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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


good credit (by proxy)
I don't understand triglycerides in the blood. How/where are they made, and what is their purpose? Why are they bad for heart disease?

I understand fatty acids entering fat cells, binding with glycerol, and being unable to escape and thus making fat cells larger (and despite the fact that I wrote this sentence I'm likely to get responses explaining triglyceride storage in fat cells and ignoring my actual question). But if they're in the blood, wouldn't they be unable to get in? And cells don't use them for energy in that form, right?

Someone educate me on blood triglycerides.


I don't understand triglycerides in the blood. How/where are they made, and what is their purpose? Why are they bad for heart disease?

I understand fatty acids entering fat cells, binding with glycerol, and being unable to escape and thus making fat cells larger (and despite the fact that I wrote this sentence I'm likely to get responses explaining triglyceride storage in fat cells and ignoring my actual question). But if they're in the blood, wouldn't they be unable to get in? And cells don't use them for energy in that form, right?

Someone educate me on blood triglycerides.


I got bored reading it about one sentence in, but I think this is what youre looking for


good credit (by proxy)

I got bored reading it about one sentence in, but I think this is what youre looking for

Unfortunately not what I'm looking for. That describes the aflliction of having too many triglycerides in the blood. It goes through some of the causes, which I already kind of knew. I want to know how/where they are formed. I'm assuming that we digest fats as fatty acids and somewhere after digestion something bonds a glycerol molecule to those fatty acids to create a triglyceride. I'm wondering where this takes place, and I also want to know what the purpose of these blood triglycerides is. Fat triglycerides are for energy storage, so if we store energy in the fat cells, why would we need triglycerides in the blood???


I don't understand triglycerides in the blood. How/where are they made, and what is their purpose? Why are they bad for heart disease?

I understand fatty acids entering fat cells, binding with glycerol, and being unable to escape and thus making fat cells larger (and despite the fact that I wrote this sentence I'm likely to get responses explaining triglyceride storage in fat cells and ignoring my actual question). But if they're in the blood, wouldn't they be unable to get in? And cells don't use them for energy in that form, right?

Someone educate me on blood triglycerides.

As succinctly as I can put it typing on my tablet:

Triglycerides are made in the liver. Think of them as an intermediary step between unused calories and stored fat. Triglycerides are delivered (along with cholesterol) through the bloodstream to cells via lipoproteins. High triglycerides are typically associated with high levels of LDL cholesterol, which is strongly correlated with heart disease.

I welcome any corrections or validation to the above. My understanding of some of these biological processes is still relatively surface-level.


I don't understand triglycerides in the blood. How/where are they made, and what is their purpose? Why are they bad for heart disease?

I understand fatty acids entering fat cells, binding with glycerol, and being unable to escape and thus making fat cells larger (and despite the fact that I wrote this sentence I'm likely to get responses explaining triglyceride storage in fat cells and ignoring my actual question). But if they're in the blood, wouldn't they be unable to get in? And cells don't use them for energy in that form, right?

Someone educate me on blood triglycerides.

As succinctly as I can put it typing on my tablet:

Triglycerides are made in the liver. Think of them as an intermediary step between unused calories and stored fat. Triglycerides are delivered (along with cholesterol) through the bloodstream to cells via lipoproteins. High triglycerides are typically associated with high levels of LDL cholesterol, which is strongly correlated with heart disease.

I welcome any corrections or validation to the above. My understanding of some of these biological processes is still relatively surface-level.

Dietary fat in the form of triglycerides is digested to fatty acids and absorbed by intestinal cells, which then reassemble the triglycerides for transport in chylomicrons (one of the lipoproteins Gatorbait refers to). When we talk about serum/blood triglycerides, this is what we are referring to - that's why for an accurate blood test you're supposed to fast for a certain amount of time, because your blood will always have a higher level of triglycerides immediately after a meal. Triglycerides are therefore present in the blood because they're being transported to cells either for oxidation or storage (triglycerides can be used by cells as they can be broken down into fatty acids again at the cell surface).

