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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


Junior Member
Update for me I'm hovering around 190 now, I feel like I need to dial in the calories at this point to progress further. I still read a lot about different nutrition advice, seeing what commonalities there are.

I'm considering doing one of Lyle McDonalds keto programs to break through and get leaner. They are short and rather strict, I've always wanted to try a cycle. I think the 2 week duration would be a good motivator to really dial it in and plan out my food. I'll post here if I decide to do it.

You tried intermittent fasting? Helped me break through a couple plateaus. Do some research on Leangains. The guy is able to maintain a very, very low bf% year round using IF.


You tried intermittent fasting? Helped me break through a couple plateaus. Do some research on Leangains. The guy is able to maintain a very, very low bf% year round using IF.

Funny you say that because I did deliberately not eat past 6pm the past few nights and I'm down a pound below my plateau this morning. What I feel as hunger now is almost nothing compared to the hunger I used to have when eating a lot of refined carbs. Much easier to resist.

I will check into leangains thanks.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Really? Does that work?

Yeah. Everytime I plateau, I carb load a little, then hit ketosis again.

But...oh that wall is the freaking devil. I'll stop when I can stabilize at my ideal weight.
Funny you say that because I did deliberately not eat past 6pm the past few nights and I'm down a pound below my plateau this morning. What I feel as hunger now is almost nothing compared to the hunger I used to have when eating a lot of refined carbs. Much easier to resist.

I will check into leangains thanks.

There's a GAF thread on intermittent fasting:


which might be of interest to you.

Chris R

Yeah. Everytime I plateau, I carb load a little, then hit ketosis again.

But...oh that wall is the freaking devil. I'll stop when I can stabilize at my ideal weight.

Going to try this tonight then, I've been eating under my calorie limit and exercising but still at my current plateau.


Today was not a good day. I ate.......pizza......

But it was gluten free pizza! I thought it was well-deserved and I was craving it like craaaaazy. Found out Domino's had gluten free crust, so I opted for that. Got pepperoni, banana peppers, and spinach. Not TOO bad for a cheat, right?

Although I did have one last *gasp* nonfat yogurt in the fridge that's laden with sugar because I didn't want to see it go to waste...


Today was not a good day. I ate.......pizza......

But it was gluten free pizza! I thought it was well-deserved and I was craving it like craaaaazy. Found out Domino's had gluten free crust, so I opted for that. Got pepperoni, banana peppers, and spinach. Not TOO bad for a cheat, right?

Although I did have one last *gasp* nonfat yogurt in the fridge that's laden with sugar because I didn't want to see it go to waste...

when I feel the need to cheat, my go to craving is dark chocolate. Make sure its 75% cocoa since that is actually good for you, or at least not bad, and satisfies my cravings when i get them.

Itll taste like bitter cardboard at first, but gets better. I quitel ike it now. I just let it melt in my mouth


So my local Greek place has a antipasto salad with cappicola, provolone, genoa, ham and pepperoni, eggs and peppers over lettuce. I'm having no idea how to even track this. Long shot, but anyone eat a similar antipasto before?


So my local Greek place has a antipasto salad with cappicola, provolone, genoa, ham and pepperoni, eggs and peppers over lettuce. I'm having no idea how to even track this. Long shot, but anyone eat a similar antipasto before?

Meh, just quick add the cals...that's why it's tough to eat out. Or just pick another antipasto from MFP and roll with it.


Just saw Fat Head and it kinda blew my mind. I had a good idea of how the science behind the diet works, but to see it all explained clearly and with the history of how fat became vilified is just...wow. But it sucks because I live my parents and my mom cooks for the family. So I'll have to convince her now lol. I've been slowly giving her info about this so it can marinate in her brain and change her stance. But it's going to be hard since she's healthy, likes her carbs (I've committed a miracle if I can make her and my dad give up bread), and has been cooking the way she has since forever. Things like coconut oil are also kinda hard to find, and pretty expensive in Montreal. I found one at Costco and I don't know if it's good. It's unrefined, and I wouldn't want all my food to taste like coconut.


