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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


So I've enjoyed having chicken with my eggs in the morning but I think I'm switching back to bacon for one main reason. I miss cooking my lunch vegetables in the bacon grease. Nothing like a big pile of broccoli and spinach with a smokey bacon flavor as a base.


I don't see whole grain products as processed as white bread products or most fast food and junk food.

Unless you have some sort of gluten or wheat intolerance or are diabetic or some other disease you shouldn't have inflammation or water retention issues.

I have no problem with a relaxed form of the paleo diet.

Either do I. I think we are misunderstanding one another.


Replace "inflammation" with "oxidation" and realize how ridiculous this is.


I read your link and for all the fretting she does about Wheat Belly (which i have not read) she seems to come to a very familiar conclusion:

The bottom line
If you take one thing away from Wheat Belly (and this review!), I hope it is this - we are not meant to eat wheat 6 times a day and we should not eat such poor quality, processed wheat foods all the time. Just please don't allow his mis-information to cloud your mind. You are savvy, intuitive eaters - real food brings health, processed food diminishes it. Now go enjoy an apple. You know, to keep Dr Davis away.

Seems to me the gap between that statement and paleo is just a matter of degree. For what it's worth I'm not convinced all grains are bad, but certainly the refined ones are ... concerning. To be eaten in moderation let's say.


Seems to me the gap between that statement and paleo is just a matter of degree. For what it's worth I'm not convinced all grains are bad, but certainly the refined ones are ... concerning. To be eaten in moderation let's say.

I think the further issue is the processing that wheat does go through to make a loaf of bread that will sit stable on store shelves for 2 weeks.

If you want to make your own bread go for it...

BTW, I have pizza occasionally and sandwiches on weekends, but most of my carbs come from rice, potatoes, and plenty of green veggies.
I do suggest to make your own bread or go to a very good bakery.
It's uh, transformative because it tastes nothing like anything you find in a grocery store.
Seems to me the gap between that statement and paleo is just a matter of degree. For what it's worth I'm not convinced all grains are bad, but certainly the refined ones are ... concerning. To be eaten in moderation let's say.
well, yeah. One of things though is to start too quickly which is why people get "wheat withdrawal". There is no need to eliminate grains from your diet and also, you can't enjoy some junk food like a greasy pizza or some pasta once in a while without wrecking your shit and where's the fun in that?
Plus theres the experience of seeing grandparents, who've eaten lard, and far less processed junk, live till their 70's and beyond, and now seeing stories in the news about how this is the 1st generation that will die before their parents, because of ballooning bellies and diabetes running out of control, which matches carb increase in the average western diet. (and easily visible as other cultures absorb the "cheap stodge is good enough" western way of eating and suffer the consequences)

Eh, that doesn't really show that processed junk is intrinsically bad, only that it makes it so much easier to overeat (and then get overweight/diabetic as a result of this).

I would like to see more studies on this before I make up my mind.
Ensure that you cover every single variables, such as slow vs fast carbs, animalian vs vegetabilian proteins, fats of different kinds, various macro-nutrient ratios, and so on.


Junior Member
When I eat processed junk and bread and dairy, I get fat. When I eat the same calories in real food (meat, veggies, fruits), I lean out and I feel better. Totally unscientific I know, but for me that's all the proof I need.
Eh, that doesn't really show that processed junk is intrinsically bad, only that it makes it so much easier to overeat (and then get overweight/diabetic as a result of this).

I would like to see more studies on this before I make up my mind.
Ensure that you cover every single variables, such as slow vs fast carbs, animalian vs vegetabilian proteins, fats of different kinds, various macro-nutrient ratios, and so on.
You don't have to micro-manage your diet to be healthy. A sensible course is better for you in the long term, both physically and psychologically. And any diet that says to use supplements or vitamins is bunk. A varied diet should have that covered. That's the key thing for many Americans, is that we eat too much of the same refined carbs and not enough variety and this is coming from reading a lot of studies on cultures that have adapted the American diet in the last 60 years or so (for example Samoa and other pacific Islands in the pos war era).

Unless you're a professional athlete and they have dietitians sorting their diet out.


New and perhaps of interest to this thread


Diet: "The diet included lean meat, fish, fruit, vegetables (including root vegetables), eggs and nuts. Dairy products, cereals, beans, refined fats and sugar, added salt, bakery products and soft drinks were excluded". Focus on monounsaturated fat rather than saturated, 30% protein, 40% fat, 30% carbs.

