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Pakistan to execute 500 jailed militants in wake of Taliban school massacre

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Pakistan's judicial system needs a lot of work if these 500 jailed militants aren't merely in line for the bloodthirsty reprisal sought by the army. But this is clearly a revenge slaughter, not something that doesn't have alternatives like...not killing them en masse.

Last I checked a lot of these militant groups now attacking Pakistan are proxy armies that the ISI funded and has since lost all control over, so there is no easy answer. People saying 'this isn't the answer' aren't suggesting there is a tidy solution.

I guess the moral compass shatters when 130+ children get slaughtered...


Keep them in prison? They are not a threat. The real threat is the terrorists outside of prison.

Didn't someone just post statistics about prisoners in that country have a good chance of escaping?

Pakistan's judicial system needs a lot of work if these 500 jailed militants aren't merely in line for the bloodthirsty reprisal sought by the army. But this is clearly a revenge slaughter, not something that doesn't have alternatives like...not killing them en masse.

Last I checked a lot of these militant groups now attacking Pakistan are proxy armies that the ISI funded and has since lost all control over, so there is no easy answer. People saying 'this isn't the answer' aren't suggesting there is a tidy solution.

I see. I guess we will see the outcome based on their goverment's answer.
An eye for an eye makes the world blind.

This is only going to make the Taliban attack more innocent people. Killing these people does not bring those children back, nor does it solve any prroblems. This is barbaric itself.

What barbarism? These people WANT to go to heaven!
On one hand, they murdered my people. None of them are innocent in any way. It's either they have life sentences or if they're not likely to reform, then this course of action.

On the other hand, if they abuse their laws like USA did with the Patriot Act:
Rights campaigners say Pakistan overuses its anti-terror laws and courts to prosecute ordinary crimes.
I guess the moral compass shatters when 130+ children get slaughtered...

I share your lack of faith in the Pakistani military's average trigger discipline when it comes to upholding the international standards of human rights, particularly inmates. It's still wrong to exact revenge like this, and it won't deter the Taliban who have no problems escalating suicide bombing attacks on soft, civilian targets.
Imagine if we applied this logic to all that have served in any military.

Taliban isn't some military fighting in a just war, they've been killing their own people and their goal is to take over all of Pakistan or wherever to instill their rules. Pakistan's forces have been trying to stop their invasion for many years now.

They are the reason why I don't like going to Pakistan every couple of years. Some places where we go for holidays like resorts or beaches were not possible because they were seen nearby and we lived in Karachi not Peshawar or other Northern areas. They are terrorists, not freedom fighters, no doubt about it.
What is this supposed to mean? You're not seriously equating killing done in the military to the slaughters wrought by terrorists, I hope? That is done in self defense.
Ah, self-defense. Now what happens when both sides claim to be protecting their homes, people, and ideology? It's hard to claim moral high ground when both sides kill for revenge, torture, and leave lots of collateral damage. You can try to claim high ground when you do less evil than your opponent. Matching their wrongs with more wrongs does not give you high ground.


This is wrong... punish them for the crimes they commited not for the crimes of others. On the other hand I can understand the rage of the people who lost children in the massacre. To be honest, i think i would want the same in their place, as irrational as it is.


The US & allies have killed waaaay more Taliban. Not seeing the uproar over that. That said, this is unfortunate because its just a quick way to appease public anger and remove the anger people have towards the govt. Basically playing wag the dog with people's lives.


I don't think this is the way to go, but also, to those that are saying "innocents will be killed" as if it's a fact, I believe you're making conjectures. 500 out of 500 could actually be Taliban militants. We don't know.
I don't think this is the way to go, but also, to those that are saying "innocents will be killed" as if it's a fact, I believe you're making conjectures. 500 out of 500 could actually be Taliban militants. We don't know.
Better kill them to be on the safe side? The whole point is that we don't know. Do you want to take that risk? If so, you wouldn't be very humanitarian.
Too much room for error. I'd understand if they were killed committing terrorist acts but these suspected terrorists are now confirmed terrorists that will die imminently.
The US & allies have killed waaaay more Taliban. Not seeing the uproar over that.


