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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


Anyone on paleo feel like your mouth feels cleaner after you eat compared to junk food? I can swig some water and feel fresh where as if I had a big mac I'd have gunk left all in my mouth.

I concur wholeheartedly, I thought paleo was just going to be a temporary diet until I reach my desired weight. But things have changed, looks like it's the paleo lifestyle going forward for me.


I concur wholeheartedly, I thought paleo was just going to be a temporary diet until I reach my desired weight. But things have changed, looks like it's the paleo lifestyle going forward for me.

It really is a great framework to use. The basic principles of whole natural foods is really the key for me. Then people can check their own tolerances to things like dairy, rice, legumes, grains whatever.
First attempt at small fasting...complete!

Small (non paleo) dinner last night at 7, haven't eaten (save for a cup of coffee) since then. I went to sleep at 9 last night, got 8 hours of (broken, thanks to a teething baby) sleep and am eating some green peppers now, along with some mostly paleo chili.

Switched to a standing desk at work, and am loving the shit out of being able to fit in jeans that look good.


Anyone on paleo feel like your mouth feels cleaner after you eat compared to junk food? I can swig some water and feel fresh where as if I had a big mac I'd have gunk left all in my mouth.

this actually happened to me when I started cutting back meat as well. But yea I'm eating way less sugar and carbs lately, plus I only drink water, and I definitely noticed my mouth felt cleaner ha.


I'm down to 188 even this morning which is a bout a pound and a half lower than I've been in over a year now. I'm still mulling over my next move. I have time to hit my goals but I'd rather get there sooner than later and then maintain throughout summer.

I'm fine with slow and steady but I'm kind of looking for another little boost. Had been reading about Carb Back Loading and Lyle McDonalds various Keto diets but we will see. If I can keep making progress with Paleo/IF I'll stay on course.
I'm down to 188 even this morning which is a bout a pound and a half lower than I've been in over a year now. I'm still mulling over my next move. I have time to hit my goals but I'd rather get there sooner than later and then maintain throughout summer.

I'm fine with slow and steady but I'm kind of looking for another little boost. Had been reading about Carb Back Loading and Lyle McDonalds various Keto diets but we will see. If I can keep making progress with Paleo/IF I'll stay on course.

I'll tell you what I've learned being mostly on Primal for the last 2 years, if I'm looking to lose weight (well, after the initial 15 I lost easily) I have to cut out all liquid fats that I used to think were no big deal (cream in my coffee was the big one for me). I also have to actually watch my calories, I'm not lucky enough that I can eat anything that's on Paleo/Primal and still lose weight, I have a coworker who can but unfortunately I still have to watch that I'm not getting to crazy with calories. The other ones are nuts and cheese, I have to reduce these quite a bit as I have a tendency to overeat them and they are very calorie-dense.

I also do a one day high calorie/carb day every week or so, that seems to work to reset me and I occasionally do a fast if needed.


Thanks, yeah I seem to be able to eat paleo/primal at 80% and maintain just fine. Losing requires fasting for me apparently. And I also did take a bit of a "diet break" in there to try and reset.

I'm ramping up my conditioning too, and once the warm weather hits that should go up even further. But I'm getting impatient ;)


Thanks, yeah I seem to be able to eat paleo/primal at 80% and maintain just fine. Losing requires fasting for me apparently. And I also did take a bit of a "diet break" in there to try and reset.

I'm ramping up my conditioning too, and once the warm weather hits that should go up even further. But I'm getting impatient ;)

This is what I fear. I tried a cut once and it went kinda horrible. I'm much better at maintaining and adding.

Once I get a lot stronger Ill try it again, but not until I'm squatting 315, deadlifting 405, benching over 225, etc.
Thanks, yeah I seem to be able to eat paleo/primal at 80% and maintain just fine. Losing requires fasting for me apparently. And I also did take a bit of a "diet break" in there to try and reset.

I'm ramping up my conditioning too, and once the warm weather hits that should go up even further. But I'm getting impatient ;)

It's all about finding what works for you, as I've gotten older it's definitely gotten harder as well. Trying to get to my ideal weight before I get much older as it's only going to get more and more difficult. I've got 20 or 30 more to go.