Results: despite be allowed to eat ad libitum participants lost weight and reduced calorie intake compared to before intervention. "A considerable decrease in liver triglyceride
content was associated with lower fasting insulin and glucose levels. This change was
accompanied by a profound decrease in C-peptide secretion, indicating increased hepatic insulin sensitivity in combination with decreased insulin secretion... Furthermore, blood lipids demonstrated highly beneficial changes"

Caveats: small number of participants (10), no control group, and of course lots of variables changed at the same time.


So I've enjoyed having chicken with my eggs in the morning but I think I'm switching back to bacon for one main reason. I miss cooking my lunch vegetables in the bacon grease. Nothing like a big pile of broccoli and spinach with a smokey bacon flavor as a base.

I hear a lot of people talking about bacon grease. Is that just literally reusing the grease out of the pan? I am unfamiliar with this. Sounds awesome.
How do you cook your veggies?


I hear a lot of people talking about bacon grease. Is that just literally reusing the grease out of the pan? I am unfamiliar with this. Sounds awesome.
How do you cook your veggies?

I drain the grease from the pain into a coffee mug and put it in the fridge to use throughout the week...

When I want to sautee something I take a teaspoon or a tablespoon of the hardened grease and melt it in a hot pan.


I hear a lot of people talking about bacon grease. Is that just literally reusing the grease out of the pan? I am unfamiliar with this. Sounds awesome.
How do you cook your veggies?

Yes and it's real easy to do if you cook a lot of bacon. Just pour the drippings off in a bowl. I usually just pour off the clean stuff and refrigerate.


Is cheap salmon still good for you, just not as good, or what? I got an individually packaged single serving from Bottom Dollar (discount grocer) from "Ocean Eclipse." I googled and it looks like Costco also sells this brand.


Is cheap salmon still good for you, just not as good, or what? I got an individually packaged single serving from Bottom Dollar (discount grocer) from "Ocean Eclipse." I googled and it looks like Costco also sells this brand.

my vote is still good, but not as good


Honestly the whole thing I take away from this diet is eating nutrition. That is what I follow.

Cut the empty crap and the rest will follow...

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Well I am only on day two of Paleo and anyone else experience noticeable differences in their bowel movements?

Seriously, this diet is clearing me out. haha


Well I am only on day two of Paleo and anyone else experience noticeable differences in their bowel movements?

Seriously, this diet is clearing me out. haha

Really? I have issues with constipation and feel that is a lot more common since your shit turns into super dense pellets of doom. The good thing about it is that I barely have to wipe my ass anymore


Just coming in to say doing well on the diet and it's awesome. Dropped 20 pounds in last 6 weeks and I'm eating as much actual food as I want. I've been eating a few too many full Irish breakfasts though which isn't ideal since sausages and black/white pudding have wheat flour in them. I had a cheat meal last Friday, chinese takeaway and half a bag of Doritos on Saturday and holy shit did I feel the difference in just one day. It was only then that I noticed I had been feeling much better in general recently, less bloated etc. and my previously almost perpetual indigestion was gone. Amazing how much less I want to eat crap now. Keep up the good work people in this thread, there is definitely something to this.

Alos, story on ABC science about tooth decay in Mesolithic hunter gatherer tribes, sorry if old:


Although it's true, we do not have the same good microbes and bacteria in our mouths as they did back then. Natgeo has an article about it somewhere. One of the scientists said he would love to put some of the bacteria and microbes from a mouth belonging to one of the hunter gatherer skulls they have found, into a person on a low carb diet. He also said never, ever use mouth wash.


I started on this journey going low carb... found paleo more palable.. It really makes more sense.. Eat for nutrition! So now I eat for protein and green veggies and add fat when I can..

Food is an effort, it's not a hot pocket.


I had diarrhea and stomach pain for the first two weeks on paleo. Couldn't quite figure out was causing it until I read from the "Pale for Lifters" book that too much magnesium will give you just what I was experiencing.

I started taking double dosage of magnesium when I started for some reason and just when started taking the regular dosage again all my problems went away.
When I eat processed junk and bread and dairy, I get fat. When I eat the same calories in real food (meat, veggies, fruits), I lean out and I feel better. Totally unscientific I know, but for me that's all the proof I need.

Indeed but I don't even share your caveat about it being unscientific. The proof is in the pudding for me. I couldn't care less what science says about it all. If it works for me then it works for me. I don't need 'science' to validate it for me before I can trust in its veracity.