As to the link with heart disease, I don't think there is agreement as to the mechanism - high triglycerides is identified as a risk factor, in that people with heart disease tend to have high triglycerides. Whether the latter causes the former is open to debate.

Also, as Gatorbait says, sources of triglycerides include not only dietary fat, but also production from excess carbohydrate by the liver.
You don't need to eat a starch post workout, it's just something people like to do. It is the best time to eat them though, as far as minimizing blood sugar spikes. And if you're eating a potato, it'll have the same effect.

Which country? Water? Tea? Coffee? Occasional diet soda? Naturally sweetened alternatives [Sobe Lifewater 0, Zevia, ect.]?

Ah I see, thanks very much dralla :). I think I'll stick to what I've been doing at the moment since that seems to have been working so well. If I decide that eating starchy carbs is causing me an issue in the future I'll know to minimise them or only eat them immediately after exercise so thanks.


My boss owns chickens and gave me a dozen eggs last night. About to try them :)

that's cool.

I'm really poor and honestly I've been somewhat awakened about the food industry in the past few months. This is a big motivating factor for me to get my shit together and get a good job so I can start buying better food and maybe have land one day so I can grow veggies and maybe have some chickens and what not.


My boss owns chickens and gave me a dozen eggs last night. About to try them :)

We sell duck, quail and emu eggs at work. I really need to try them. The emu egg is 30 bucks, is about 10 times the size of a regular egg. Need to find someone to split it with


I made this stuff the other night, which I stole from /r/paleo:


My first attempt ever at cooking anything besides ramen. I fucked up, and didn't let the chicken thaw, which resulted in some awful looking chicken and a ton of splattered oil :lol

I learned from my mistake, though, and made some nice chicken the night after. Yay, cooking!

edit: Looks like the site is down. It's called Maple Mustard Chicken, it's basically just some boneless skinless chicken thighs marinaded in a mix of maple syrup, maille dijon mustard, and some rosemary.


Had some beans recently, cheat meal. Boy it wasn't pretty afterward.

My tolerance for legumes suck now that I do paleo.



Tonight's dinner...pork loin chops seared in coconut oil and finished off in the oven, medley of squash, broccoli, cauliflower, and field mix with a home made red wine vinaigrette.


Looks good! How long did you keep the chops in the oven after searing?

Seared about 3 min a side on medium high then put the pan in the oven at 350 for about 4-6 minutes...towards the end I checked with my instant read thermometer and pulled them between 145-150 and let rest for 5 minutes.


Is that yellow squash I see! I just started eating it myself. It's crazy how it has so few calories but has a good sweetness to it. Really good stuff, nice way to add color to your plate too.

chicken.peppers.onion.yellow squash.drenched in EVOO. seasoned. baked at 350 for about 20min. tasty as hell.



Is that yellow squash I see! I just started eating it myself. It's crazy how it has so few calories but has a good sweetness to it. Really good stuff, nice way to add color to your plate too.

chicken.peppers.onion.yellow squash.drenched in EVOO. seasoned. baked at 350 for about 20min. tasty as hell.


Why yes, yes it is. This looks good. I'm starving after my morning workout even tho I had a protein bar and a shake.


Just a point of interest, Dr Ludwig was on BBC breakfast which is a leading morning breakfast show in the UK. Low carb and anti sugar sentiment is slowly building momentum outside of the states. It was interesting how Ludwig's advice on orange juice differed to the doctor that was interviewed 30 minutes prior. I'm sure that confused lots of viewers!


Just a point of interest, Dr Ludwig was on BBC breakfast which is a leading morning breakfast show in the UK. Low carb and anti sugar sentiment is slowly building momentum outside of the states. It was interesting how Ludwig's advice on orange juice differed to the doctor that was interviewed 30 minutes prior. I'm sure that confused lots of viewers!