Just saw Fat Head and it kinda blew my mind. I had a good idea of how the science behind the diet works, but to see it all explained clearly and with the history of how fat became vilified is just...wow. But it sucks because I live my parents and my mom cooks for the family. So I'll have to convince her now lol. I've been slowly giving her info about this so it can marinate in her brain and change her stance. But it's going to be hard since she's healthy, likes her carbs (I've committed a miracle if I can make her and my dad give up bread), and has been cooking the way she has since forever. Things like coconut oil are also kinda hard to find, and pretty expensive in Montreal. I found one at Costco and I don't know if it's good. It's unrefined, and I wouldn't want all my food to taste like coconut.

Well, if you can't convince her, on the days that the food has an unacceptable amount of grain/sugar/processed crap, just make some scrambled eggs, eat some canned tuna, and some veggies/fruit

my go to meal when I am feeling lazy is 3 eggs beaten into a bowl, add a bit of milk and chopped spinach. Dump that into a pan that has some melted butter in it and youre good to go. Super tasty and easy


Just saw Fat Head and it kinda blew my mind. I had a good idea of how the science behind the diet works, but to see it all explained clearly and with the history of how fat became vilified is just...wow. But it sucks because I live my parents and my mom cooks for the family. So I'll have to convince her now lol. I've been slowly giving her info about this so it can marinate in her brain and change her stance. But it's going to be hard since she's healthy, likes her carbs (I've committed a miracle if I can make her and my dad give up bread), and has been cooking the way she has since forever. Things like coconut oil are also kinda hard to find, and pretty expensive in Montreal. I found one at Costco and I don't know if it's good. It's unrefined, and I wouldn't want all my food to taste like coconut.

I have some "slightly refined" extra virgin coconut oil and I don't taste a thing...as for the unrefined, I believe you can add a pinch of salt to what you are cooking to eliminate the coconut taste.


Italian eggs with turkey kelbasa, came out amazing. So tempted to go out and grab some crusty bread though and sop up all the goodness.



What's the deal if you can't find yourself eating enough?

Out of curiosity, I started logging everything I ate into MyFitnessPal so I could see a daily breakdown of fats/protein/carbs. What I discovered is that I'm undershooting my caloric goal to maintain my current weight....sometimes by a significant margin.

How bad is this? I just don't feel hungry enough to eat that much!

Also, what should a proper Paleo breakdown of fats/protein/carbs be?


What's the deal if you can't find yourself eating enough?

Out of curiosity, I started logging everything I ate into MyFitnessPal so I could see a daily breakdown of fats/protein/carbs. What I discovered is that I'm undershooting my caloric goal to maintain my current weight....sometimes by a significant margin.

How bad is this? I just don't feel hungry enough to eat that much!

Also, what should a proper Paleo breakdown of fats/protein/carbs be?

Are you trying to lose weight? If so, eating less than recommended for maintenance is a good thing, and that you're achieving it without being hungry is basically the dream, which is what makes Paleo a powerful weight loss tool for many. If you're trying to maintain, keep an eye on your weight and make sure it doesn't drop - the caloric recommendations are only a rough estimate as to what your intake should be. If you maintain at fewer calories, I can't see the problem.

As to fat/protein/carb breakdown, that's unknown. Modern hunter-gatherer tribes, which can be considered as close an approximation of paleo eating habits as we can get in living subjects, range from majority carbohydrates (tubers, mainly) to majority fat (blood and milk). What was the norm in the paleolithic is unknown. Some researchers argue they ate lots of lean meat going by the logic that hunted game is leaner (suggesting a protein:fat ratio in favour of protein) while others say they preferentially targeted seasonally fatty animals and favoured fatty organs and bones above muscle meat (ie more fat to protein). In short, it's massively speculative and there's no one right way to do it. This is where I turn to the low-carb research, which I think shows better health markers across the board if you get most of your calories from fat.


Fresh peas and green beans are technically not paleo but those legumes are still ok to eat. If you like them and don't get any digestive problems afterwards, I'd say go for it.

Yeah I haven't had any problems that I know of, will continue to eat them as usual, thanks :)


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Italian eggs with turkey kelbasa, came out amazing. So tempted to go out and grab some crusty bread though and sop up all the goodness.

There is a bakery near me. I weep a little every time I smell.


I found that easy till i got to the question that was basically do you believe in God & Evolution.
Fuckin ell, what does that have to do with anything? You can tell this is an American study.