Besides, this is the normal, everyday diet that I grew up with. Back then it was just referred to as a 'balanced diet'. However, I am older than the average GAFer so my perspective is inevitably different. If you have ever seen old black and white photographs of bare chested WWII British conscripts you will know the sort of lean physique that was the norm for the average male when I was a child. Lots of fatties about now! :/ Some would even argue that even with the dietary restrictions of Rationing at that time and post war, the average person's diet was superior to that of today where the consumer can have their choice of food from all around the world, regardless of season, in lots of 'convenient' forms [half of which they chuck in the bin, uneaten], with the added convenience of a fridge and freezer and 24/7 shopping.

I was born in 1965 and my parents were born in 1930 and 1933 so I was brought up with a inherent regard for the worth of food and that it should not be wasted. "Waste not, want not" was the credo I heard on an almost daily basis.

My point really is that the fundamentals of Paleo i.e. buh bye refined carbs, sugar and processed food, was pretty much the normal diet of my childhood. The modern diet that is considered normal is the aberration to me.

I don't mean to go off topic or de-rail the thread but I thought some of you might find that perspective interesting.
Fell into the rabbit hole of reading up on the research of this, i can spend days on Medline and Pubmed, there are shitloads of peer-reviewed papers, all of this ties into decades of research into diabetes and celiac disease.
It is all mind-bogglingly complicated in our bellies. Short exp: processed shit & refined grains are resistant to being ripped apart by our system, which have adapted to break down plant and animal cells, so they slip between the intestinal villi and interact with the intestinal barrier, which triggers an immune response. Which is fine, if its transient, but not all the time, for years.

One of the latest, most detail packed ones links up that stuff above about the the natural mouth flora being damaged by grains, and presents evidence that the intestinal flora is annihilated too. And in case you don't know, there are more bacterial cells in our gut that the rest of our entire body, the ecosystem itself is now considered another vital organ, we are literally dead without them.

Check out this excellent chart, a comparison of modern-era hunter-gatherers.

I found it interesting. This whole thing is a real headfuck.
I've just realised that for the entire pre-agricultural Era (2.5 - 0.01 million years ago), our systems wouldn't have had to deal with anything that wasn't a whole animal or plant cell, apart from some contaminants. At least, i can't think of anything.

Thanks :) that makes me feel better about posting it. I'm in a grumpy old man shaking his cane at the kids playing on his front lawn mood today so was hesitant to do so.

Yes, what you posted about our systems not being able to handle what passes as food nowadays is indeed a real mindfuck! Pretty scary :/.
Are any of you guys a little scared about this being a total farse? What if this is NOT how we should be eating at all and we actually end up doing more harm to ourselves than if we just continued with the the more regular way of eating?

The stricter side of this diet is a complete farse. No need to eliminate many of the so called-non-paleo foods from your diet.
No need to add supplements either.
Like what?

Breads, rice, beans etc. All sorts of filling and nutrient rich foods. Now, that doesn't mean that those foods should be the main staple or even a huge part of the diet but it certainly means you can have some rice with your chicken and veggies or eat a burger with buns (as wild as that may sound).

The problem with the normal American diet is huge portions and not enough vegetables and variety and too much empty calories such as white breads and starchy foods such as potatoes. You certainly don't have to eliminate certain food groups, just limit them.

It doesn't have to be this micro-managed mess, it's quite simple and some of the things of this diet are perfectly reasonable.

One thing that I do like about this diet is that it does make vegetables appealing, not that boiled, bland mess that most Americans think vegetables are.


Breads, rice, beans etc. All sorts of filling and nutrient rich foods. Now, that doesn't mean that those foods should be the main staple or even a huge part of the diet but it certainly means you can have some rice with your chicken and veggies or eat a burger with buns (as wild as that may sound).

The problem with the normal American diet is huge portions and not enough vegetables and variety and too much empty calories such as white breads and starchy foods such as potatoes. You certainly don't have to eliminate certain food groups, just limit them.

It doesn't have to be this micro-managed mess, it's quite simple and some of the things of this diet are perfectly reasonable.

One thing that I do like about this diet is that it does make vegetables appealing, not that boiled, bland mess that most Americans think vegetables are.

I think many people who gravitate towards Paleo have health problems that tend to get better or completely reversed by the elimination of the very foods you're referencing.

If you're speaking to the average person without these problems, then yeah, I'd agree.
I think many people who gravitate towards Paleo have health problems that tend to get better or completely reversed by the elimination of the very foods you're referencing.

If you're speaking to the average person without these problems, then yeah, I'd agree.