It's no better that soda. Go eat vegetables with vitamin C.
Just a point of interest, Dr Ludwig was on BBC breakfast which is a leading morning breakfast show in the UK. Low carb and anti sugar sentiment is slowly building momentum outside of the states. It was interesting how Ludwig's advice on orange juice differed to the doctor that was interviewed 30 minutes prior. I'm sure that confused lots of viewers!

Juice is largely crap...as long as that message got across it's AOK.
So two things....

1) Paleo diet helped me lose 5 lbs in two weeks

2) Completely not paleo....but the Burker King avocado burger is the best thing to happen to national fast food burgers ever.


Ok I'm done with my "break" in which I didnt really pay much attention to anything other than getting enough protein. I'm ready to hit it hard again and break through my 190 lb plateau.

Strict paleo, making sure to 1. get enough protein and 2. be at a deficit to lose fat. I'll also be intermittent fasting, probably in the mornings. I'm still tempted to do a PSMF along the lines of this: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-rapid-fat-loss-handbook

I'll likely make that call at the end of the month based on how these next 2 weeks go.

So two things....

1) Paleo diet helped me lose 5 lbs in two weeks

2) Completely not paleo....but the Burker King avocado burger is the best thing to happen to national fast food burgers ever.

1. Nice
2. Hadn't heard of that but thanks for the reminder to get more avocados.


2.5 months down and I've lost about 27 pounds. I love love love this thread guys keep it up!

Been trying to follow it as best I can but It's so damn unfeasible for me sometimes. I've managed to stay aways from grains and the like but I still have to have stuff like marinara sauce and cheese ( Eggplant Parm and Squash Spaghetti are staples for me now).


good credit (by proxy)
2.5 months down and I've lost about 27 pounds. I love love love this thread guys keep it up!

Been trying to follow it as best I can but It's so damn unfeasible for me sometimes. I've managed to stay aways from grains and the like but I still have to have stuff like marinara sauce and cheese ( Eggplant Parm and Squash Spaghetti are staples for me now).

Have you done it without any cheating as far as grains/flour? I keep cheating with a slice of pizza or hamburger bun every few days :(. Also, do you eat as much as you want, or are you trying to cut calories as well?


Have you done it without any cheating as far as grains/flour? I keep cheating with a slice of pizza or hamburger bun every few days :(. Also, do you eat as much as you want, or are you trying to cut calories as well?
Yeah I have completely cut grains/flour/sugar ( that isn't from fruit or raw honey) /beans/rice/potatoes/dairy. My only real cheats are the ocasional marinara ( which i guess has sugar) and cheese ( which I admit I eat frequently).

I track my calories on the myfitnesspal app and even though I feel like I am eating a lot ( I eat till I am full) I am usually a good 700-900 under my daily calorie count ( from 2000). But keep in mind my workouts tend to burn 300-400 of it. I do the "Insanity 20 min workout" in the morning or I go for walks or jogs at nights when Im not too sore. I average about 5 days a week of doing something.


Yeah I have completely cut grains/flour/sugar ( that isn't from fruit or raw honey) /beans/rice/potatoes/dairy. My only real cheats are the ocasional marinara ( which i guess has sugar) and cheese ( which I admit I eat frequently).

I track my calories on the myfitnesspal app and even though I feel like I am eating a lot ( I eat till I am full) I am usually a good 700-900 under my daily calorie count ( from 2000). But keep in mind my workouts tend to burn 300-400 of it. I do the "Insanity 20 min workout" in the morning or I go for walks or jogs at nights when Im not too sore. I average about 5 days a week of doing something.

Perfect...it's always better to be at a deficit because of exercise rather than starving yourself. I wish more people would get this. Half and half is what I go by...undercut by 500-1000 cals a day, half from exercise, the rest from counting cals.


Yeah I have completely cut grains/flour/sugar ( that isn't from fruit or raw honey) /beans/rice/potatoes/dairy. My only real cheats are the ocasional marinara ( which i guess has sugar) and cheese ( which I admit I eat frequently).

