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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


What kind of impact did it make for you?

I eat some greek yogurt every other day...just wondering if I should try giving it up completely for awhile (and my whey protein?)

Leaned up a bit more, skin cleared up slightly, and I had a clearer head throughout the day. Negative tho was that I lost of bit of energy - don't know why.

I went from drinking milk alot to not doing it at all. It could be because of the lower caloric intake, less sugars - who knows - but I didn't adjust fast enough.

Edit: I wouldn't say give up greek yogurt. But in the long run, I'll be giving up cow's milk.


So what is wrong with dairy? I just want to know...

EDIT: Milk to be specific. I tend to drink a lot of it.

Basically it's because most adults cannot cope with a diet high on lactose, due to the lack of lactase in their body to digest it properly (unlike babies who produce lots of it to deal with breast milk).
It's not as common in the U.S. or Europe though.

Typical commercially available milk is also full of junk like antibiotics and hormones and is also pasteurized (destroys beneficial bacteria, enzymes and vitamins) and homogenized (reduces the size of the fat globules and making them less suitable for the digestive tract).
I couldn't imagine being a grown man and thinking "ew, vegetables!"

Especially since they are one of the most important things to eat nutrition wise.

I feel the same way. I cringe whenever I read a post from someone who can't eat vegetables. They are super delicious! Cook them right, season them well, and they will be your best friends.

I usually get a bag of pre-cut veggies from Trader Joe's and mix them up with some olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Throw them on a cookie sheet into a 350 degree oven for like 20 minutes (until they are a little brown on the edges), and it's go time. So delicious. Add some bacon to them! Use bacon grease instead of olive oil. Whatever you want. Stop acting like children who hate vegetables (though I was a child who loved vegetables).


Today's dinner from the Primal Blueprint cookbook: Tropical Avocado and Shrimp.

Shrimp, cumin, avocado, red onion, cilantro.

The side dressing is 1/2 a mango, 1 jalapeno, lime juice, olive oil and salt.



Update on where I am in terms of this, I'm down in weight without counting any calories and not ever feeling hungry. Right now weighing in at 194, down from 202. It's been slow and steady over about 2 weeks. I'm technically not cutting yet, I'm still lifting heavy and doing Wendlers 5/3/1 . We will see this week if my strength is reduced at all but so far I am at least maintaining and possibly increasing weight. I worked hard to gain lean mass and I want to go slow and make sure I keep it while lowering body fat.

Obviously I'm eating less calories if I'm going down in weight, but I cant say if it's because this food is more satiating or I'm just aware of it so much I'm limiting my intake more than normal. I'm definitely not hungry though and in terms of that this is very easy to do. The biggest pain in the ass of eating this way is clearly all the prep work. You have to cook a lot and bring lunch, snacks etc. You also have to go food shopping rather often as fresh food has a short shelf life and will spoil. You can freeze it but then you have to remember to defrost something every night for dinner.


Update on where I am in terms of this, I'm down in weight without counting any calories and not ever feeling hungry. Right now weighing in at 194, down from 202. It's been slow and steady over about 2 weeks. I'm technically not cutting yet, I'm still lifting heavy and doing Wendlers 5/3/1 . We will see this week if my strength is reduced at all but so far I am at least maintaining and possibly increasing weight. I worked hard to gain lean mass and I want to go slow and make sure I keep it while lowering body fat.

Obviously I'm eating less calories if I'm going down in weight, but I cant say if it's because this food is more satiating or I'm just aware of it so much I'm limiting my intake more than normal. I'm definitely not hungry though and in terms of that this is very easy to do. The biggest pain in the ass of eating this way is clearly all the prep work. You have to cook a lot and bring lunch, snacks etc. You also have to go food shopping rather often as fresh food has a short shelf life and will spoil. You can freeze it but then you have to remember to defrost something every night for dinner.

