only issue is, are they really all guilty, and what repercussions can be expected?
They should focus on killing the ones responsible for the massacre. Killing randoms wont do anything because you'll always want the actual responsible ones dead.


I mean... So yeah if they were actually guilty of something I'd have less of a problem with it. But I'm sure it's all random dudes with varying degrees of guilt and very little in the way of evidence.

Meanwhile good luck being the politician saying "No we have to have free and fair trials for these accused terrorists " after over 100 kids were killed.
I don't get this. Those 500 people are already imprisoned. Even if they are all guilty and deserve to be there, killing them all as revenge does nothing for the government. Isn't the whole point to stop terrorist attacks?


I understand not shedding a tear for violent militant extremists. But what about the innocent people inevitably thrown into this pool of 500?

Just one, or even the most important reason why I condemn it.

Such a terrible practice.


I guess it's easy to say kill them all. Blood lust and vengeance tends to trump rationality, reason, and looking at the big picture especially if it's over some violent horrific crime committed against children. Hell, that's a big reason many of these terrorists are terrorists in the first place.
Killing people doesn't bring victims back to life. All it does is create martyrs and fan the flames of extremism. If they are locked up then just keep them locked up. They are not a danger to society in prison.


I don't get this. Those 500 people are already imprisoned. Even if they are all guilty and deserve to be there, killing them all as revenge does nothing for the government. Isn't the whole point to stop terrorist attacks?
More like people in political positions trying to find a quick emotionally satisfying action to satisfy a perceived desire for revenge among their constituents. Most of these people simply aren't forward thinking enough or intellegent enough to find effective ways to attack the problem. All they can come up with is an eye for an eye type escalation.
My first reaction is "good." But then I realize that making such a public statement about killing the militants will only inspire the remaining radicals to go even further. This will only lead to escalation.


For reference, this is only 278 less people than the global number of people executed in 2013.

(note: this doesn't include China, which is thought to execute thousands annually but doesn't publish stats about it)

Probably doesn't include North Korea either.


This was a gross miscalculation on the Taliban's part.

They wanted to intimidate the country by killing future generations but they didn't seriously consider that the government would fight back. Oh boy are they fighting back. On top of that any sympathy the Taliban had with regular people was totally squandered. Even though innocent people will definitely be executed for false accusations of being a terrorist but the public won't care because the Taliban crossed a huge moral line that deserves some form of punishment.

It would be great if the Pakistani government worked doubly as hard to sort out who is innocent from those who have worked with the Taliban but their citizens won't care so much that they are emphasizing speed over accuracy.

Dumb asses.
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