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Paleo Diet 101: How and why you should eat like a Caveman


What's the consensus on brown rice? Does it spike blood sugar? After eating it, I don't tend to get the same crash I get after eating white rice, but I want to make sure.

I think both white (long grain like basmati and jasmine) and brown are pretty similar nutritionally and in terms of insulin spikes. I only eat about 1/2 cup cooked at a time. Brown may even be higher on the GI chart than white if this link is to be believed: http://www.livestrong.com/article/280554-glycemic-index-of-brown-rice-vs-white-rice/

You don't have to avoid white rice, just avoid short grain...and don't load up on it. Make sure you're eating it with protein and fats, and preferably not the first thing in the morning when you're naturally more sensitive to insulin.
Paying attention to what I eat and eating with Paleo principles in mind has changed my taste/palate. I bought some biscuits [cookies] t'other day that I adored when I had them last year. Seriously, they were orgasmic. Now, they're.....meh. Which is :( because they were so nice but :) because they're hardly Paleo friendly! :)

However, I have [re]discovered the joy of cottage cheese. I had a small pot of it t'other day and it was scrummy. I'm definitely adding that to my shopping list. Someone here [forgive me for not remembering your username] has often said that gong Paleo has inspired them to seek out food that they normally wouldn't consider. I think I shall be inspired by your example and do the same! :)
For breakfast, I eat about five scrambled eggs, a couple slices of toast with Tahini, and an orange. Does anyone have a substitute for the toast? I need calories and energy, so nothing too small.


For breakfast, I eat about five scrambled eggs, a couple slices of toast with Tahini, and an orange. Does anyone have a substitute for the toast? I need calories and energy, so nothing too small.

Banana and Tahini might go well together. Or you could simply add things into your eggs. Meat, cheese [if you do dairy], I add shredded coconut. Sometimes I'll have some dark chocolate with my breakfast, it's calorie dense so you don't need a ton of it to get more energy, and it's got caffeine which some people like in the morning. Avocado is a good one. Handful of nuts.
Been on this diet for two months and it is awesome, and fits my eating style since I love meat.

Only downside of this diet is that your body will hate bad food, example yesterday was my cheat day and I had a few snacks like cookies and stuff, later that night I was on the toilet for most of the night. So whenever you eat bad you definitely will know.


Been on this diet for two months and it is awesome, and fits my eating style since I love meat.

Only downside of this diet is that your body will hate bad food, example yesterday was my cheat day and I had a few snacks like cookies and stuff, later that night I was on the toilet for most of the night. So whenever you eat bad you definitely will know.

So that means you won't be 'cheating' anymore?
Banana and Tahini might go well together. Or you could simply add things into your eggs. Meat, cheese [if you do dairy], I add shredded coconut. Sometimes I'll have some dark chocolate with my breakfast, it's calorie dense so you don't need a ton of it to get more energy, and it's got caffeine which some people like in the morning. Avocado is a good one. Handful of nuts.

I was looking for some more really easy breakfast ideas and you've just given me several, thanks :).

In other news, does anyone have any good recipe ideas for pigs liver? My local traditional butcher has it at a very keen price and I thought I would try some given how nutritionally dense it is. The obvious solution is to just fry it with some onions but I thought you Paleo nerds [in the nicest possible way] might have some suggestions :).

Quinoa: boom or bust for the rare grain serving?

I believe this is now considered 'ethically unsound' as the Western fad for Quinoa is pricing out the locals who traditionally eat it as their staple food. Other than that I can't help you I'm afraid.


I was looking for some more really easy breakfast ideas and you've just given me several, thanks :).

In other news, does anyone have any good recipe ideas for pigs liver? My local traditional butcher has it at a very keen price and I thought I would try some given how nutritionally dense it is. The obvious solution is to just fry it with some onions but I thought you Paleo nerds [in the nicest possible way] might have some suggestions :).

I believe this is now considered 'ethically unsound' as the Western fad for Quinoa is pricing out the locals who traditionally eat it as their staple food. Other than that I can't help you I'm afraid.
liver, yeah fry up with some lime or lemon juice, gluten free soy sauce, and olive oil.
I feel the best when I eat paleo. Gluten free is great, but grain free seems to makes my body work optimally. I also think the Eat Right for your Type diet has good information, since their O blood suggestions seem to line up with paleo. My O blood LOVES meat and vegetables, but not dairy or grains. I don't do it exclusively (had pizza last night) but most of the time I try to stick with it. I recommend it to anyone. Try it and see how you feel. Everyone is different.


