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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


So obviously cooking and eating at home is always going to be better for you, less expensive, etc etc.

But what do you guys do when you HAVE to eat out? Get a burger sans the bun? Just looking for some ideas here.
there ary many occasions where you will not be able to follow your diet, important business lunch, dinner at your gf's parents etc.
now it may depend on how hardcore you are, but I prefer not to explain to those people that I eat like a caveman and I just enjoy that meal. its maybe 1 a week, thats not a disaster.

apart from that, I have been doing paleo for about 2 weeks by now. I eat much much more meat, I am not sure if thats really good. and at times I feel undernourished although I ate a lot. its certainly a change that I need to get used to.


So obviously cooking and eating at home is always going to be better for you, less expensive, etc etc.

But what do you guys do when you HAVE to eat out? Get a burger sans the bun? Just looking for some ideas here.

If your body is adapted to a Paleo diet, skipping meals becomes a viable option if you can't get proper healthy food. There is no need to eat junk just for the sake of it.
Your energy levels are much more balanced than the norm and you won't suffer any cravings. Your body also won't suddenly start to burn muscle tissue to get energy and you won't starve either. Besides, many followers do include some kind of intermittent fasting into their diet without affecting their health (Leangains or The Warrior Diet, just to name a few).
For instance, I could go 24h without eating any day of the week and still feel good without any cravings.

If you absolutely have to go out eating (business meal, lunch with colleagues, invitations, etc) you should scan the menu for vegetarian dishes, salads, meat or fish and if needed make a special request. You can ask for veggies instead of fries or ask them to cook your steak in butter instead of veggie oil or ask for the sauce on the side so your main dish isn't soaked in it. You could even lie and claim that you have a gluten allergy, if you feel awkward about making some requests.

Eating at a burger joint is more difficult of course but if you skip the buns, fries, coke, croûtons in your salad, etc you can have a paleo-ish meal.

As a last resort you could think of the 80% rule and indulge in unhealthy food for once. It happens, don't feel guilty about it, no one is going to judge you for that.
Wow I can't believe it took me this long to see this thread. Been doing paleo (fairly strict, like 95/5) for about 6 months, which I wouldn't have thought I could've done when I started... It's just I feel so freaking good haha. I would recommend to be sure

Btw, OP, this is the most reasonable and appealing resource I've seen, thanks for compiling this


I don't even understand what you can possibly eat for breakfast on this type of diet. Breakfast is all about grains, breads, and dairy. I can't just eat a shit load of fruit for breakfast.

In America maybe...

Plenty of other countries don't even eat foods we would consider breakfast-type for breakfast.
for those of you considering eating out while on paleo, im pretty sure korean bbq is a safe choice. all kinds of meat (marinated and un-marinated) to grill, all kinds of veggies (banchan) like cabbage, mixed greens, radishes, cucumbers etc for side dishes. just stay away from rice/rice patties.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Well, I've been on my new diet for a week and a half now, and I'm kind of surprised that I'm having some interesting results so far. I'm not going strict Paleo by any means, but I've started trending my eating habits towards Paleo. For the past 10 days I haven't had any cereal, no bread, no cookies, cakes, pretty much no sugar at all except for fruits and such. I've greatly upped my intake of eggs, meat, and fish, fruits and vegetables. It's not paleo though because I still had potatoes a few days, and rice. So I'm low carb and sugar, but not being a Paleo Nazi about it.

Usually I get gas during the day, to put it bluntly I fart alot. And sometimes I get mild stomach irritation, nothing painful but it's there. Or rather it was. For the past week or so my gas has been noticeably much lower than usual. And my stools have been better, healthier. I mean, my turds used to get a little "loose" now and then, but they are very solid now.

Plus, I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it or not, but I feel better, I have more energy.

It might just be all coincidence, and maybe I'm just having a good few weeks, but I wonder if the diet change is actually doing something already? And if it is, I have to wonder if it was the sugar or the grains that were affecting me?

Very interesting nonetheless. I'm curious to see what the next few weeks hold now.