So how do you know if you're eating too much saturated fat?

Edit: I ask because I've been incredibly tired the past few days despite enough sleep and eating paleo meals. I thought I was over the carb flu…….am I eating too much fruit? I can barely sacrifice anything more enjoyable. Fruit is like the last mainstay of things I like that I can eat : (

Edit 2:

Just searching around a bit gave me something new to consider: I think I might not be in ketosis anymore, and that's the problem. I think perhaps my carb intake (even though it's all from veggies and fruit) is still a little high and preventing me from entering ketosis. Isn't ketosis what makes you feel best? If you're a "fat-burning machine" or whatever they like to call it, does that mean you're primarily functioning in a ketosis state? Or is it bad to remain in this state for too long?

Basically, I don't know if I'm eating the correct way for how what I want to achieve and what my lifestyle is right now. Currently eating mainly meat, vegetables, and fruit with the occasional full-fat dairy. I add fat to my meals with either bacon grease (bad choice?), butter, or olive oil.

Maybe my meat isn't high quality enough. I can't afford the grass-fed stuff :p

Btw, went to Five Guys today. I've decided Five Guys is perfectly fine for Paleo. I got the lettuce wrap with two patties, bacon, grilled onions, mustard, pickles, and jalepeno peppers. How'd I do? I made sure they didn't use the peanut oil on their burgers.


So how do you know if you're eating too much saturated fat?

Edit: I ask because I've been incredibly tired the past few days despite enough sleep and eating paleo meals. I thought I was over the carb flu…….am I eating too much fruit? I can barely sacrifice anything more enjoyable. Fruit is like the last mainstay of things I like that I can eat : (

What are your goals? I personally never have an issue with too much fruit. If you can post what your goals are and what you're eating maybe we can help out though. Just a typical day would be fine.

Eating at a caloric deficit can certainly make you tired. Especially if it's a large deficit and over a long period of time. If you are working out that's more energy expended as well. I personally eased my way into this. I started late December which gave me plenty of time to lean out before summer.

I also am not cutting all carbs. I eat a lot of sweet potatoes and even rice on occasion, I find I need it to keep my activity levels up. As for Ketosis, I'm undecided on where I stand on that. I think it's fine short term for cutting, I dont know about long term.
Found this really great range of dressings/sauces in Whole Foods: http://www.tessemaes.com/product/

No crap or anything in them very nice as a marinade.



So how do you know if you're eating too much saturated fat?

Edit: I ask because I've been incredibly tired the past few days despite enough sleep and eating paleo meals. I thought I was over the carb flu…….am I eating too much fruit? I can barely sacrifice anything more enjoyable. Fruit is like the last mainstay of things I like that I can eat : (

Edit 2:

Just searching around a bit gave me something new to consider: I think I might not be in ketosis anymore, and that's the problem. I think perhaps my carb intake (even though it's all from veggies and fruit) is still a little high and preventing me from entering ketosis. Isn't ketosis what makes you feel best? If you're a "fat-burning machine" or whatever they like to call it, does that mean you're primarily functioning in a ketosis state? Or is it bad to remain in this state for too long?

Basically, I don't know if I'm eating the correct way for how what I want to achieve and what my lifestyle is right now. Currently eating mainly meat, vegetables, and fruit with the occasional full-fat dairy. I add fat to my meals with either bacon grease (bad choice?), butter, or olive oil.

Maybe my meat isn't high quality enough. I can't afford the grass-fed stuff :p

Btw, went to Five Guys today. I've decided Five Guys is perfectly fine for Paleo. I got the lettuce wrap with two patties, bacon, grilled onions, mustard, pickles, and jalepeno peppers. How'd I do? I made sure they didn't use the peanut oil on their burgers.