Of course. Celiac disease, lactose intolerance, and all those digestive disease are very hard to diagnose if you don't know what you're looking for (which is why they tend to be so apparent when changing diet), so as a diet for them I do think it's pretty good. And for a lot of people can lead to good eating habits by making healthy foods look and taste good, which you don't get on other diets.


You need to understand this, its not a pass fail diet. Its one of degrees. So if you go all out, but then lapse and have a piece of cake, dont worry about it. You didnt fail. You just need to recognize its bad and do better next time. From your posts, im worried that you'll slip up once and then say "OH NO, I am a failure!" and then abandon the diet. That is not what you want to do

Right...like last night I had to go to eat at a cafeteria. I took some raw veggies, spinach, blue cheese (not really paleo) and poured red wine vinegar (paleo?) and olive oil over for a fine salad. They also had these beef tips cooked in Hungarian tomato sauce. I'm assuming it wasn't paleo, but I took that as my fat/protein source. What would be the most non-paleo thing about that meal? The fact that the sauce probably had some sugar in it? If you guys were in this situation, would you have done the same thing?

I'd avoid the microwave as much as possible. Best thing to do for reheat is wrap meat in foil and put in oven at a low temp or slice it up and put it in a frying pan. Same for the veggies just a bit of coconut oil and fry them up a bit.

I keep seeing conflicting answers to this EVERYWHERE. Why would the microwave be bad, in your opinions? I mean, c'moooon. It's hard enough to eat this way, yet alone without a microwave.

Even though I'm not a physician, I still think that you can benefit from paleo even if you don't do it as thoroughly as recommend (yet). Ditching grains and sugar alone will be a huge step towards a more healthy living.
Don't worry about almonds roasted in peanut oil or sushi with soy beans too much. As a matter of fact sushi with natto is actually acceptable, natto and tempeh are fermented and thus ok to eat, albeit disgusting for many people.
You can also alleviate most of the potential harms of bad PUFAs in vegetable oils with fish oil supplements, take 1 - 2mg of omega 3 PUFAs if you know that you cannot limit your intake of omega 6 enough to the correct ratio.
If you eat lots of vegetables and reasonable amounts of nuts and fruits (frozen berries are cheap and highly recommended) you'll will have enough anti-oxidants and other nutrients to benefit from your diet even though you are not yet able to follow paleo 80% of the time.
Focus on eating lots of the good stuff and accept that you might be eating things that aren't as good every now and then. Acknowledge your "mistakes" but don't let them get to you, you're still learning and you'll eventually get to the 80/20.

Okay, cool. This helps a bit. Even if I can only do 70/30 my whole life, I will feel like I'm doing better than most people. I was just mostly worried that if I have any of the bad things, it negates any positive effects of the good things. I take from this that it's still okay :)

So you're saying I should take fish oil pills then? What about a multivitamin? I have an unopened jar of One-a-Day multivitamin for men. Okay to take?

In order for Paleo to proven as a legit way of life, doctors are going to have to prove the inflammation factor is the more important metric than overall cholesterol and triglyceride levels. I'm not sure how you do that other than having a control group and then slicing people open.

Inflammation is caused by legumes and soy and such, right? Just trying to learn here.

Yeah, you're way overthinking this. I understand that, i have a scientific mind too, but i despise calorie counting, thankfully its not required on this diet.
No gluten.
No sugar.
No processed stuff.
Avoid rice & potatoes if you want fast weight loss.
Eat everything else whenever you feel like it.
Thats it.

Curious that you left legumes off this list. Are legumes/soy the most contentious part of this diet?

Makes ya think.

More than think...lol....more like question my whole existence!

Love these discussions, too. I'm learning even when I'm not asking!

I've been having full-fat Greek yogurt each day with cut up banana pieces for lunch. Is this okay?

Also, if I want to do fat loss, what Paleo foods should I reduce/increase the most? Basically, what roll will saturated fat play here? Do I want to go more lean or fatty meat?

Also, any good articles explaining the omega 6:3 balance? Is this key to weight loss as well? I'm trying to get rid of stubborn belly and rump fat.

This of course, in tandem with exercise.


Oh, and how long does it take for 'low-carb flu' kick in? I've been doing this for a week now.....and I sorta feel a little run down...or at least no better than usual. Is this what I'm experiencing?


Inflammation is caused by legumes and soy and such, right? Just trying to learn here.

I'm still learning myself...but I think Paleo's gripe against legumes is phytates, or anti-nutrients...basically an enzyme which blocks the absorption of useful nutrients.