I feel the best when I eat paleo. Gluten free is great, but grain free seems to makes my body work optimally. I also think the Eat Right for your Type diet has good information, since their O blood suggestions seem to line up with paleo. My O blood LOVES meat and vegetables, but not dairy or grains. I don't do it exclusively (had pizza last night) but most of the time I try to stick with it. I recommend it to anyone. Try it and see how you feel. Everyone is different.

I'd be wary of blood type diets. There is zero evidence there's any basis to them...

Check 'the skeptic'.


I made chimichurri infused butter. I simply mixed fresh parsley, fresh chopped garlic, dry herbs, chili flakes, salt, pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice into some room temperature kerrygold butter. So far, it's great on everything; veggie medley, steak, etc.


I made chimichurri infused butter. I simply mixed fresh parsley, fresh chopped garlic, dry herbs, chili flakes, salt, pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice into some room temperature kerrygold butter. So far, it's great on everything; veggie medley, steak, etc.

I said damn...


i'm gonna make some fried bananas later today. anyone care to share their experience with this? fry in butter, coconut oil, or both? coat in coconut/almond flour? top with chopped nuts? honey?


2.5 months down and I've lost about 27 pounds. I love love love this thread guys keep it up!

Been trying to follow it as best I can but It's so damn unfeasible for me sometimes. I've managed to stay aways from grains and the like but I still have to have stuff like marinara sauce and cheese ( Eggplant Parm and Squash Spaghetti are staples for me now).

That's amazing man, congrats. What weight did you start at?


That's amazing man, congrats. What weight did you start at?
Thanks! My starting weight was 325, it took me almost ten years to put that weight on and I kept saying I'd do something about it. I tried and failed many diets and even now 25ish pounds is still within my "flux weight". I've lost this much off and on for years. I am happy about it but like I said I'm usually always able to get these pounds down and then it gets much harder so hopefully I can stick with this.

Also... made this "Pizza " today, the crust is shredded fresh cauliflower with olive oil, egg, fresh garlic and cheese. Cheated a bit with the cheese and salami but its still so much better than having actual pizza and it was damn delicious.

Thanks! My starting weight was 325, it took me almost ten years to put that weight on and I kept saying I'd do something about. I tried and failed many diets and even now 25ish pounds is my flux weight and I've lost this much off and on for years. I am happy about it but like I said I'm usually always able to get these pounds down and then it gets much harder so hopefully I can stick with this.

Also ended up making this Pizza today, the crust is shredded fresh cauliflower with olive oil, egg, fresh garlic and cheese. Cheated a bit with the cheese and salami but its still so much better than having actual pizza and it was damn delicious.

Looks delish, do you have a recipe for it?


Thanks! My starting weight was 325, it took me almost ten years to put that weight on and I kept saying I'd do something about. I tried and failed many diets and even now 25ish pounds is my flux weight and I've lost this much off and on for years. I am happy about it but like I said I'm usually always able to get these pounds down and then it gets much harder so hopefully I can stick with this.

Also... made this "Pizza " today, the crust is shredded fresh cauliflower with olive oil, egg, fresh garlic and cheese. Cheated a bit with the cheese and salami but its still so much better than having actual pizza and it was damn delicious.

Looks great although I would have let the cheese melt some more. What does the crust taste like?


Looks great although I would have let the cheese melt some more. What does the crust taste like?
It tastes like pizza but less "bready" I guess. I asked my wife after seeing your post and she said the same thing. It was really tasty and satisfied my craving for Pizza ( which was becoming unbearable). Will definitely make it again but next time I'm putting more veggies and mushrooms on it.


Just bought myself a weight vest. Gonna be walking my dog with a weighted vest... probably gonna get weird looks! that excluding me wearing my vibrams!

I used eggplant/almond flour/ Parmesan as a mix for my pizza base, I think it was pretty damn tasty. The cauliflower is a little closer to the pizza taste to me though.


good credit (by proxy)
I don't understand some things about keto and converting to ketosis. Shouldn't your body be using ketones for energy when you're asleep/after you wake up before you eat breakfast? If so, then your body already produced the enzymes needed to use ketones for energy (I read somewhere that the body needs to learn to produce these ketone enzymes before it goes into ketosis).

So if that is true, what exactly is Ketosis? Is it your body producing LARGE amounts of these enzymes, or producing them faster/more efficiently?
Some science on some of the claims of the diet.

A quote for good measure
Zuk detects an unspoken, barely formed assumption that humanity essentially stopped evolving in the Stone Age and that our bodies are “stuck” in a state that was perfectly adapted to survive in the paleolithic environment. Sometimes you hear that the intervention of “culture” has halted the process of natural selection. This, “Paleofantasy” points out, flies in the face of facts. Living things are always and continuously in the process of adapting to the changing conditions of their environment, and the emergence of lactase persistence indicates that culture (in this case, the practice of keeping livestock for meat and hides) simply becomes another one of those conditions.