As an aside to this, I am tracking everything, 200g of protein, 25g of carbs, 70g or so of fat, usually at 2000 calories, lifting heavy 4 days, HIIT two days...and I've gained 3 pounds in 4 weeks. Lol.

Where are all the people who proclaim you will always lose weight on low carb?


I've been craving some cereal though. 80/20 rule? :p

Rice based cereals without much added sugar would be the less damaging since they're gluten free.

Or just have cheat meal and enjoy Frosted Flakes or what not.

I usually get the single serving boxes as a huge box will be a big temptation.
YES! Great thread! I am mixing intermittent fasting with paleo. Because of my 16hour fast which results in me not eating anything until around 12PM, I am being a little more lenient on the paleo. 16hr fast, 8hr eating period. I really love how great I feel after just 2 weeks. Can't wait to post before and afters in a few months.


As an aside to this, I am tracking everything, 200g of protein, 25g of carbs, 70g or so of fat, usually at 2000 calories, lifting heavy 4 days, HIIT two days...and I've gained 3 pounds in 4 weeks. Lol.

Where are all the people who proclaim you will always lose weight on low carb?


These are the situations that lead me to be both confused about nutrition and sure that we still dont know all the answers. What is your height weight? BMR? 2k sounds low next to all that exercise. Also any chance you're taking measurements? I dont know your background but it's possible your body comp is improving even with a net gain in weight.

As for low carb and losing fat/weight I'll bring this one up again:


Where once I was doing several sports, running a gym, and running around like a mad-man, eventually I found myself more and more sedentary (writing stuff for the blog, doing the book, and traveling), and I had a tough time remaining lean. I’d cut carbs…but to no effect on body composition. Slowly I realized, both by experimentation and by really looking at the literature: CALORIES MATTERED MORE THAN CARBS FOR BODY-COMP.


As an aside to this, I am tracking everything, 200g of protein, 25g of carbs, 70g or so of fat, usually at 2000 calories, lifting heavy 4 days, HIIT two days...and I've gained 3 pounds in 4 weeks. Lol.

Where are all the people who proclaim you will always lose weight on low carb?

That is a shitload of protein to be eating - I'm not sure you could say low carb is the salient feature of that diet. Not that I'd say "you will always lose weight on low carb", mind you. Things be complicated.


YES! Great thread! I am mixing intermittent fasting with paleo. Because of my 16hour fast which results in me not eating anything until around 12PM, I am being a little more lenient on the paleo. 16hr fast, 8hr eating period. I really love how great I feel after just 2 weeks. Can't wait to post before and afters in a few months.

Sounds good. I really need to remember to take before pics myself.
Sounds good. I really need to remember to take before pics myself.

And although I weighed myself, I personally find that body measurements are the way to go. Shedding or adding inches says so much more to me than losing pounds. Not going to complain when the pounds come off though :p


I'm going to try this someday, when I move out of my parents' place lol. For now my aim is to reduce my intake of processed garbage, keep my diet as low carb as possible and eating a larger variety of things.
I don't think I'll ever adapt this diet 100%, but it's got a lot of very good points.


As an aside to this, I am tracking everything, 200g of protein, 25g of carbs, 70g or so of fat, usually at 2000 calories, lifting heavy 4 days, HIIT two days...and I've gained 3 pounds in 4 weeks. Lol.

Where are all the people who proclaim you will always lose weight on low carb?

Also, linking this because a) it's an interesting paper about high protein 'rabbit starvation' and b) it might be relevant to the 'did paleo man eat lean meat?' debate (it's about hunter gatherers).


Fat depleted animals were avoided and lean cuts of meat were abandoned ... despite the [fact] that spring was generally a time of food scarcity.



These are the situations that lead me to be both confused about nutrition and sure that we still dont know all the answers. What is your height weight? BMR? 2k sounds low next to all that exercise. Also any chance you're taking measurements? I dont know your background but it's possible your body comp is improving even with a net gain in weight.