I track my calories on the myfitnesspal app and even though I feel like I am eating a lot ( I eat till I am full) I am usually a good 700-900 under my daily calorie count ( from 2000). But keep in mind my workouts tend to burn 300-400 of it. I do the "Insanity 20 min workout" in the morning or I go for walks or jogs at nights when Im not too sore. I average about 5 days a week of doing something.

I eat cheese pretty often too. Sounds like you're doing great. Just killing refined sugar, grains and flour is big in my book.

Glad to hear you're doing well with it.


I don't have the firmest grasp of the process, but sod it, here goes. Correct me where I slip up, anyone.

When you've not eaten for a while, your body relies to a large extent on the breakdown of stored fat (triglycerides) into fatty acids, which are released into the bloodstream then taken up by other cells to be used as fuel. Triglycerides are stored in fat cells (adipocytes). They are broken down into fatty acids in a process known as lipolysis. Insulin is a powerful inhibitor of the lipolysis process - it stops triglycerides being broken into fatty acids and they remain stored in the adipocyte. At the same time, it removes glucose from the bloodstream either through uptake to cells to be burned, or converted into fatty acids through a process known as de novo lipogenesis.

When you eat a meal, insulin is stimulated to a greater or lesser extent depending on both the macronutrient intake and overall calories. Lipolysis is inhibited, and de novo lipogenesis from carbohydrate may occur.

Going from here, I would assume that the more carbohydrate is eaten, the greater the rise in insulin levels, the longer it remains raised, and the longer lipolysis is prevented. The overall effect may then be that the more carbohydrate eaten, the longer it takes to return to fat-burning. I think, but am not sure, that fat eaten during a meal is mostly stored anyway, but with low insulin levels would not hang around for long before being burned in the lipolytic reaction. Using an analogy, when you eat lots of fat it's like pushing a load of people into a room where they can freely exit through a door at the other end. When you add a significant amount of carbohydrate the door at the other end is locked, and the amount of carbohydrate determines how long for.

As for grains vs veg - it comes down to carbohydrate density and accessibility. Grains in the form of flour are 80% carbohydrate, vs around 20% in even the more carb-laden veg, which are mostly water. In vegetables they are also stored in intact cells that must be broken down before the glucose can be absorbed, whereas in refined flours the carbohydrate is almost immediately accessible. Overall, you absorb more carbs, quicker, from grains than veg, so have to produce more insulin more quickly to deal with it.

Thanks, man. Much appreciated. So let me try to summarize this for myself and you can correct me if I'm wrong: The main idea to keep this process of fat-burning is to keep insulin low. If I do happen to have something small that spikes my insulin (Paleo or not--a banana, a piece of chocolate...whatever), does this have a detrimental effect to continuing the process? For example, if I eat a banana for a "dessert" after my lunch, does that make the benefit of eating Paleo lunch null? Or will I continue to burn fat as energy after the insulin level goes back down to a low level?

Basically, I'm trying to figure out how bad an insulin spike would be for me if I ate a piece of fruit each day or had a small cheat 1-2 times a week.

Does anyone here have a cheat DAY where they don't watch what they eat and just eat what they want? I'm considering having a cheat-ish day once a week where I watch what I eat but not really, lol. If I did this, how horrible would it be if I were 90% Paleo the other 6 days of the week, and more 50-60% Paleo on my cheat day?

No. Should be a large skinned chicken breast.

Gross. One thing I hate about Paleo. Fat like this grosses me out. Most of my fat is coming from coconut oil, butter, olive oil, and whatever meat I eat that contains fat. It's usually lean meat, so it's not a whole lot. Is this bad?

Skinned chicken breast......blahhh.....please tell me I'm not alone here....

Perfect...it's always better to be at a deficit because of exercise rather than starving yourself. I wish more people would get this. Half and half is what I go by...undercut by 500-1000 cals a day, half from exercise, the rest from counting cals.