The boost in energy does come from becoming "fat adapted", meaning your body can burn fat for fuel instead of sugar, ultimately the body will become efficient at using fat or sugar, which is ideally what you want. This takes time, usually a month or so of good, clean eating. You don't NEED to to go into ketosis for this to happen. Ketosis is great, but VERY restrictive. You'll have to cut out all fruit, starchy veggies, even cut back on non-starchy kinds, limit nuts, cut back on protein [excess protein gets converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis]. Meat/Eggs/Fats&Oils/Non-Starchy veggies/certain nuts in moderation. The whey protein in dairy is insulinogenic, depending on how sensitive you are to it, dairy is out too. You can try it if you like, it's perfectly healthy, just be aware that it's tough.

Coconut is a good way to get your body to burn fat for fuel. The majority of fat in coconut is ketogenic [MCTs], essentially the body can't store them as fat and they immediately get converted to ketones. You'll get a nice boost of energy as a result. Coconut in general is one of the healthiest things you can possibly eat. Coconut oil for cooking, whole coconuts, coconut butter, shredded coconut, whatever, eat it! I eat some coconut oil every day, straight out of the jar and cook my eggs in it.


Pre-read-fake-edit-edit: I swear I don't try to be so long winded, but I really, really find relief talking to you guys about all my hiccups and concerns and I'm learning a lot. If not for you all, I'd have quit long ago, so thank you :) . The long posts just.....happen....sorry :p

"Too much" saturated fat is meaningless. CVD is caused by inflammation, low-fat=healthy is a product of the food industry. You need fat on this diet for the energy lost by not eating carbs, as long as its not processed at ALL its type doesn't matter. Coconut oil is the recommended fat to add if required, and thats 74% sat fat.

Lay off the fruit and the dairy. Suck it up, you miss things on a diet, thats what makes it a diet. Fruit spikes your blood sugar all over the place and dairy is clearly not paleo.

Ketosis is a terrible state to be in, you want to stay well out of it. If you are still exercising a lot, and on low carb, its no surprise at all that you feel exhausted.

Personally i wouldn't exercise at all during the first month of Paleo (and i didn't), as the body has enough adjustment going on just switching to fat-burning mode without making you crave a sandwich or some other blood-sugar spiking shit. Its a shock to any western system, i barely moved off the couch for 2 weeks. It was more than worth it though.

I know that saturated fat allegedly doesn't cause CVD, but I was just worried that TOO much could also make me listless as well. I'm actually glad to hear how run down you were. I thought I was over the low carb flu, but I utterly just don't feel any more energetic than I did before. Can't wait for this to end.

And I realize dairy isn't paleo, but it seems to be a gray area with some folks saying full-fat dairy is fine. So that's all I've been having: full-fat greek yogurt, real cheese (not much), and heavy whipping cream for my coffee until I find coconut milk that doesn't come in a freaking can. But that's all, honest. I have fruit mostly as a "dessert" after meals, but I'm only having about 1 banana and 5-6 blackberries a day. That's hardly a lot, right? (today I had a pear though and that's been it....yum!).

So I guess my question: Does even a small insulin spike negate any progress/benefit from eating a high-fat diet? I've generally thought based on some info from you guys in this thread that "the lower the better" for insulin spikes, not "any amount ruins it". Which is true here? Example: I have a fabulous paleo meal planned out that involves tomato sauce. I have some absolutely scrumptious tomato sauce, but one serving contains 9g of sugar. EVEYRTHING else about it is pure paleo save the added sugar. If I'm a good boy and don't have any fruit, dairy, or some other kind of cheat that day, can I consume this tomato sauce? I pretty much refuse to let it go to waste, but I will wait and save it until I'm done with my initial 40 days or so if it's going to ruin any progress. Although I don't have a means to getting to a grocery store right now so it might be my only option :p

What are your goals? I personally never have an issue with too much fruit. If you can post what your goals are and what you're eating maybe we can help out though. Just a typical day would be fine.

Sure thing: My typical day:

-2 eggs fried in either bacon grease or coconut oil (sometimes hardboiled with guacamole)
-Coffee with heavy cream (or none) and stevia (usually a few hours after I'm awake)
(today I had salmon and sauteed kale in olive oil for breakfast, lol)

-Varies...usually just fried chicken cut up into a spinach salad with olive oil/red wine vinegar and maybe bleu cheese.
Sometimes...fish with some kind of veggie for a side, or leftovers from the night before

Almost always just some kind of meat (has been steak, chicken, beef, salmon, tilapia...whatever) seasoned with something and veggies for a side. Always cooked with olive oil, butter, or coconut oil. Rarely grass-fed because of money. Blackberries for dessert.