As for low carb and losing fat/weight I'll bring this one up again:


That is a shitload of protein to be eating - I'm not sure you could say low carb is the salient feature of that diet. Not that I'd say "you will always lose weight on low carb", mind you. Things be complicated.

I'm 5'8, now at 195 pounds. In week 4 of a 14 week strength building program. My day looks like this

Breakfast - 3 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 slice of cheese

Lunch - either 8oz of chicken or a can of tuna, green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. If its chicken I usually mix in 3 eggs. With the tuna I mix in salmon.

Dinner is always a protein (chicken, chicken sausage, ground turkey, pork) and more fibrous vegetables.

Snacks. I take a whey shake mixed with water and creatine pre workout. I usually take whey and water post too. Sometimes I mix it with a cup of unsweetened almond milk.

There you have it.


I'm 5'8, now at 195 pounds. In week 4 of a 14 week strength building program. My day looks like this

Breakfast - 3 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 slice of cheese

Lunch - either 8oz of chicken or a can of tuna, green vegetables like spinach and broccoli. If its chicken I usually mix in 3 eggs. With the tuna I mix in salmon.

Dinner is always a protein (chicken, chicken sausage, ground turkey, pork) and more fibrous vegetables.

Snacks. I take a whey shake mixed with water and creatine pre workout. I usually take whey and water post too. Sometimes I mix it with a cup of unsweetened almond milk.

There you have it.

Prior to the strength program were you working out at all? I know personally when I switched to Starting Strength it would have been nearly impossible (and foolish) to lose weight. I was so freaking hungry. I gained 30 pounds and I'm forever glad I did it.


I did strong lifts 5x5 for a year and went from 180-192 :)

I would say that's probably the answer then. I know it's cliche but from personal experience heavy squats will just make you big, in a good way. Take measurements and use the mirror and pictures to judge your bodycomp. Weight gain is not a bad thing necessarily!


I would say that's probably the answer then. I know it's cliche but from personal experience heavy squats will just make you big, in a good way. Take measurements and use the mirror and pictures to judge your bodycomp. Weight gain is not a bad thing necessarily!

I know, it's just so hard psychologically when I used to be morbidly obese. So when I go up in shirt size, pants size and my belt is on the first hole instead of the third, it kind of freaks me out, you know? Plus I still have some loose skin, despite losing the weight very slowly initially. I took a before picture at the start of my new program. I'll take one after week 7 then one at week 14.

The weirdest part is towards the end of strong lifts I fell off a little (for a month). Ate worse than I'd like to admit and wasn't consistent with the gym. In that time is when I feel like I exploded in size. I'm just like...beefier all around.


Down 4 pounds so far in about 1.5-2 weeks...though I've had some occasional dairy (greek yogurt) and starches such as potatoes and rice, again, very sparingly.

This has been coupled with getting back into the gym and doing weight lifting and moderate cardio.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
.... I'm technically not cutting yet, I'm still lifting heavy and doing Wendlers 5/3/1 . We will see this week if my strength is reduced at all but so far I am at least maintaining and possibly increasing weight. I worked hard to gain lean mass and I want to go slow and make sure I keep it while lowering body fat....

Very cool. I've been doing the 5/3/1 lifting routine for a few months now and I am liking it alot. Very similar to classic HST lifting but better IMHO. At least it's better for me and my favorite style of lifting, which is heavy and "low" rep.

On another note, I spent $50 yesterday on walnuts, pecans, cashews, almonds, and pistachios. Now I have a huge variety nut jar to snack out of. I wonder how long it will last me before I need to buy them again, lol.


So we just started carrying red palm oil at whole foods, gonna pick up a bottle tomorrow, it's surprisingly cheap.

still on my chicken/brussel sprout/avocado kick, tonight

butter/lemon chicken. butter/garlic brussel sprouts. lemon avocado.
gawd damn it was good, butter is the best. seriously, everyone needs to get grass-fed butter, it's only a little more expensive than regular butter but it taste so much better.


and here's a video I watched the other day, about the science and thought process behind the paleo diet, it's a good watch, and pretty short. I agree with a lot of what the guy says


My wife are between 70% and 80% compliant. We've been paleoing for 11 months now and have both seen dramatic results.