Criminal Upper said:
I don't even understand what you can possibly eat for breakfast on this type of diet. Breakfast is all about grains, breads, and dairy. I can't just eat a shit load of fruit for breakfast.
Eating meat, eggs and vegetables for any paleo-like diet is simple.

Scrambled eggs. Omelets. Steak and eggs.

All breakfasts of champions.

The omelets or scrambles can be stuffed with so many different veggies. Mushrooms, peppers and onions are my favorite.


Breakfast is a pain sometimes but yeah any form of eggs, meat, veggies works great. Or leftovers works too. I like to make a beef and eggplant dinner with chop meat that works great as a side to my eggs. I've seen a few quiche recipes floating around you can try. Make a big one and eat it over the course of a couple of days.




Wow I can't believe it took me this long to see this thread. Been doing paleo (fairly strict, like 95/5) for about 6 months, which I wouldn't have thought I could've done when I started... It's just I feel so freaking good haha. I would recommend to be sure

Btw, OP, this is the most reasonable and appealing resource I've seen, thanks for compiling this

Good to hear you're doing well with it. Thanks.

It might just be all coincidence, and maybe I'm just having a good few weeks, but I wonder if the diet change is actually doing something already? And if it is, I have to wonder if it was the sugar or the grains that were affecting me?

Very interesting nonetheless. I'm curious to see what the next few weeks hold now.

Top of my head I cant think of anyone who would disagree with cutting sugar so that's definitely a good start. As for the grains I think eliminating them has helped me but I'm not sure yet either. Hopefully the trend continues for you!


But basically, like you (I assume?), I don't care to pay extreme attention to the ratio of saturated to monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fat, or of those to protein in meat, preferring to use, for example, the principle that monounsaturated and saturated (!) fats are neutral or healthy while polyunsaturates are to be kept low except in fish - not based on some study that decides what wild game ratios in Africa might have been 200k years ago (as if that can be known) but rather what I've absorbed from a sea of nutritional research over the past so many years. Which basically means that I'll eat a rib steak without trimming the fat* regardless of whether it gets Cordain's or anyone else's approval as being suitably "paleo." Same to the obsessiveness and argumentation over dairy and potatoes/rice.

Ya, the uncanny similarity to what I do has me wondering if I have a GAF alter-ego and short term memory loss. :)


Well, I've been on my new diet for a week and a half now, and I'm kind of surprised that I'm having some interesting results so far. I'm not going strict Paleo by any means, but I've started trending my eating habits towards Paleo. For the past 10 days I haven't had any cereal, no bread, no cookies, cakes, pretty much no sugar at all except for fruits and such. I've greatly upped my intake of eggs, meat, and fish, fruits and vegetables. It's not paleo though because I still had potatoes a few days, and rice. So I'm low carb and sugar, but not being a Paleo Nazi about it.

Usually I get gas during the day, to put it bluntly I fart alot. And sometimes I get mild stomach irritation, nothing painful but it's there. Or rather it was. For the past week or so my gas has been noticeably much lower than usual. And my stools have been better, healthier. I mean, my turds used to get a little "loose" now and then, but they are very solid now.

Plus, I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it or not, but I feel better, I have more energy.

It might just be all coincidence, and maybe I'm just having a good few weeks, but I wonder if the diet change is actually doing something already? And if it is, I have to wonder if it was the sugar or the grains that were affecting me?

Very interesting nonetheless. I'm curious to see what the next few weeks hold now.
Paleo is and always was more than just a weight loss diet. One of the benefits is improved digestion. I notice when I have kidney beans or similar it hits me pretty hard.


So obviously cooking and eating at home is always going to be better for you, less expensive, etc etc.

But what do you guys do when you HAVE to eat out? Get a burger sans the bun? Just looking for some ideas here.

I am now going into my third year where I will be on the road traveling for business for at least 20% of the weeks of the year...

What I've found is that almost every restaurant nowadays has some sort of salad with meat on it (chicken, steak, salmon, prawns, etc). That is always a solid go-to. If you are "strict" paleo, ask if they have oil and vinegar so that you can dress the salad yourself. If you aren't as strict, feel free to get an oil-based dressing or something full-fat (if you can verify that there aren't a ton of added sugars).