For this reason, generalizations about the typical hunter-gatherer lifestyle are spurious; it doesn’t exist. With respect to what people ate (especially how much meat), the only safe assumption was “whatever they could get,” something that to this day varies greatly depending on where they live. Recently, researchers discovered evidence that people in Europe were grinding and cooking grain (a paleo-diet bugaboo) as far back as 30,000 years ago, even if they weren’t actually cultivating it. “A strong body of evidence,” Zuk writes, “points to many changes in our genome since humans spread across the planet and developed agriculture, making it difficult at best to point to a single way of eating to which we were, and remain, best suited.”

Just thought it was interesting, anyway, carry on.


Some science on some of the claims of the diet.

Just thought it was interesting, anyway, carry on.

Science-Based Medicine are a good website doing an important job but by god do they toe the line on current mainstream thinking on any subject. It's necessary, mind - new ideas should only be accepted once they've withstood an onslaught of derision and counter-arguments, and SBM play their part in that, and many of the claims for paleo are supported by the flimsiest of evidence, to be fair. And Zuk knows her stuff, I've read a few of her papers.

I found this section interesting:

The interview begins with Zuk confronting Cordain at a conference on evolution and diseases of modern environments. At his lecture, Cordain pronounced several foods to be the cause of fatal conditions in people carrying certain genes. These foods included, predictably, cultivated foods such as bread (made from grain), rice, and potatoes. Zuk couldn’t resist asking a question, namely why the inability to digest so many common foods would persist in the population, observing, “Surely it would have been selected out of the population.” Cordain’s response? That humans had not had time to adapt to these foods, to which Zuk retorted, “Plenty of time.”

It's a shame Cordain didn't have a more thorough answer to that. The issue of whether or not the inability to digest certain foods should be selected out is interesting - it depends on the extent of the damage caused by the food, the benefit to be gained from eating it anyway, and when the damage kicks in. Celiacs can remain asymptomatic for years - way after the ability to have kids appears, in which case selection wouldn't have so much effect (beyond kin selection). What if grains just makes you ill, but at the same time the calories mean you survive? What if you don't have any problems until years of cumulative damage make themselves known, after you've produced and raised some kids that are now independent? There wouldn't be much pressure to select against such individuals. On the other hand, the ability to thrive on certain new foods may well be strongly selected for - but again, only to the point of successful reproduction. Evolution doesn't give a shit what happens to you after that.


Some science on some of the claims of the diet.

A quote for good measure

Just thought it was interesting, anyway, carry on.

I'll have to give it a thorough read through but this jumped out at me:

But how does one determine what the prevalence of cardiovascular disease was in the ancient past?

I understand why you'd ask this but you dont even need to look to the ancient past. Why do the french have lower incidence of heart disease compared with the US? As an example. Why are the causes cited so often wrong or questionable at best? Those are the more compelling issues.

I also would dispute the "natural automatically means better" or "old means better". Natural or old just means established and proven. Do we know what impact synthetic or modern food processing has? Look at things like trans fats for an example of why someone might be cautious.

As for grinding grain 30,000 years ago and evolving our diets, I dont think the argument is that grains will kill you or we cant eat them and survive. It's that they are not ideal and can be anywhere from fairly innocuous to outright dangerous depending on your personal tolerance and consumption levels.


I'll have to give it a thorough read through but this jumped out at me:

I understand why you'd ask this but you dont even need to look to the ancient past. Why do the french have lower incidence of heart disease compared with the US? As an example. Why are the causes cited so often wrong or questionable at best? Those are the more compelling issues.

I also would dispute the "natural automatically means better" or "old means better". Natural or old just means established and proven. Do we know what impact synthetic or modern food processing has? Look at things like trans fats for an example of why someone might be cautious.

As for grinding grain 30,000 years ago and evolving our diets, I dont think the argument is that grains will kill you or we cant eat them and survive. It's that they are not ideal and can be anywhere from fairly innocuous to outright dangerous depending on your personal tolerance and consumption levels.


Cooking up some kale, bacon and eggs for breakfast today. :d

I like my morning coffee but find milk substitutes just give it a watered-down taste. I recently found MimicCreme, a no sugar added Almond and Cashew cream replacement that tastes great and isn't full of crap. Anyone else have much luck with milk-cream replacements? I've done the coconut milk thing (canned, thick stuff you use in curries) but I can't use a whole can before it gets gross usually.

