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Pakistan to execute 500 jailed militants in wake of Taliban school massacre

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I say that they at least go through the entire group of 500 and re-investigate their cases. If they were a part of terrorist events, they deserve to be executed. If they are found innocent, fix that problem right away. I know that's not what is going to happen, but that's how I would go about it.
Fully support this. Kill em all.



I dunno, executing that many feels wrong no matter what, but what else are you going to do with these people? You're either going to execute them now, jail them forever, or release them and eventually have to capture/kill them all over again in the field.

As a side note, while that school massacre was awful, Pakistan made it's bed with these people over a decade ago and are now sleeping in it. I'm glad that they've seemed to turn the corner in their attitudes towards these animals.
I can understand why they would do this but this could end up being a slippery slope that could hurt them in the end. I hope for the sake of the nation they kill the right people because if the government starts killing innocent people in its purge then that will only strengthen the Taliban's influence.

Red Mage

Don't know how I feel.

In one way, it is cornering the taliban even more. They are clearly affected by the military operation, and killing of their brethren in jail will drive them further into a corner. Plus, they will be less burden on society without taxes paying for them.

On the other hand, I hope emotional tensions don't put an innocent man on death row.

This. Killing the wrong people will only create more monsters.


It's sad that the only way the government can reclaim it's authority over the people is to kill even more people than the terrorists did.
What happened was absolutely disgusting....no....worse....there are no words for what happened. It is so heinously inhuman as to be beyond all credibility.

But....an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. I would not be surprised if something just as vile is not even now being planned in retaliation. The second you have state sanctioned murder of a captive is the second you have moved down a much darker path...and I pray it is one that does not end in yet more violence.
This was my thought too when I read about it. I mean, didn't they attack that school because they were "avenging" deaths on their side? So you turn around and say... oh yeah? We'll kill even more of you!

I can see how it - feels - like the right response but the mourning heart rarely makes rational decisions.


I think it is also a sort of strategic response in a way. Negotiating with the Taliban often leads to release of prisoners; I think this way they are sending a message that they are not going to negotiate any more.

Dunno if that's bad or good; honestly in their situation I don't know what I would be doing. Pakistan has really been suffering in recent years from attacks. Terrible situation all around.
This was my thought too when I read about it. I mean, didn't they attack that school because they were "avenging" deaths on their side? So you turn around and say... oh yeah? We'll kill even more of you!

I can see how it - feels - like the right response but the mourning heart rarely makes rational decisions.

Not to mention it doesn't actually make the streets safer. Killing terrorists in your prisons doesn't reduce the amount of criminals outside.

Lol at people who think Taliban are scared of death. They are scared of 1) educated, independent women, 2) losing their ISI and drug trade money, 3) realizing there in no place in heaven for these savages despite what their Saudi-funded madrassas told them. Those are the things that Pakistan should be tackling, not giving us a 7PM reality TV show.
I worry about the unreliability of Pakistani courts when it comes to sentencing people for these types of crimes. Wonder how many of those to be executed are completely innocent.
they should execute only the ones convicted of actual killing or attempting to and keep in jail for life those convicted of helping terrorists or conspiring to.


Taking away the issue of morality for a while, this doesn't sound like a good idea. 500 martyrs served up on a plate.

I thought the idea was to reduce barbaric standover tactics.


you can't put a price on sparks
So the Taliban just killed another 500 and can now use the Pakistani government to kill random people.

Sounds like a great plan.

Honestly I think Pakistan was just looking for an excuse to massacre those people in jail so they can make room for more. It isn't a out retaliation, even if there are some Taliban in that 500.


So the Taliban just killed another 500 and can now use the Pakistani government to kill random people.

Sounds like a great plan.

Honestly I think Pakistan was just looking for an excuse to massacre those people in jail so they can make room for more. It isn't a out retaliation, even if there are some Taliban in that 500.

Lol what....If they needed an excuse they could have used the airport attack earlier in the year, but instead they launched another full out military operation against the taliban.


you can't put a price on sparks
Lol what....If they needed an excuse they could have used the airport attack earlier in the year, but instead they launched another full out military operation against the taliban.

They didnt need to massacre people earlier in the year. They do now since there is a populist movement against the government to dispose them that happened during the summer (I think)
Don't know how I feel.

In one way, it is cornering the taliban even more. They are clearly affected by the military operation, and killing of their brethren in jail will drive them further into a corner. Plus, they will be less burden on society without taxes paying for them.

On the other hand, I hope emotional tensions don't put an innocent man on death row.

I mean, the best way to show that a concerted act of mass murder is absolutely unacceptable is to kick off a concerted act of mass murder.
Killing terrorists is not the way? I am sure ISIS just needs a good talking to.

Different ballgame. Almost everyone in ISIS is a militant. Sympathizers are converted easily into militants. In Taliban, there are a lot of sympathizers and prosyletizers than straight-up militants, who are reluctant but can turn militant at the drop of a hat (like this one).

And ISIS has land. Taliban just does random terrorist attacks. They have free havens (until now) but not any sovereigns. You have to fight Taliban in the minds not just on the streets.
Killing terrorists is not the way? I am sure ISIS just needs a good talking to.

First of all, ISIS and the taliban are not the same organization. And no mass executions is not going to do a damn thing besides make people feel better or feel like something is being done.
Killing terrorists is not the way? I am sure ISIS just needs a good talking to.

There's something to be said for having bargaining chips, being the better man, and actually using prison to reintegrate people back into society.

There's also the reality that not everyone on death row is truly guilty.

Lastly, there's the problem that following one brutal set of killings with the slaughter of prisoners will just lead to another innocent target being chosen to "punish" the Pakistani government.