What about a deficit without exercising? I eat at a deficit nearly every day because Paleo makes me just not hungry enough and I haven't started exercising yet (working on a regimen and learning right now). I'm pretty skinny, so I'm doing this to correct my weight more than anything....but....what happens when I have no more stored fat to burn? Will I just become hungrier at that point?

I eat cheese pretty often too. Sounds like you're doing great. Just killing refined sugar, grains and flour is big in my book.

Glad to hear you're doing well with it.

I eat way more dairy than I should, but I make sure it's high(er) fat dairy. Real cheese, sour cream, full fat Greek yogurt, and butter is pretty much it for me. But damn, I have some dairy probably 1-2 times a day. I know this can spike my insulin so.....how much damage to progress am I doing here?


What about a deficit without exercising? I eat at a deficit nearly every day because Paleo makes me just not hungry enough and I haven't started exercising yet (working on a regimen and learning right now). I'm pretty skinny, so I'm doing this to correct my weight more than anything....but....what happens when I have no more stored fat to burn? Will I just become hungrier at that point?

Without is fine...I'm just advocating against going way below BMR when you're basically at the bottom.


Perfect...it's always better to be at a deficit because of exercise rather than starving yourself. I wish more people would get this. Half and half is what I go by...undercut by 500-1000 cals a day, half from exercise, the rest from counting cals.
It's funny because I didn't really know that per say, but it I noticed it was happening on the calorie tracker and since It was working I just stuck with it. Good to know that it was the preferred method, I just wanted to make sure I was toning while losing as I have a lot to lose unfortunately.

I eat cheese pretty often too. Sounds like you're doing great. Just killing refined sugar, grains and flour is big in my book.

Glad to hear you're doing well with it.
That makes me feel better knowing that others are doing it too, I was wondering wether it was effecting my weight loss at all. thx!


It's funny because I didn't really know that per say, but it I noticed it was happening on the calorie tracker and since It was working I just stuck with it. Good to know that it was the preferred method, I just wanted to make sure I was toning while losing as I have a lot to lose unfortunately!

I recommend this because if you hit a plateau you could try lowering your calories a little more to push through it. If you have your calories too low at the start of your diet then you'll have nowhere to drop those calories to when you do hit eventually hit a plateau.

Sounds like you're making great progress. Keep up the good work.

p.s. I had some shredded pepper jack cheese on my salad today as a treat. It was great.


I recommend this because if you hit a plateau you could try lowering your calories a little more to push through it. If you have your calories too low at the start of your diet then you'll have nowhere to drop those calories to when you do hit eventually hit a plateau.
I think I hit a mini one as I have only lost 1 pound in the last week... which is the least by a lot since I started all of this.

Sounds like you're making great progress. Keep up the good work.
Thank you I am hopeful I can stick to this as it isn't a struggle like other "diets" where you are hungry all the time, I find more often than not I don't get nearly as hungry as when I did eat all the grains and what not. I am eating really well, only difference is I am eating the right things. Plus all the veggies make you feel great.


Thank you I am hopeful I can stick to this as it isn't a struggle like other "diets" where you are hungry all the time, I find more often than not I don't get nearly as hungry as when I did eat all the grains and what not. I am eating really well, only difference is I am eating the right things. Plus all the veggies make you feel great.

I believe it. Once in awhile I'll cheat with some candy or some carby item, and feel ravenous an hour later when I KNOW I shouldn't...those sugars can mindfuck you. It's crazy.


Yeah I have completely cut grains/flour/sugar ( that isn't from fruit or raw honey) /beans/rice/potatoes/dairy. My only real cheats are the ocasional marinara ( which i guess has sugar) and cheese ( which I admit I eat frequently).

I track my calories on the myfitnesspal app and even though I feel like I am eating a lot ( I eat till I am full) I am usually a good 700-900 under my daily calorie count ( from 2000). But keep in mind my workouts tend to burn 300-400 of it. I do the "Insanity 20 min workout" in the morning or I go for walks or jogs at nights when Im not too sore. I average about 5 days a week of doing something.