I believe that is separate from food which can cause inflammation in certain individuals, including:

1. Sugar and refined starch
2. Vegetable oil
3. Dairy products
4. Red meat
6. Wheat, rye, barley
7. Trans fats
8. Peanuts

Someone please jump in if this is mis-info.

I think eating legumes in small amounts is okay personally, but if they negatively affect you then obviously cut them out.


And what exactly is getting inflamed here?

Also, guys, I legitimately feel awful right now. What am I doing wrong? Should I increase my carbs from veggies or something?

How many grams of fat/protein/carbs should I be getting to be doing this correctly? The carbs should primarily be from veggies, right? Then from fruit? I think I'm in ketosis levels here, and that's probably not good, right? Is the yogurt and banana I have each day screwing me up?
During the first and second week for me I had really bad energy levels and felt like crap. It passed eventually but I ended up needing to drink a can of coke at least once to offset the sugar crashes. I think stick it out for a few more days and see if it improves.


Ended up going to Five Guys and getting a lettuce-wrapped burger for dinner. Was needing some form of comfort food. Yes, I got the cheese, too. I think I do well on dairy so I think it's fine....I hope....

Got home and still wasn't feeling well, so I took a big swig of whole mile for some sugar just to not feel so shitty for a little bit. Tomorrow I'll be back on track again! I really didn't do anything bad except the milk. I told myself that cheese, full fat yogurt, and butter would be my only dairy products :p


Ended up going to Five Guys and getting a lettuce-wrapped burger for dinner. Was needing some form of comfort food. Yes, I got the cheese, too. I think I do well on dairy so I think it's fine....I hope....

Got home and still wasn't feeling well, so I took a big swig of whole mile for some sugar just to not feel so shitty for a little bit. Tomorrow I'll be back on track again! I really didn't do anything bad except the milk. I told myself that cheese, full fat yogurt, and butter would be my only dairy products :p

Search this thread for the "carb flu"...I think there is an article that explains it and might have some suggestions.


Update for me I'm hovering around 190 now, I feel like I need to dial in the calories at this point to progress further. I still read a lot about different nutrition advice, seeing what commonalities there are.

I'm considering doing one of Lyle McDonalds keto programs to break through and get leaner. They are short and rather strict, I've always wanted to try a cycle. I think the 2 week duration would be a good motivator to really dial it in and plan out my food. I'll post here if I decide to do it.


Apart from genetic predispositions like celiac or lactose tolerance, you can adapt to certain diets which is why it causes you to be ill when you eat non-diet foods, not because those foods are bad.

Paleo is good marketing at work.

Thats not true a a lot of people are gluten sensitive and they don't even have a test for that. Robb Wolf explains it like a constant little pin prick annoying your body constantly keeping your immune system on full alert constantly fighting off a "leaky gut" and no way for the permeability of your intestine to ever fully heal.

Just because your not celiac doesn't mean you won't be more healthy off grains. Sure your body will "adapt" and try to cope with the diet and do the best it can because we all know the body if flexible but to perform at its peak there may be a good argument against the SAD.


Thats not true a a lot of people are gluten sensitive and they don't even have a test for that. Robb Wolf explains it like a constant little pin prick annoying your body constantly keeping your immune system on full alert constantly fighting off a "leaky gut" and no way for the permeability of your intestine to ever fully heal.

Just because your not celiac doesn't mean you won't be more healthy off grains. Sure your body will "adapt" and try to cope with the diet and do the best it can because we all know the body if flexible but to perform at its peak there may be a good argument against the SAD.

It's certainly a very interesting area of research, particularly with regards to teasing apart the innate immune response and the adaptive immune response (the latter being the domain of celiac disease, the generation of specific antibodies). This is a pilot study - I'm looking forward to reading the followup:


The data obtained in this pilot study support the hypothesis that gluten elicits its harmful effect, throughout an IL15 innate immune response, on all the individuals. This innate response is found in both patients with and without CD, although the triggering of an adaptive response is CD specific.

If they're right, gluten may trigger an innate immune response in non-celiacs as well.


Okay, cool. This helps a bit. Even if I can only do 70/30 my whole life, I will feel like I'm doing better than most people. I was just mostly worried that if I have any of the bad things, it negates any positive effects of the good things. I take from this that it's still okay :)

So you're saying I should take fish oil pills then? What about a multivitamin? I have an unopened jar of One-a-Day multivitamin for men. Okay to take?

70/30 is perfectly fine and way better than the SAD.