You'll find it in the threads about drone strikes on Pakistani soil, and the outrage is over the deaths of civilians and extrajudicial slayings of American citizens. Why are you expecting it in here?


I say that they at least go through the entire group of 500 and re-investigate their cases. If they were a part of terrorist events, they deserve to be executed. If they are found innocent, fix that problem right away. I know that's not what is going to happen, but that's how I would go about it.
...what? If they were sentenced to death...they would have been sentenced to death already...and even then, you're going to execute people by association? Fucking seriously?

Considering that half a dozen militants just managed to massacre 150 innocents (almost all children), 499 militants to 1 innocent wouldn't be a bad ratio at all.

What if you were a World War 2 bomber pilot, facing the odds of killing 499 Nazis and 1 civilian, would you even hesitate? That's probably 10x better odds than they would have ever hoped for.
Did you just compared the battlefield to fucking people held in confinement?


...what? If they were sentenced to death...they would have been sentenced to death already..

That's... exactly that's happening here?

These individuals were already sentenced to death. There was a moratorium on the death penalty in terror cases. After the school attack, the moratorium is being lifted.

From the article:

"the government lifted a moratorium on the death penalty in terror cases"

"Interior ministry has finalised the cases of 500 convicts who have exhausted all the appeals, their mercy petitions have been turned down by the president"

You're going to execute people by association? Fucking seriously?

That's... NOT what is happening here?

They didn't just round up 500 random Taliban members to execute because of the Taliban attack on the school, which is what you are implying.

Did you just compared the battlefield to fucking people held in confinement?

Prisoners, convicted in terrorism cases, given the death penalty, being held in confinement on death row.

For example (also from the article):

"Of the six hanged so far, five were involved in a failed attempt to assassinate then military ruler Pervez Musharraf in 2003, while one was involved in a 2009 attack on army headquarters."


Some people who deserve to die are going to die, some people who maybe deserve a second chance are going to die, either way those kids aren't coming back.

I can't in any way support this.


There has been trials and judicial safeguards that have proven the pertenence of said 500 militants to the ranks of the Talibans with little shadow of doubt. This is not a random rage fit nor a chechenyan-like retribution. I just hope that no innocent is executed, but It is very hard for me to give a single fuck about these 500 imbeciles.

And as for the mantra and "conventional wisdom" about how violence doesn't solve anything, particulary religious fanatism, I beg to disagree, for history has shown, again and again, how violence, when intelligently and ruthlessly applied, have indeed solved massive, seemingly untractable problems, specially when it come to religious fanatics. It's horrible to witness, but one can hardly deny its effectivity.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
To all the people saying that this is not the right way, and will lead to more retaliation.

Pakistan's government has been attempting negotiations for multiple years but these fuckers are continuing to bomb, kill and generally be a nuisance as much as they can.

This, at least, sets an example that we won't just sit around and keep taking the abuses.

Any organization or group that openly kills 100+ children needs to be dealt with. No exceptions.


I don't think this is the way to go, but also, to those that are saying "innocents will be killed" as if it's a fact, I believe you're making conjectures. 500 out of 500 could actually be Taliban militants. We don't know.

It's not even just innocent people, they could very well all be guilty, but they may not be 500 Taliban militants either if Pakistan is using its terror laws to prosecute regular criminals too.


To all the people saying that this is not the right way, and will lead to more retaliation.

Pakistan's government has been attempting negotiations for multiple years but these fuckers are continuing to bomb, kill and generally be a nuisance as much as they can.

Then fight them. Declare war on them. Destroy them in open combat. Throw your entire military might against them.

But massacring 500 prisoners is equal to declaring moral bankruptcy. Once you do that, the terrorists have won.


To all the people saying that this is not the right way, and will lead to more retaliation.

Pakistan's government has been attempting negotiations for multiple years but these fuckers are continuing to bomb, kill and generally be a nuisance as much as they can.

This, at least, sets an example that we won't just sit around and keep taking the abuses.

Any organization or group that openly kills 100+ children needs to be dealt with. No exceptions.

It's really not that black and white.