Almonds roasted in coconut oil (made by myself!)
Banana or other piece of fruit
Fage Total full-fat Greek yogurt (only sometimes, and I have this with my banana cut up into it........and once I got the kind with honey on the side but only used about 25% of the provided honey)

I try to always get leafy greens (kale or spinach) and some kind of veggie (carrots and broccoli) every day with enough meat fried or cooked in a good paleo oil.

My goals: To lose as much body fat as possible, and start working out whenever I start feeling this primal power!!! Still need to put together a fitness program...ugh....the bane of my workout life. I always feel so clueless. It's not working out I can't do, it's the guidance and knowledge to do the right stuff that I lack. What's all this Crossfit stuff I'm always seeing?

Found this really great range of dressings/sauces in Whole Foods: http://www.tessemaes.com/product/

No crap or anything in them very nice as a marinade.


NICE!!! My biggest complaint so far has been the lack of....juices or something....in my food :p . Even that soy dressing doesn't actually have soy!

The boost in energy does come from becoming "fat adapted", meaning your body can burn fat for fuel instead of sugar, ultimately the body will become efficient at using fat or sugar, which is ideally what you want. This takes time, usually a month or so of good, clean eating. You don't NEED to to go into ketosis for this to happen. Ketosis is great, but VERY restrictive. You'll have to cut out all fruit, starchy veggies, even cut back on non-starchy kinds, limit nuts, cut back on protein [excess protein gets converted to glucose through gluconeogenesis]. Meat/Eggs/Fats&Oils/Non-Starchy veggies/certain nuts in moderation. The whey protein in dairy is insulinogenic, depending on how sensitive you are to it, dairy is out too. You can try it if you like, it's perfectly healthy, just be aware that it's tough.

Coconut is a good way to get your body to burn fat for fuel. The majority of fat in coconut is ketogenic [MCTs], essentially the body can't store them as fat and they immediately get converted to ketones. You'll get a nice boost of energy as a result. Coconut in general is one of the healthiest things you can possibly eat. Coconut oil for cooking, whole coconuts, coconut butter, shredded coconut, whatever, eat it! I eat some coconut oil every day, straight out of the jar and cook my eggs in it.

I feel like there is a ton of good info in this post. Thanks for sharing. In your opinion based on my daily examples, am I doing good, clean eating? I know the dairy is iffy, but I can reduce that. I realize what fruit does, so I can reduce that too. But again, I just can't shake the feeling that ANYTHING that causes my insulin to go up RUINS EVERYTHING I'm trying to do. Help me get that out of my head if it is indeed not true :p

....that's all I have to say, lol. Do you guys cheat at ALL? You guys seem so well-adapted. A once or twice a month cookie? A monthly dinner of lasagna? If you do, how much and how often? Just curious. I'm not looking for permission to cheat, just genuinely curious.

One more thing......anyone catch my concerns about soy/cottonseed oil being in those McCormick spices I have? How much should I worry about that or is it negligible?


Do you guys have any good links about studies on low carbs/high fat diets or effects of processed food/refined carbs? Also stuff on the effective of losing weight through simply eating at a caloric deficit as opposed to reconfiguring your macros (reducing carbs for example)


I feel like there is a ton of good info in this post. Thanks for sharing. In your opinion based on my daily examples, am I doing good, clean eating? I know the dairy is iffy, but I can reduce that. I realize what fruit does, so I can reduce that too. But again, I just can't shake the feeling that ANYTHING that causes my insulin to go up RUINS EVERYTHING I'm trying to do. Help me get that out of my head if it is indeed not true :p

....that's all I have to say, lol. Do you guys cheat at ALL? You guys seem so well-adapted. A once or twice a month cookie? A monthly dinner of lasagna? If you do, how much and how often? Just curious. I'm not looking for permission to cheat, just genuinely curious.

One more thing......anyone catch my concerns about soy/cottonseed oil being in those McCormick spices I have? How much should I worry about that or is it negligible?