I said the same thing about the UK reintegrating ISIS fighters. On the one hand, they would be well within their rights to take the whole lot out to sea and throw them overboard. On the other hand, if you do that, no one will ever try to come back into the fold. It will radicalize people on the fringe and harden the hearts of those in opposition. If I'm an enemy combatant and my options are a) fight to the death, or b) surrender, and be brutally murdered, I'm choosing A every time. Mercy has its place in conflict.

Conventional wars are won when you destroy the enemies means and/or will to fight back. This sort of action does nothing for the former, and actually damages the latter goal. Israel's methods of carpet-bombing are more effective, despite being gross human rights violations. There is no easy button for Pakistan gaining control (I can't even say regaining, because they never had it in the first place) of its rural areas from radical terrorists. It's going to take military boots on the ground and constant vigilance. This sideshow is only going to result in more civilian attacks.


First of all, ISIS and the taliban are not the same organization. And no mass executions is not going to do a damn thing besides make people feel better or feel like something is being done.

Yeah I am sure keeping them in jail and counselling them with tax payers money will change the ground situation as we know it. Only problem with death penalty is the possibility of an innocent being thrown in the mix.


Hmm...well, that's one way to take out vengeance. I just hope no innocent gets executed.



Exactly. You can't execute that many people that fast without some of those being innocent people. I'd like to know the "level" of terrorists that they are supposedly executing as well. As these people rock throwers and anti government protesters? This is definitely the wrong way to go about punishing the Taliban.


Is punishing 499 militants worth murdering 1 innocent?

Considering that half a dozen militants just managed to massacre 150 innocents (almost all children), 499 militants to 1 innocent wouldn't be a bad ratio at all.

What if you were a World War 2 bomber pilot, facing the odds of killing 499 Nazis and 1 civilian, would you even hesitate? That's probably 10x better odds than they would have ever hoped for.
Yeah I am sure keeping them in jail and counselling them with tax payers money will change the ground situation as we know it. Only problem with death penalty is the possibility of an innocent being thrown in the mix.

Ok so we should murder anyone suspected of terrorism to save taxpayer money. Oh, and I would like a link to the post where I said keeping them in jail would change anything either.


Considering that half a dozen militants just managed to massacre 150 innocents (almost all children), 499 militants to 1 innocent wouldn't be a bad ratio at all.

What if you were a World War 2 bomber pilot, facing the odds of killing 499 Nazis and 1 civilian, would you even hesitate? That's probably 10x better odds than they would have ever hoped for.

It's being done in the name of justice and is obviously different than accidentally killing civilians in a war. You're punishing wrong doers for killing people by indiscriminately killing 500 prisoners, some of whom are likely innocent.
It's being done in the name of justice and is obviously different than accidentally killing civilians in a war. You're punishing wrong doers for killing people by indiscriminately killing 500 prisoners, some of whom are likely innocent.
I don't remember the statistic, but even some of the US Gitmo prisoners were wrongfully imprisoned. Now how good do you think Pakistan intel is? Probably way worse, making it even more likely for there to be innocents in there.


It's being done in the name of justice and is obviously different than accidentally killing civilians in a war. You're punishing wrong doers for killing people by indiscriminately killing 500 prisoners, some of whom are likely innocent.

The world is a brutal place and sometimes when backed into a corner you need to show the enemy that you are willing to be just as brutal. This seems to be the way to get the message across unfortunately.


I don't remember the statistic, but even some of the US Gitmo prisoners were wrongfully imprisoned. Now how good do you think Pakistan intel is? Probably way worse, making it even more likely for there to be innocents in there.
Pakistan is actually supposed to have the best intellience agency in the world, so they might actually have less errors than americans did in Gitmo.


I don't remember the statistic, but even some of the US Gitmo prisoners were wrongfully imprisoned. Now how good do you think Pakistan intel is? Probably way worse, making it even more likely for there to be innocents in there.

Not even intel, but just the criminal justice system in general. There isn't a system in the world that hasn't or couldn't imprison an innocent person.

The world is a brutal place and sometimes when backed into a corner you need to show the enemy that you are willing to be just as brutal. This seems to be the way to get the message across unfortunately.

Sorry, but this is childish nonsense. These executions potentially kill innocent people and buy them nothing. I am willing to bet terrorists who routinely commit suicide to kill their "enemies" are not scared of being killed when they get caught.


Sorry, but this is childish nonsense. These executions potentially kill innocent people and buy them nothing. I am willing to bet terrorists who routinely commit suicide to kill their "enemies" are not scared of being killed when they get caught.

What they will gain is calming down their population, which is propably the real goal here. Those death senteces are just a tool to achieve that.


It's being done in the name of justice and is obviously different than accidentally killing civilians in a war. You're punishing wrong doers for killing people by indiscriminately killing 500 prisoners, some of whom are likely innocent.

They're in a war, if the battlefield extends to schools full of innocent kids it can extend to prisons full of murdering terrorists.

Just locking up militants isn't some foolproof solution: there have been dozens of terrorist attacks on prisons and prison escapes, and there have also been incidents where terrorists take hostages and demand the release of prisoners.

2012: 384 prisoners escape after Taliban raid on Pakistan prison
2013: 240 prisoners escape in Taliban midnight attack on Pakistan jail
2014: Taliban militants escape from Kandahar prison for fourth time in a decade

Sarposa prison attack of 2008
"The Sarposa Prison attack was a raid on the Sarposa Prison in Kandahar, Afghanistan by Taliban insurgents on June 13, 2008. One of the largest attacks by Afghan insurgents, the raid freed 400-1000 prisoners."
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