I've been able to keep to a regular exercise schedule for the first time in years (run about 2.5 miles a day), I've dropped about 20 pounds in fat (from 187 to 167) and have leaned quite a bit.

Way happier, have more energy, etc.

Only downside is cheating isn't as much fun as I wish it was. When I've been without, say, Jet's pizza for two months, I'll cave in only to discover that chewing wheat bread sticks to my teeth uncomfortably and causes some inflammation in my throat. :-(

Edit: and frankly I'm pretty sure 95% of this diet's success can be had by cutting gluten and processed sugars. We eat some beans, dairy, rice in moderation, but the X factor is absolutely the gluten. Cutting gluten made our brains much clearer as well.


Down 6 pounds in 2 weeks coupled with weight lifting. I am doing carbs and dairy occasionally though like rice, quinoa, and potatoes (regular and sweet). Also do Greek yogurt. Mostly have been keeping my carbs to about 100g or lower per day. Lots of veggies.
Feel better in general
Are not hungry every 2 hours
Look better
Sleep better
Have more energy

But I already have all that (+being slim) by eating anything I like, best if it's meat or sugar.

This diet makes sense in principle though. Just that my ancestors must have evolved to eat only meat and honey, while making fun of gatherers chewing on some tree roots. ;)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Nice job, congrats. How's insanity?

Insanity: Asylum is rough. Harder than Insanity, and a more rigorous schedule. It seems to be helping though. My issues is I've plateaued at 199 or so before, so I need to push through it. With my body type I'd like to be 185-190.


But I already have all that (+being slim) by eating anything I like, best if it's meat or sugar.

How old are you? Apparently (from what I have read on these boards), when you're past your early twenties your metabolism will change completely for the worse, making this the way to go.


My wife are between 70% and 80% compliant. We've been paleoing for 11 months now and have both seen dramatic results.

I've been able to keep to a regular exercise schedule for the first time in years (run about 2.5 miles a day), I've dropped about 20 pounds in fat (from 187 to 167) and have leaned quite a bit.

Way happier, have more energy, etc.

Only downside is cheating isn't as much fun as I wish it was. When I've been without, say, Jet's pizza for two months, I'll cave in only to discover that chewing wheat bread sticks to my teeth uncomfortably and causes some inflammation in my throat. :-(

Edit: and frankly I'm pretty sure 95% of this diet's success can be had by cutting gluten and processed sugars. We eat some beans, dairy, rice in moderation, but the X factor is absolutely the gluten. Cutting gluten made our brains much clearer as well.

Good to hear. I agree on the gluten + processed sugars. Actually I'd say processed grains. But I'm the same as you on rice and beans and dairy. I'm aware of it but just moderating not eliminating.


I was skeptical of the lettuce as a wrap thing but I have to say I like it better than a bread wrap. Chicken, guacamole, shredded cheddar, mango and peach salsa, yellow bell peppers:

I've been hearing about this all over the place recently.

If my goal is to actually gain weight, I should avoid this like the plague, right? Or would it be better?


As a base this diet is great. It gets you to just eat better basic food and cut out the crap.

I bought quinoa today, just had to try it. I know it doesn't fit.
I lost 70 pounds in a matter of months doing something similar to this. AND WITH NO EXERCISE AT ALL
People thought that I was sick, and I got a few comments that I should really stop losing weight. I was NOT getting too skinny, according to statistical charts. But I was getting skinnier than everyone around me. hah

I cut out sugar and all processed food.