Insulin in itself is not bad, your body needs it. Chronically high levels of insulin are bad, or continuously spiking insulin. No matter what you eat, insulin will be released, so you're worrying over nothing. Eating certain foods with others also effects how much is released too, fat decreases insulin secretion for example. So eating a piece of fruit with a little almond butter won't give the same effect as the fruit by itself. But really, this is getting into micromanaging territory again and there's no use in driving yourself crazy over it.

I'll have peanut butter once in a while, or hummus [only made with olive oil, or no oil]. I used to have Quest Bars/PB cups because they were convenient, but I don't need them any more so I stopped eating them. I'll eat whatever on holidays. Used to have an occasional diet soda, but switched it too sobe lifewater zero, which isn't really a 'cheat' depending on who you ask. So Delicious Coconut Milk ice cream, no sugar added variety. It's got a lot of fiber in it so I don't eat it too often, too much fiber makes me cramp up. But this is pretty paleo friendly too. I really don't even like the word "cheat", it implies you're denying yourself of something you want. The way I eat is..just the way I eat, just like vegetarians don't eat meat, I don't eat certain things. If I eat something I know I "shouldn't" based on paleo principles, which is not very often, I eat it and know it's not the best choice, but don't think much of it and enjoy it. I don't think it's psychologically healthy to constantly deprive yourself of something you want.

Do you guys have any good links about studies on low carbs/high fat diets or effects of processed food/refined carbs? Also stuff on the effective of losing weight through simply eating at a caloric deficit as opposed to reconfiguring your macros (reducing carbs for example)

There are plenty of studies on low carb diets, just a few

as for macros vs caloric deficit, no, they don't exist. It's too expensive and too many variables to control. it's basically what every one would like to see, but it's probably never gonna happen.


Do you guys have any good links about studies on low carbs/high fat diets or effects of processed food/refined carbs? Also stuff on the effective of losing weight through simply eating at a caloric deficit as opposed to reconfiguring your macros (reducing carbs for example)

I think these are some of the best recent ones



Note that in these studies the low carb arms were either superior or joint best, but crucially weren't calorie restricted whereas some of the alternative diets were.

There's also this, showing higher resting and total energy expenditure on low carb compared to equal caloric low fat.


and this, regarding refined carbs



Yeah figured that, friend of mine was saying it was high in carbs cause it was a root etc etc so I thought I'd ask.

10g of carbs per 100g carrots - even if you're watching your carb intake you'd have to eat a lot of carrots to go off the rails!


10g of carbs per 100g carrots - even if you're watching your carb intake you'd have to eat a lot of carrots to go off the rails!

Not really. 100g of carrots ain't really that much. One medium carrot is ~100g and I could easily eat multiple on one sitting. If you are watching your carbs then I don't think eating carrots freely is a very good idea.


Not really. 100g of carrots ain't really that much. One medium carrot is ~100g and I could easily eat multiple on one sitting. If you are watching your carbs then I don't think eating carrots freely is a very good idea.

Probably fair, i have a looser definition of low carb than some, anything at 100g a day or under. If one is inclined to pack away a kilo of carrots on top of any other carbs eaten throughout the day then yes, best to keep an eye on them.
Insulin in itself is not bad, your body needs it. Chronically high levels of insulin are bad, or continuously spiking insulin. No matter what you eat, insulin will be released, so you're worrying over nothing. Eating certain foods with others also effects how much is released too, fat decreases insulin secretion for example. So eating a piece of fruit with a little almond butter won't give the same effect as the fruit by itself. But really, this is getting into micromanaging territory again and there's no use in driving yourself crazy over it.

I'll have peanut butter once in a while, or hummus [only made with olive oil, or no oil]. I used to have Quest Bars/PB cups because they were convenient, but I don't need them any more so I stopped eating them. I'll eat whatever on holidays. Used to have an occasional diet soda, but switched it too sobe lifewater zero, which isn't really a 'cheat' depending on who you ask. So Delicious Coconut Milk ice cream, no sugar added variety. It's got a lot of fiber in it so I don't eat it too often, too much fiber makes me cramp up. But this is pretty paleo friendly too. I really don't even like the word "cheat", it implies you're denying yourself of something you want. The way I eat is..just the way I eat, just like vegetarians don't eat meat, I don't eat certain things. If I eat something I know I "shouldn't" based on paleo principles, which is not very often, I eat it and know it's not the best choice, but don't think much of it and enjoy it. I don't think it's psychologically healthy to constantly deprive yourself of something you want.