Youre doing great. Personally, my diet has evolved to a no gluten, no sugar diet. So i eat dairy, fruit, potatoes, etc - though I am at the maintain phase, so when you get to your desired weight, you can scale back a bit if you want. Personally, I havent noticed any weight gain or adverse effects (can totally feel it - and feel bad - when i eat grain or sugar)


Youre doing great. Personally, my diet has evolved to a no gluten, no sugar diet. So i eat dairy, fruit, potatoes, etc - though I am at the maintain phase, so when you get to your desired weight, you can scale back a bit if you want. Personally, I havent noticed any weight gain or adverse effects (can totally feel it - and feel bad - when i eat grain or sugar)

This is pretty much what I'm doing...occasional dairy in the form of sour cream (rare), yogurt (a few times a week), berries, potatoes, rice. Basically gluten free.


I believe it. Once in awhile I'll cheat with some candy or some carby item, and feel ravenous an hour later when I KNOW I shouldn't...those sugars can mindfuck you. It's crazy.
Yeah that is what I am afraid of, I noticed that since I started this I haven't gotten that crazy hunger like before. I am not quite sure how to describe it but I get really moody and I feel like If I don't eat something I might go crazy. I have not felt that at all and the fear of going back to that has helped to keep me in check. This is easy by comparison...

Youre doing great. Personally, my diet has evolved to a no gluten, no sugar diet. So i eat dairy, fruit, potatoes, etc - though I am at the maintain phase, so when you get to your desired weight, you can scale back a bit if you want. Personally, I havent noticed any weight gain or adverse effects (can totally feel it - and feel bad - when i eat grain or sugar)
Yeah I plan to do that, I am quarter of the way to my goal so I have a while yet to go. My wife's diet is similar to yours as she hasn't fully given up the grains and potatoes but she isn't really trying to lose she is just having to adjust since basically our grocery shopping has been impacted greatly.


good credit (by proxy)
It's so hard not to cheat when you work at a pizza place, and at one point literally your ENTIRE diet used to be pizza.



It's so hard not to cheat when you work at a pizza place, and at one point literally your ENTIRE diet used to be pizza.


Oh god, just the thought of that makes my stomach hurt. Pizza wrecks me. I honestly didnt realize it did until i went primal and had some pizza a couple of months later. Was not pleasant

Well, you could always pick off the toppings and eat those


That's not true at all.





That's not to discount the importance of vegetables or anything, but orange juice is absolutely not just sugar water.

Obviously I overstated there with some hyperbole, but that last link is advocating drinking 750ml of OJ a day for hypercholesterolemic patients...that's 81 carb grams, 66 from sugar, and over 350 calories.

No one should be consuming 20% of their daily intake with OJ...these same people they're trying to help lower cholesterol would be better off losing weight.


How high would you guys have your carb intake if you are lifting weights? Trying to lose weight but I'm not sure how much I should be eating if I want to perform well with 5/3/1 while doing the bodybuilding template..


Oh god, just the thought of that makes my stomach hurt. Pizza wrecks me. I honestly didnt realize it did until i went primal and had some pizza a couple of months later. Was not pleasant

Well, you could always pick off the toppings and eat those
paleo pizza, I gotta search for a recipe.


My butter game is serious

I also find seasoning meat after you cook it gives me better results. Veggies? I do it before or during cooking. But meat! I dunno, melting butter and seasoning is heavenly

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Is that yellow squash I see! I just started eating it myself. It's crazy how it has so few calories but has a good sweetness to it. Really good stuff, nice way to add color to your plate too.

chicken.peppers.onion.yellow squash.drenched in EVOO. seasoned. baked at 350 for about 20min. tasty as hell.


Think I'm going to try that...

Do you wrap it completely in foil and put it in some kind of tray before baking?
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