I ate fried eggs for breakfast and sometimes a meat to go along with them.
I ate either dinner left overs for lunch or if none were available I ate cottage cheese 4% milkfat with tomato.
For dinner I ate salad of green leaf lettuce, tomato with vinegar and olive oil as dressing, along with a meat (beef or chicken). I also occasionally ate potatoes and rice.
I was hesitant to eat fruit, but I did. I was really crazy about not taking in sugar, but my wife convinced me fruit was still nutritious. haha.
I ate almonds for a snack.

The fat just melted away. My portion sizes went down and I no longer felt hungry in between meals.

Also, dink a lot of water!


I lost 70 pounds in a matter of months doing something similar to this. AND WITH NO EXERCISE AT ALL
People thought that I was sick, and I got a few comments that I should really stop losing weight. I was NOT getting too skinny, according to statistical charts. But I was getting skinnier than everyone around me. hah

I cut out sugar and all processed food.

I ate fried eggs for breakfast and sometimes a meat to go along with them.
I ate either dinner left overs for lunch or if none were available I ate cottage cheese 4% milkfat with tomato.
For dinner I ate salad of green leaf lettuce, tomato with vinegar and olive oil as dressing, along with a meat (beef or chicken). I also occasionally ate potatoes and rice.
I was hesitant to eat fruit, but I did. I was really crazy about not taking in sugar, but my wife convinced me fruit was still nutritious. haha.
I ate almonds for a snack.

The fat just melted away. My portion sizes went down and I no longer felt hungry in between meals.

Also, dink a lot of water!

Wow, that's really impressive. Congratulations!


But I already have all that (+being slim) by eating anything I like, best if it's meat or sugar.

This diet makes sense in principle though. Just that my ancestors must have evolved to eat only meat and honey, while making fun of gatherers chewing on some tree roots. ;)

Guys like you crash the hardest when the switch comes. Don't worry, we'll be here for you, you'll see. ;)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
My wife are between 70% and 80% compliant. We've been paleoing for 11 months now and have both seen dramatic results.

I've been able to keep to a regular exercise schedule for the first time in years (run about 2.5 miles a day), I've dropped about 20 pounds in fat (from 187 to 167) and have leaned quite a bit.

Way happier, have more energy, etc.

Only downside is cheating isn't as much fun as I wish it was. When I've been without, say, Jet's pizza for two months, I'll cave in only to discover that chewing wheat bread sticks to my teeth uncomfortably and causes some inflammation in my throat. :-(

Edit: and frankly I'm pretty sure 95% of this diet's success can be had by cutting gluten and processed sugars. We eat some beans, dairy, rice in moderation, but the X factor is absolutely the gluten. Cutting gluten made our brains much clearer as well.

I'm eating very much like you are, 90% Paleo with the occasional (once per week at most) bad meal that has some bread or pasta and such. I agree, I believe taking out bread, cereals, baked goods, and juices are what has done me the most good.

Down 6 pounds in 2 weeks coupled with weight lifting. I am doing carbs and dairy occasionally though like rice, quinoa, and potatoes (regular and sweet). Also do Greek yogurt. Mostly have been keeping my carbs to about 100g or lower per day. Lots of veggies.

I had a startling realization last night that almost agrees with your post to the T.

I've been doing this paleo thing for a little over two weeks now, and I have to admit my stomach feels tighter, the spare tire around the waist seems lesser, and even my pants are fitting a tad looser. But to me I don't really look any different, and my lifting seems normal, no strength loss that I can notice.

So last night my gf makes me get on the scale just to see if there has been any change, and surprise I've somehow lost 10 pounds in the last two weeks! Shocked the hell out of us both. I don't think I look ten pounds lighter, but like I said above I do feel like I've lost some weight. But 10 lbs, I didn't expect that much. It actually worried me at first, because if anything I'm eating MORE than I did a few weeks ago. I've been devouring fruit, vegies, nuts, and meats of all kind. And like you, I'm still eating rice and potatos, just in low quantities.

I really think cutting out the bread OJ and cereals is what's doing it for me. This diet change has me excited, looking forward to seeing where I'm at a few weeks from now.
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