There are plenty of studies on low carb diets, just a few

as for macros vs caloric deficit, no, they don't exist. It's too expensive and too many variables to control. it's basically what every one would like to see, but it's probably never gonna happen.

I commend you for your sanity sir! :)

Also, if we deny ourselves something it merely strengthens our mind's craving for it. However, if we re-frame how we think about what we are doing we can avoid this. For example, instead of saying to oneself "I will no longer eat refined carbs, such as pastry" one says "I choose to get my carbs from eating nutritionally dense foods such as broccoli". Not the most elegant metaphor but there you go; i is tired.

Speaking of which, I've been off the exercise & Paleo bandwagon recently and boy what a difference! If I ever needed any reassurance as to the efficacy of exercise and Paleo for me, the last couple of weeks have provided it. It will be good to get back on the bandwagon for all the positive effects it gives me. Now if I can just find some energy to raise the enthusiasm to start....


Do you guys have any good links about studies on low carbs/high fat diets or effects of processed food/refined carbs? Also stuff on the effective of losing weight through simply eating at a caloric deficit as opposed to reconfiguring your macros (reducing carbs for example)

Speaking of macros, I try to get input from a lot of different sources. I like this guy for example, who gives the perspective of a bodybuilder following sports nutrition advice. he's not a fan of paleo, but that's ok nobody is perfect ;) Here he talks about "diet breaks"


Here he talks about how macro percentages are not really used anymore, he suggests that all the studies show you want to keep protein up, get enough fat, and then split the rest however you wish:



Made a really ghetto but not too shabby roast using chuck meat since it wasn't very good meat. Decided to slow-cook it. It was okay but nothing special. Paleo as far as I could tell. Used canned crushed tomatoes that didn't have added sugar. It had a couple ingredients I didn't recognize, but it wasn't an oil I couldn't pick out.

Then for lunch today I went to this organic grocery store where they have a really amazing Hot Bar and Salad Bar that isn't very expensive. I took some pot roast, salmon, and some veggies. Unfortunately, I found out after the fact that the amazing pot roast I had used canola oil.

See what I mean? No matter how hard I try, I can't make any meal seem to be 100% paleo. It's always 70-90% Paleo when I TRY. I know I could have cooked more but hell, I'm cooking up a storm and still not making enough food. I have other things to do so this organic store is the best I could do for lunch today.

Do you guys have similar experiences? When you were just beginning did this stuff bother you/frustrate you or did you brush it off? I'm trying to feel the full benefits of this ASAP because I feel like crap right now, lol. Wanting that primal prize, that's for sure.

And omg guys....I bought $90 worth of meat at the grocery store. They were having a special and I took advantage of it. Got a $30 prime rib for $18, and ten pounds of tenderloin (was $135, on sale for $56). I'm sure it's not grass fed, but I'm hoping this can last me for a long time. How'd I do?

I have no idea what to do with it now, lol.

Edit: Anyone here do CrossFit? Looks extremely appealing.......but also seems to be quite pricey and I just recently purchased a gym membership. It looks to be what I'm looking for though......hmmmm....


Anyone have any idea why I get stomach pain (and sometimes diarrhea) after breakfast everytime? I normally eat 5 eggs and a few pieces of bacon.

AFAIK I'm not allergic to eggs or anything (but I guess it's possible) and I don't remember getting this kind of stomach pain before. All in all I've only gotten worse stomach problems on paleo which is kind of weird..


5?! lol, holy shit.
AND bacon? Fuckin ell.

How long have you been on it? Stomach wierdness is common in the first month, as the yeasts/gut-bacteria that lived off carbs and sugar begin to die off.