To all the people saying that this is not the right way, and will lead to more retaliation.

Pakistan's government has been attempting negotiations for multiple years but these fuckers are continuing to bomb, kill and generally be a nuisance as much as they can.

This, at least, sets an example that we won't just sit around and keep taking the abuses.

Any organization or group that openly kills 100+ children needs to be dealt with. No exceptions.

So slaughter 500 people at your mercy? That won't help with any of the problems you mentioned.

Can't believe people are advocating so many deaths with such obviously flimsy arguments.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So slaughter 500 people at your mercy? That won't help with any of the problems you mentioned.

Can't believe people are advocating so many deaths with such obviously flimsy arguments.

It's not a flimsy argument, these 500 are all known terrorists, most, if not all, of them are likely killers of multiple people.

Do you think its just better to have these killers around, someone already linked articles about taliban raiding jails and breaking out their compatriots earlier in the thread. Is that better ?


It's not a flimsy argument, these 500 are all known terrorists, most, if not all, of them are likely killers of multiple people.

Do you think its just better to have these killers around, someone already linked articles about taliban raiding jails and breaking out their compatriots earlier in the thread. Is that better ?

Executing these men is not a solution to the problem.


Then fight them. Declare war on them. Destroy them in open combat. Throw your entire military might against them.

But massacring 500 prisoners is equal to declaring moral bankruptcy. Once you do that, the terrorists have won.

Do you even know anything about this situation?

They are fighting them in a full out military operation. That's why the taliban attacked the school, as revenge for how many the pak military killed.

Edit: Never mind, no body seems to have actually read the article. It's not just random people they are picking up. Either way I still think it may be too risky, there is still likely some innocent ones in those 500.


Mass human sacrifice isn't exactly the most rational or effective response to a massacre.

Those 500 militants aren't running around murdering people in the streets. They're in custody. Oh, and who wants to bet each and every one of those individuals is personally guilty of atrocities? Like, all 500. Anyone?


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Mass human sacrifice isn't exactly the most rational or effective response to a massacre.

Those 500 militants aren't running around murdering people in the streets. They're in custody. Oh, and who wants to bet each and every one of those individuals is personally guilty of atrocities? Like, all 500. Anyone?

And what would members of the Taliban be doing if not in custody ?

Be productive members of society ?

Be contributing Citizens ?

Help build the community ?

No, they would be running around, murdering people.

These guys are equivalent of death row inmates.


Do you even know anything about this situation?


They are fighting them in a full out military operation. That's why the taliban attacked the school, as revenge for how many the pak military killed.

I know.

Edit: Never mind, no body seems to have actually read the article. It's not just random people they are picking up. Either way I still think it may be too risky, there is still likely some innocent ones in those 500.

They are prisoners. Prisoners shouldn't be killed.


Same goes for rehabilitation.

Hardly the same. Whether the men are imprisoned indefinitely without ever changing their ideology is neither here nor there. At least they're still living. Killing them isn't going to magically make the issue disappear, it will most likely cement the ideology the Taliban have who are not in imprisoned and inspire them to exact even more attacks and revenge attacks. It shouldn't be used in any circumstance. Let's also not forget the wider context here. The Pakistani military along with its allies have been attacking the Pakistani Taliban for years and more aggressively the last few months which has resulted in the deaths of many civilians, including children living in tribal areas of the region. What the Pakistani Taliban did was disgusting and what the jailed militants stand for is equally as abhorrent, but killing these people is not going to help the situation whatsoever. It will in all likelihood have the opposite effect.


It's not a flimsy argument, these 500 are all known terrorists, most, if not all, of them are likely killers of multiple people.


Do you know how flimsy some of the cases are? You mention links in the thread but you managed to skip the articles showing the shoddy state of the prosecutions?

No country has a 100% perfect conviction rate. Even 99% means 5 innocent people dying. What world do you live in?
The problem is that with such a corrupt country like Pakistan, I am confident that more than half of those prisoners were tortured to a confession. If America can get the judicial process and conviction ass backwards (thanks Serial podcast), what hope is left for Pakistan?
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