Kresser is, IMO, a bit of a tool. He spends a series of articles explaining in an oh-so-sensible manner how acupuncture is totally not the mystical woo it's popularly thought to be but in fact grounded in real physiology. Not once to my knowledge does he address any of the research showing that regardless of how sensible the theory behind it might be, it doesn't actually work any better than sham acupuncture in RCTs. Functional medicine my arse.
Been trying to get a Whole30 going since the start of the week, had a couple of good days in a row, so hope it carries on.

Made some cauliflower rice and some chicken curry last night, tasty.


I want to do a blood test to check my T levels because I've been suspecting I have testosterone issues. I also wanted to hit all my other vitamins and get a lipid panel. I was looking into WellnessFX, anyone know a good comparison to a general physician?



Hit a milestone for me this morning, 189.6 lbs ;) A high of 202, I had been hovering in the low 190's for a while but hopefully I've broken through now.

There's a GAF thread on intermittent fasting:


which might be of interest to you.

Thanks I checked this out. I definitely think it helps in terms of calorie restriction. I've been doing my own vague form of IF by cutting off eating post 7pm. That seems to be the key to loss as opposed to simply maintaining. At least for me.


Hit a milestone for me this morning, 189.6 lbs ;) A high of 202, I had been hovering in the low 190's for a while but hopefully I've broken through now.

Thanks I checked this out. I definitely think it helps in terms of calorie restriction. I've been doing my own vague form of IF by cutting off eating post 7pm. That seems to be the key to loss as opposed to simply maintaining. At least for me.

I stalled doing exactly that. Different strokes.


I want to do a blood test to check my T levels because I've been suspecting I have testosterone issues. I also wanted to hit all my other vitamins and get a lipid panel. I was looking into WellnessFX, anyone know a good comparison to a general physician?


Whoa, what exactly is this? A do-it-yourself gig? That seems expensive considering you could go to your doctor for this information, no? Maybe I'm wrong....


I stalled doing exactly that. Different strokes.

Hmm were you losing prior to doing that? I feel like you can lose only so long before you stabilize then you need to shake things up. Either restrict more, refeeds, or add more conditioning... whatever.


Whoa, what exactly is this? A do-it-yourself gig? That seems expensive considering you could go to your doctor for this information, no? Maybe I'm wrong....

I don't know about the individual breakdown, but in-store clinics such as RediClinic will do the same or similar tests for you, and insurance almost definitely covers it.


Hmm were you losing prior to doing that? I feel like you can lose only so long before you stabilize then you need to shake things up. Either restrict more, refeeds, or add more conditioning... whatever.

6lbs rather quickly with cardio and weight lifting mixed in.

That was on a 2000 cal diet.


Kinda off topic question:

What is the best sweetner/sugar to use?

I use stevia mostly but sometimes the taste of it is for lack of a better word "distracting" and then I use dark brown sugar. Lately I've been reading that dark brown sugar, or brown sugar in general, is no better that white sugar.

What else can be used? Agave?

Thanks in advance.


Wasnt feeling so hot yesterday and I was craving carbs. Anyone else get that when they're sick?

In any case I'm still hovering around 189-190. Honestly not sure what I'm going to do next. I mean still continue to eat paleo/primal but the goal is to hit <10% body fat by end of may WITHOUT losing significant muscle mass.


Wasnt feeling so hot yesterday and I was craving carbs. Anyone else get that when they're sick?

In any case I'm still hovering around 189-190. Honestly not sure what I'm going to do next. I mean still continue to eat paleo/primal but the goal is to hit <10% body fat by end of may WITHOUT losing significant muscle mass.

I caved in and had a post workout sandwich instead of my usual protein shake. I'll have the shake later...just wanted some food for a change.


Wasnt feeling so hot yesterday and I was craving carbs. Anyone else get that when they're sick?

In any case I'm still hovering around 189-190. Honestly not sure what I'm going to do next. I mean still continue to eat paleo/primal but the goal is to hit <10% body fat by end of may WITHOUT losing significant muscle mass.

Past couple days I ate like garbage.

Two days ago I woke up an hour later than I usually do so I bought a breakfast hoagie on the way to work. Yesterday I forgot to pack a snack and grabbed a protein bar at a wawa. Oh well, at least they were both on heavy lifting days.