Can this explain why my...erm....poop.... has been less that satisfactory? :\


5?! lol, holy shit.
AND bacon? Fuckin ell.

How long have you been on it? Stomach wierdness is common in the first month, as the yeasts/gut-bacteria that lived off carbs and sugar begin to die off.

I've been on paleo for little over 6 weeks. Though recently I've upped my intake of eggs since they are cheap. Probably trying to go few days withouth eggs and see what happens.


Anyone have any idea why I get stomach pain (and sometimes diarrhea) after breakfast everytime? I normally eat 5 eggs and a few pieces of bacon.

AFAIK I'm not allergic to eggs or anything (but I guess it's possible) and I don't remember getting this kind of stomach pain before. All in all I've only gotten worse stomach problems on paleo which is kind of weird..

Can this explain why my...erm....poop.... has been less that satisfactory? :

I eat 4 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon and 2 cups spinach every morning cooked in the bacon grease, no problems here. Maybe you have a sensitivity?

As for your poop, Pyro, I'm extremely regular so I guess YMMV.

My workouts are getting harder and I need to start incorporating more carbs.

I know sweet potatoes pass but brown rice and oats don't, correct? Any suggestions from anyone here who does eat brown rice and oats?


Made a really ghetto but not too shabby roast using chuck meat since it wasn't very good meat. Decided to slow-cook it. It was okay but nothing special. Paleo as far as I could tell. Used canned crushed tomatoes that didn't have added sugar. It had a couple ingredients I didn't recognize, but it wasn't an oil I couldn't pick out.

Then for lunch today I went to this organic grocery store where they have a really amazing Hot Bar and Salad Bar that isn't very expensive. I took some pot roast, salmon, and some veggies. Unfortunately, I found out after the fact that the amazing pot roast I had used canola oil.

See what I mean? No matter how hard I try, I can't make any meal seem to be 100% paleo. It's always 70-90% Paleo when I TRY. I know I could have cooked more but hell, I'm cooking up a storm and still not making enough food. I have other things to do so this organic store is the best I could do for lunch today.

Do you guys have similar experiences? When you were just beginning did this stuff bother you/frustrate you or did you brush it off? I'm trying to feel the full benefits of this ASAP because I feel like crap right now, lol. Wanting that primal prize, that's for sure.

And omg guys....I bought $90 worth of meat at the grocery store. They were having a special and I took advantage of it. Got a $30 prime rib for $18, and ten pounds of tenderloin (was $135, on sale for $56). I'm sure it's not grass fed, but I'm hoping this can last me for a long time. How'd I do?

I have no idea what to do with it now, lol.

Edit: Anyone here do CrossFit? Looks extremely appealing.......but also seems to be quite pricey and I just recently purchased a gym membership. It looks to be what I'm looking for though......hmmmm....

I think you're doing just fine, it seems that you are still overthinking it. Don't let that canola oil bother you, stuff like that can happen when eating away from home.

Try to have a vegetable stash at home, so you can chop them and make a salad when you don't have lots of time for cooking. Fill your fridge with pre-chopped veggies in Tupperware if you want to save even more time.
Add canned tuna or salmon if you need more protein and put some seeds/nuts in that salad or drizzle with olive oil if you need more fat. You can even put some fruits in it (raspberries are great in salads).

You could still be feeling like crap because your metabolism is still adapting to your new diet. Depending on how much carbs you ate before going paleo this might take a while to go away, I wouldn't worry too much about it yet.


I eat 4 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon and 2 cups spinach every morning cooked in the bacon grease, no problems here. Maybe you have a sensitivity?

As for your poop, Pyro, I'm extremely regular so I guess YMMV.

My workouts are getting harder and I need to start incorporating more carbs.

I know sweet potatoes pass but brown rice and oats don't, correct? Any suggestions from anyone here who does eat brown rice and oats?

Brown rice and oats don't get a pass like you said. Sweet potatoes, white potatoes and white rice are okayish for a lifter at least. Sweet potato is the best if you are trying to lose weight. If you are ripped and healthy then it's whatever you want I guess :)


Brown rice and oats don't get a pass like you said. Sweet potatoes, white potatoes and white rice are okayish for a lifter at least. Sweet potato is the best if you are trying to lose weight. If you are ripped and healthy then it's whatever you want I guess :)

I'm not ripped but definitely need some carbs in my diet outside of vegetables :)

So white rice over brown rice?