Regarding supplements, I don't think you'll need to take multivitamin pills when eating paleo. Personally I wouldn't take them.
I'd recommend taking as few supplements as possible.

Omega 3 pills are ok if you cannot eat enough fatty cold water fish
Magnesium is fine if you have troubles implementing magnesium rich foods into your diet or suffer from muscle cramps after exercising.
Make your own calcium supplements (eggshells in citric acid) if you notice that you don't eat any calcium rich foods because you skip all dairy products.
Take vitamin D3 supplements during the winter months (that is entirely based on your location).

Also, any good articles explaining the omega 6:3 balance? Is this key to weight loss as well? I'm trying to get rid of stubborn belly and rump fat.

This of course, in tandem with exercise.

It's actually key to heart health not for weight loss.

More on Omega | Mark's Daily Apple


yes, more paleo pancakes. I'm thinking maybe once or twice a week for these, trying to see how adding more starches changes anything, if it all


with cara cara orange, my favorite citrus



What do you guys think of crockpots? I've been checking out some paleo corkcpot recipes, and they seem pretty convenient since I can come home from work and have something cooked.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
What do you guys think of crockpots? I've been checking out some paleo corkcpot recipes, and they seem pretty convenient since I can come home from work and have something cooked.

Man I made paleo meatloaf today in the Grokpot. Delish. I'm going to make more.

The paleo ketchup recipe I tried however, was complete crap. But I seasoned the meatloaf enough that it didn't matter.


Man I made paleo meatloaf today in the Grokpot. Delish. I'm going to make more.

The paleo ketchup recipe I tried however, was complete crap. But I seasoned the meatloaf enough that it didn't matter.

Hah thats funny because I always say I'm going to try one of those ketchup recipes then bail on the idea.

Crockpot is a great topic though, I need to break mine out now.

The 70's big guys have a chili video here: http://70sbig.com/blog/2012/12/jacobs-chili/


It took me two weeks to adjust, my GF too, we were serious carb addicts. I often ate bread at every meal, for no good reason usually.
After the 2 weeks something had changed. I know exactly what thanks to all the research stuff i've been reading, as in my body can now switch to fat-store use easily and without fuss, but its still a shock to not get hunger-rage anymore, it was my defining feature!

Now i don't really ever feel "starving", like i used to, i just think "hmm, time to eat i guess. What delights will i have today?".
That said, i don't feel up to doing hard exercise at all right now, i'm just cruising at the moment, i'm losing enough weight without it and will introduce some running when the still-extreme weight loss begins to slow. Ketosis is horrendous, i like to avoid it at all costs.

Wow,yeah all of this...


So, how are green beans regarded in here? from skimming the thread I know that legumes are often "banned" but green beans are the best choice, still some days I eat a lot of them for lunch (mixed with carrots) as it was rice, so I'm wondering if thats ok?


So, how are green beans regarded in here? from skimming the thread I know that legumes are often "banned" but green beans are the best choice, still some days I eat a lot of them for lunch (mixed with carrots) as it was rice, so I'm wondering if thats ok?

Fresh peas and green beans are technically not paleo but those legumes are still ok to eat. If you like them and don't get any digestive problems afterwards, I'd say go for it.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Wow,yeah all of this...

But you plateau with weight loss, then you eat a carb meal and kick it off again.


Honestly the whole thing I take away from this diet is eating nutrition. That is what I follow.

Cut the empty crap and the rest will follow...

To me, this is also the biggest take away from Paleo diets. Take out the nutritionally-devoid, processed, blood sugar spiking food, and replace them with nutritionally-dense carb sources, good fats, and protein.

Breads, rice, beans etc. All sorts of filling and nutrient rich foods. Now, that doesn't mean that those foods should be the main staple or even a huge part of the diet but it certainly means you can have some rice with your chicken and veggies or eat a burger with buns (as wild as that may sound).

Bread, rice, and beans are nutrient "rich?" Relative to what? I'll grant you that certain types of the aforementioned are good sources of particular minerals, but calling them nutrient rich sounds like a stretch.

Also, I feel like you are arguing against a straw man. I would guess most Paleo dieters would agree with your assessment that moderate consumption of rice and beans is OK, but that they aren't "staples" or regular inclusions in their diets. I can't say the same for bread, but I also doubt there are many Paleo dieters who realistically think they will never eat another piece of bread for the rest of their lives while practicing a Paleo diet. My presumption is that most use it as their model base diet, and then indulge whenever they feel is appropriate.
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