My wife are between 70% and 80% compliant. We've been paleoing for 11 months now and have both seen dramatic results.
I've been able to keep to a regular exercise schedule for the first time in years (run about 2.5 miles a day), I've dropped about 20 pounds in fat (from 187 to 167) and have leaned quite a bit.
Way happier, have more energy, etc.
Only downside is cheating isn't as much fun as I wish it was. When I've been without, say, Jet's pizza for two months, I'll cave in only to discover that chewing wheat bread sticks to my teeth uncomfortably and causes some inflammation in my throat. :-(
Edit: and frankly I'm pretty sure 95% of this diet's success can be had by cutting gluten and processed sugars. We eat some beans, dairy, rice in moderation, but the X factor is absolutely the gluten. Cutting gluten made our brains much clearer as well.
I'm eating very much like you are, 90% Paleo with the occasional (once per week at most) bad meal that has some bread or pasta and such. I agree, I believe taking out bread, cereals, baked goods, and juices are what has done me the most good.
Down 6 pounds in 2 weeks coupled with weight lifting. I am doing carbs and dairy occasionally though like rice, quinoa, and potatoes (regular and sweet). Also do Greek yogurt. Mostly have been keeping my carbs to about 100g or lower per day. Lots of veggies.
I had a startling realization last night that almost agrees with your post to the T.
I've been doing this paleo thing for a little over two weeks now, and I have to admit my stomach feels tighter, the spare tire around the waist seems lesser, and even my pants are fitting a tad looser. But to me I don't really look any different, and my lifting seems normal, no strength loss that I can notice.
So last night my gf makes me get on the scale just to see if there has been any change, and
surprise I've somehow lost 10 pounds in the last two weeks! Shocked the hell out of us both. I don't think I look ten pounds lighter, but like I said above I do feel like I've lost some weight. But 10 lbs, I didn't expect that much. It actually worried me at first, because if anything I'm eating MORE than I did a few weeks ago. I've been devouring fruit, vegies, nuts, and meats of all kind. And like you, I'm still eating rice and potatos, just in low quantities.
I really think cutting out the bread OJ and cereals is what's doing it for me. This diet change has me excited, looking forward to seeing where I'm at a few weeks from now.