Dinner at most places will have steak, chicken, or fish. You then substitute veggies for any carb-laden sides they have. Personally, I eat out at steakhouses pretty often when I am on the road because I can always get myself a piece of steak and veggies with no problem.

Casual place? Burger sans bun and get veggies or a side salad instead of fries. Or a plate of buffalo wings. Sushi joint? Sashimi and seaweed salad. Chinese? Any meat + veggies dish that is devoid of cloying, sugary sauces. Mexican? Fajitas without the tortillas.

I have actually found that it is really easy to stay pretty close to paleo at restaurants.


seaweed salad

Oh man, my local supermarket has a sushi section where they make this seaweed salad that is basically seaweed, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil and a little sesame seed in it. It's fucking divine.

I would make a bunch myself but I don't know where they get that sea weed. It looks greener and fresher than the dried seaweed they have down the Asian aisle.


Another way to deal with breakfast is to combine this style of eating with intermittent fasting. No breakfast, no problem.
No you have already fasted for the recommended 8 hours though. Any fast longer than that iirc is damaging. Breakfast is still just as important if not more. Getting a good dose of protein fat and nutrients its just as important as ever and youll feel awesome for doing it.


No you have already fasted for the recommended 8 hours though. Any fast longer than that iirc is damaging. Breakfast is still just as important if not more. Getting a good dose of protein fat and nutrients its just as important as ever and youll feel awesome for doing it.

Primal Blueprint suggests you can skip breakfast now and then once you're in the swing of things. I tried it today just out of necessity because I was late for work and it went well.


Primal Blueprint suggests you can skip breakfast now and then once you're in the swing of things. I tried it today just out of necessity because I was late for work and it went well.
Interesting. Its sitting on my coffee tanble yet to read it. So much info to take in. For me though really glad ive switched from the SAD diet.


I'm just not really hungry in the mornings anymore. I try to eat dinner by 7pm and it's usually around 11-12 the next morning before I feel even a tinge of hunger. I try to push it off until a little later after I get some cardio in around noon, then eat a sizeable meal afterwards followed by a smaller dinner.
No you have already fasted for the recommended 8 hours though. Any fast longer than that iirc is damaging. Breakfast is still just as important if not more. Getting a good dose of protein fat and nutrients its just as important as ever and youll feel awesome for doing it.

IF people would strongly disagree. FWIW, I have been doing IF for a while--8 hour eating window, 16 hours fasting. (It's not as bad as it sounds--pretty must just skip breakfast.) I've noticed positive results at the gym. My energy levels were low for about a week or two when I first started, but since my body adjusted, I haven't noticed any increased fatigue, etc.


Bringing my own lunch is probably the biggest improvement I've made. Work is ordering pizza again but I already have my stuff ready to go so it's easy to turn down.



A couple of strips of good thick cut bacon would have rounded this out nicely but I'm out. 3 eggs, spinach, bell pepper and some grape tomatoes.



Do you just cook the spinach in some butter? Every time I try sautéing spinach it shrivels up and is terrible. I assume I'm cooking it too long.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
On the eating out question, I get groceries on Thursdays and used to grab a sandwich from the grocery deli for dinner since it's late when I get home. Doing lower carb now, are there any fast food options that you guys eat? I ordered Jimmy Johns' "unwich" last week, which is a sub sandwich without the bun and it was fine, but I wanted some more variety.


On the eating out question, I get groceries on Thursdays and used to grab a sandwich from the grocery deli for dinner since it's late when I get home. Doing lower carb now, are there any fast food options that you guys eat? I ordered Jimmy Johns' "unwich" last week, which is a sub sandwich without the bun and it was fine, but I wanted some more variety.

Salad works?


You don't even need to cook spinach for it to taste good.

spinach, macadamia nuts, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. mmmm

Cooking spinach reduces its content of oxalic acid though, a substance which can promote the formation of kidney stones.


Do you just cook the spinach in some butter? Every time I try sautéing spinach it shrivels up and is terrible. I assume I'm cooking it too long.