Brown rice is not paleo. I think it's the "anti-nutrients" in the brown rice's seed coat or whatever which can be a bad thing if you eat a lot of it. Or at least that's how I've understood it. White rice is OK even though zealots normally won't allow it. Tastes better too :)


Brown rice is not paleo. I think it's the "anti-nutrients" in the brown rice's seed coat or whatever which can be a bad thing if you eat a lot of it. Or at least that's how I've understood it. White rice is OK even though zealots normally won't allow it. Tastes better too :)

Unless you're making Cauliflower "rice", no rice is paleo.


I'm not ripped but definitely need some carbs in my diet outside of vegetables :)

So white rice over brown rice?

One thing to consider: IIRC basmati rice has the lowest glycemic index out of all the rice varieties and it taste great. You might want to consider that over plain white rice.


Well no but I don't think white rice has anything bad in it like grains do. It's just that it's such a dense source of carbs.

Well it doesn't matter what you think about white rice, it isn't paleo period. It also just gives way to more slippery slope arguments as well.



Rice (white rice) has also been tied to diabetes 2 risks, something that is on the increase for Asians (who people use for arguments on eating healthy). That isn't related to paleo really, but eh.

White rice is fine like other foods and you can put it in your version of the diet, but it's just not paleo at the end of the day.


Anyone here (lifting and) taking protein shakes to get enough protein? I know they aren't paleo but what's your thoughts? Really struggling to get enough protein with meat prices being what they are and eggs apparently not suitable to me in large doses..

I'm meaning unflawored whey powder mixed with water.


Anyone here (lifting and) taking protein shakes to get enough protein? I know they aren't paleo but what's your thoughts? Really struggling to get enough protein with meat prices being what they are and eggs apparently not suitable to me in large doses..

I eat a pound+ of chicken a day so that's a big help.


I eat a ton of meat but its so expensive in Finland. I wish I'd live in the states with all the cheap meat :(

How about fish in Finland? Canned or frozen should be cheaper than fresh. Offal should be cheaper as well (liver, heart, kidney, ...).


Anyone here (lifting and) taking protein shakes to get enough protein? I know they aren't paleo but what's your thoughts? Really struggling to get enough protein with meat prices being what they are and eggs apparently not suitable to me in large doses..

I'm meaning unflawored whey powder mixed with water.

I don't even lift (bro), so this comment doesn't come from experience. But this paper suggests you shouldn't struggle to get enough protein, because requirements aren't too excessive.


"but that PROIN increases from 1.35 to 2.62 g.kg-1.day-1 do not enhance muscle mass/strength gains, at least during the 1st mo of training"

I've seen a paper somewhere suggesting that the muscle building effect of protein is due to the extra calories rather than a special feature of that macro. If this is right, you could just need to get some extra fat down you. But as I say, I'm not big on weightlifting, so pinch of salt and all that.


I've seen a paper somewhere suggesting that the muscle building effect of protein is due to the extra calories rather than a special feature of that macro. If this is right, you could just need to get some extra fat down you.

That's definitely not right. The primary muscle protein synthesis trigger is the amino acid leucine which is a protein and then once the body receives the signal to start synthesizing muscle, it still needs the other protein to actually accomplish that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I eat a ton of meat but its so expensive in Finland. I wish I'd live in the states with all the cheap meat :(

How expensive are we talking?

Most of the cheap meat in the states is fully grain-fed and full of antibiotics.

It's not cheap to get good meat here.


That's definitely not right. The primary muscle protein synthesis trigger is the amino acid leucine which is a protein and then once the body receives the signal to start synthesizing muscle, it still needs the other protein to actually accomplish that.

And yet that paper found no benefit beyond 1.35g per kilo bodyweight per day. And muscle is only around 16% protein. Leucine is necessary, but there's nothing that insists more leucine = more muscle. It may be a threshold system.

Here's another paper looking at the effects of high protein intake

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