GAF, share with me your best brussel sprout ideas. Are the frozen variety any good? If so, how do you make them? I was thinking about just baking them with some olive oil drizzled over top and maybe garlic powder. Maybe paired with bacon afterwards?
GAF, share with me your best brussel sprout ideas. Are the frozen variety any good? If so, how do you make them? I was thinking about just baking them with some olive oil drizzled over top and maybe garlic powder. Maybe paired with bacon afterwards?

If you slightly overcook them, they get a crunchy outside and a softish inside. Combo with a little salt and pepper and you're in heaven.

Other than that, I'll steam 'em, and then toss pepper/some other seasoning on that isn't wacky.
GAF, share with me your best brussel sprout ideas. Are the frozen variety any good? If so, how do you make them? I was thinking about just baking them with some olive oil drizzled over top and maybe garlic powder. Maybe paired with bacon afterwards?

Frozen brussels are great for quick side dishes and snacks.
Just throw them into a covered bowl with some water for 2 minutes, then straight into the oven (tossed in some olive oil, salt, and pepper).
GAF, share with me your best brussel sprout ideas. Are the frozen variety any good? If so, how do you make them? I was thinking about just baking them with some olive oil drizzled over top and maybe garlic powder. Maybe paired with bacon afterwards?

I like to shred or chop them up, then fry them with bacon.


Yes, bacon and brussel sprouts go so well together. I buy the small frozen kind, put half the bag in the microwave for 2 minutes. While they're cooking, fry some bacon in a little butter, mix in BS when they're done in the microwave. Season with whatever you like, success. Fresh ones, cut in half, coat with EVOO, salt, pepper, bake in oven. Can also shred them up and add them to stir fries. Steam them, melted butter + salt/pepper/garlic powder.

last night, bacon method.


Nice ^^^

Those look good. On another note... and to the surprise of nobody here, sugar isnt so good for you:


The key point in the article is this: “Each 150 kilocalories/person/day increase in total calorie availability related to a 0.1 percent rise in diabetes prevalence (not significant), whereas a 150 kilocalories/person/day rise in sugar availability (one 12-ounce can of soft drink) was associated with a 1.1 percent rise in diabetes prevalence.” Thus: for every 12 ounces of sugar-sweetened beverage introduced per person per day into a country’s food system, the rate of diabetes goes up 1 percent. (The study found no significant difference in results between those countries that rely more heavily on high-fructose corn syrup and those that rely primarily on cane sugar.)

This is as good (or bad) as it gets, the closest thing to causation and a smoking gun that we will see. (To prove “scientific” causality you’d have to completely control the diets of thousands of people for decades. It’s as technically impossible as “proving” climate change or football-related head injuries or, for that matter, tobacco-caused cancers.) And just as tobacco companies fought, ignored, lied and obfuscated in the ’60s (and, indeed, through the ’90s), the pushers of sugar will do the same now.

and also..

And as Lustig lucidly wrote in “Fat Chance,” his compelling 2012 book that looked at the causes of our diet-induced health crisis, it’s become clear that obesity itself is not the cause of our dramatic upswing in chronic disease. Rather, it’s metabolic syndrome, which can strike those of “normal” weight as well as those who are obese. Metabolic syndrome is a result of insulin resistance, which appears to be a direct result of consumption of added sugars. This explains why there’s little argument from scientific quarters about the “obesity won’t kill you” studies; technically, they’re correct, because obesity is a marker for metabolic syndrome, not a cause.

The take-away: it isn’t simply overeating that can make you sick; it’s overeating sugar. We finally have the proof we need for a verdict: sugar is toxic.


I asked one of my coworkers why she never logs veggies on MFP. She said "it takes your body more calories to burn them then what's in them"



I asked one of my coworkers why she never logs veggies on MFP. She said "it takes your body more calories to burn them then what's in them"


I sometimes won't log them if I'm in a hurry...they're pretty negligible unless they're covered in butter or starchy, but she's wrong.

She got that bullshit from Jamie Oliver and celery.


I sometimes won't log them if I'm in a hurry...they're pretty negligible unless they're covered in butter or starchy, but she's wrong.

She got that bullshit from Jamie Oliver and celery.

They can still add up if you're strict calorie counting. I've had 150 calories in vegetables between breakfast and lunch.
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