In this case I just threw it in the skillet I had just cooked my eggs in. A little water, low flame and cover it. It cooks really quickly. I would guess 60 seconds? It's a big pile when you put it in and as soon as it settles to the bottom it's done pretty much.


I always see these elaborate breakfasts, but is there anything wrong with eating a handful of raw veggies and like a boiled egg? It would be much easier to boil 12 eggs each weekend than spend 15 minutes making breakfast, eating and cleaning up.


I'd love that if I could find a way to stomach hard boiled eggs :/ Just can't take the texture for some reason. Might be the only food where I have that problem.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Salad works?

I eat salad every day for lunch.

I always see these elaborate breakfasts, but is there anything wrong with eating a handful of raw veggies and like a boiled egg? It would be much easier to boil 12 eggs each weekend than spend 15 minutes making breakfast, eating and cleaning up.

Every Sunday I boil 10 eggs and cook a pack of regular or turkey bacon. My breakfast is 2 eggs and bacon every morning. Warm up in microwave at work, done.

The Lamp

Grocery shopping for this diet sucks as a busy college student. I'll probably have to indulge after I graduate.

What are the best items to use to keep meats and produce fresh? Tupperware recommendations? Buying so much produce blows because of how quickly it goes bad.

And why the hell are beans bad? They are natural.

I need more recipes that use vegetables that don't taste like utter shit. I hate eating veggies. They are horrid. The only times I tolerate them is hiding them sparingly in other Meal. Sigh.
Ah, it's cool seeing this thread. I remember when I first started reading GAF around 4-5 years ago, any talk of paleo/barefoot/fasting/animal fat being healthy was looked upon with skepticism.

I'm glad things have changed.


I always see these elaborate breakfasts, but is there anything wrong with eating a handful of raw veggies and like a boiled egg? It would be much easier to boil 12 eggs each weekend than spend 15 minutes making breakfast, eating and cleaning up.

I'm doing the hard boiled eggs for days I have to work. I'm off today so I could do them over easy. Whole thing takes 5 minutes though. Especially if you cut up some peppers before hand.


Grocery shopping for this diet sucks as a busy college student. I'll probably have to indulge after I graduate.

What are the best items to use to keep meats and produce fresh? Tupperware recommendations? Buying so much produce blows because of how quickly it goes bad.

And why the hell are beans bad? They are natural.

I need more recipes that use vegetables that don't taste like utter shit. I hate eating veggies. They are horrid. The only times I tolerate them is hiding them sparingly in other Meal. Sigh.
Cover your veggies in butter or cheese, season them with spices you like...you don't need to eat them plain and/or boring.


Another "price" post. This is what I just got at Kings. Kings is a higher end version of Shoprite, Stop n Shop or Pathmark. Not quite a Whole Foods level but really good produce and kinda on the expensive side. Normal everyday shopping I do at Shoprite.

Kings I go to because they have great fruit and veggies every time, and they're the only place that carries the big green greek olives I love. Anyway all this was 60 bucks. Which is a lot of money in my opinion for this volume but it's worth it to me.

Baby spinach, baby romaine, sunburst tomatoes, fresh mozarella, 3 bags of sunflower seeds, 3 boxes of raspberries, a big container of my olives, some butternut squash, an avocado and 2 red pears. Oh and a 1/2 pound of provolone not pictured.



In the scientific and nutrionist community it still is.

Because of the lack of more large scale studies?

I'm not well read on the subject, so pardon the ignorance, but I'm curious as anyone else as to what the main critics are against this type of diet. My curiosity has been sparked because this is the first time I have seen sensible people around me start to change the way they eat purely as a life style change. Not based on ethics or weight loss; just the simple aim of feeling better and living a healthier life (I have no idea exactly in what way, but this does seem to be a common goal for many).
In the scientific and nutrionist community it still is.

Sure, and that's their job. They need to be skeptical.

But things are definitely shifting toward wider acceptance among real, regular people. The books are best sellers, the blog readerships are growing, and things like sustainable agriculture/pastured animal products/local produce are becoming more and more popular and available, partly thanks to the spread of the ancestral health community. Besides, plenty of medical professionals, scientists, and academics are on board.
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