I feel the best when I eat paleo. Gluten free is great, but grain free seems to makes my body work optimally. I also think the Eat Right for your Type diet has good information, since their O blood suggestions seem to line up with paleo. My O blood LOVES meat and vegetables, but not dairy or grains. I don't do it exclusively (had pizza last night) but most of the time I try to stick with it. I recommend it to anyone. Try it and see how you feel. Everyone is different.

I didn't know about eating right for your type. I'm O as well and grains/dairy seem to trigger stomach problems for me. I basically live off meat, vegetables, greens, nuts and fruit.


It tastes like pizza but less "bready" I guess. I asked my wife after seeing your post and she said the same thing. It was really tasty and satisfied my craving for Pizza ( which was becoming unbearable). Will definitely make it again but next time I'm putting more veggies and mushrooms on it.

I need to try this, looks way easier than making dough.
Guys, what is a good stir fry recipe? Or more specifically, season? Every time I try to make one it tastes exactly like a bunch of meat and veggies just fried together. I need something with some flavor lol.


Guys, what is a good stir fry recipe? Or more specifically, season? Every time I try to make one it tastes exactly like a bunch of meat and veggies just fried together. I need something with some flavor lol.
did u see the garlic herb butter I made? Use that with a medley of veggies and add meat of your choice.


good credit (by proxy)
Are the enzymes that ketosis needs "used up" after one use, so that the body needs to keep creating more and more and more constantly when in ketosis?

Once you get out of ketosis, but your body is used to making these enzymes, is it much easier to get back into ketosis than the first time?

I made this last night. I'm not really doing Paleo but I'm trying to keep from startchy carbs and grains so so many of these recipes are perfect.

Also, I'm trying to keep from sugar and dairy for most of the week, so I didn't put any sauce or cheese on lol. That being said, I topped mine off with some fried up chicken, garlic, onions and spinach. It was damn good. Tonight I'm going to bake that stuff into the crust and see how it tastes.

This weekend I'll try to imitate a Giordano's stuffed pizza and and see how it turns out.

did u see the garlic herb butter I made? Use that with a medley of veggies and add meat of your choice.

coconut aminos

Sweet I'll try these! Thanks!


I think the answer usually boils down to, "it depends on your level of dairy tolerance."

Go regular plain or Greek yogurt; no added sugary fake fruit junk.

yeah my dairy tolerance is just fine. im just wonder if its healthy, since paleo people are split when it comes to dairy.

thanks for the tip


I seem to be able to eat dairy just fine, so I eat it still. I just make sure that it's high-fat dairy which has the least lactose/sugar, I believe.

I remember telling you guys that I thought my skin was becoming clearer. Well, it is for the most part, but I STILL can't get rid of all my back acne. Do you think the dairy is doing this? When you guys say you "can't handle" dairy, do you primarily mean what it does to your stomach?

Also, yesterday I had a cheat day again and ate basically whatever. Had an upset stomach for the first time since I began this :(

I'm in the need for some more variety now. Got a routine going but it's essentially the same thing. I can only have hardboiled eggs and guac so many times in the morning :p

Gonna have steak tonight, though. Can't wait. I'm gonna cut up some zucchini and put some pepper and garlic salt on it, and maybe some sweet potato fries with cinnamon. So good. I might try the butter thing on the steak!

Do you guys eat the fat on steak and other meats? I still don't because A) it grosses me out to eat it and B) it's hard to chew. I keep it on my meat for the juices now but still cut it off when I eat. Bad idea?


I seem to be able to eat dairy just fine, so I eat it still. I just make sure that it's high-fat dairy which has the least lactose/sugar, I believe.

I remember telling you guys that I thought my skin was becoming clearer. Well, it is for the most part, but I STILL can't get rid of all my back acne. Do you think the dairy is doing this? When you guys say you "can't handle" dairy, do you primarily mean what it does to your stomach?

I don't eat much dairy because of what it does to my stomach. I can handle (good) cheese in small amounts, and sometimes plain yoghurt, but straight milk or cream really hurts me. I lost a lot of weight when I cut most dairy out of my diet and have had less acne issues since. Mind you, I also cut as much sugar as I could stick to out of my diet at the same time, along with most grains as well so I don't know if one specific thing helped clear my acne up.
Hey there guys, started vaguely doing paleo yesterday. I've always kind of felt like eating all these breads and such wasn't the healthiest thing, but I've also started doing it just because a lot of the recipes sound really good. Also, I love chicken to death.

I'll still be eating my current inventory of food until it's actually gone so we'll see how that goes. I remain unconvinced that grains are bad for you but I'll be giving this a go any way. Oh, and I will definitely still be doing some baking every now and then. To do otherwise would be to scorn my mennonite heritage.
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