Palworld: datamine reveals Pal that looks like Mewtwo as Pokémon plagiarism accusation saga continues


Gold Member
No it doesn't. Capcom sued Data East back in 1994 because they claimed Fighter's History looked too similar to SF2 (art & mechanics). They lost because of a precedent set in 1988 when Data East sued Epyx (and lost) because they had published International Karate on 8-bit systems and it was similar to Data East's Karate Champ.
As long as your game in distinct enough not to be confused with the original and it's a matter of trademark law, your game is safe.

This is a good thing, imagine a world where you couldn't borrow an element from another game with out paying license fees left and right. Your game features horizontal scrolling? Time to pony up and pay Konami. Is that Parallax scrolling? Irem wants a cut.
The early wild west in the market and the precedent set by those cases make it possible to actually make games.
Ya. And it's good that happens.

McDonalds can go after fast food place with a golden M, but cant go after a tax office called McDonald's Tax and Accounting. Now if they tried to do a golden arches thats different.

As for people above posting about Oreo's, food, drinks and recipes cant be protected. The brand name and any fancy processes to make them can be protected, but nothing stops me from making knock off Oreo's. Maybe if I called them Orrio's the law would clamp down, but not if I called them Black & White Cookies.


Not the YouTuber
That Mewtwo mega evolution looks dumb anyway

OG for life


I was about to say what the fuck happened to mewtwo? This is the only one I've ever seen.

151 for life.


So much plagiarism... Most characters these days are such copies,most have 4 limbs,2 eyes,a nose and what's that,the same hairstyle for females since years,no way...sue this whole industry,look at this plagiarism

Hint: It's not plagiarism just because it's a similar design, it's just lazy creative choices but Nintendo fanboys are scraping the bottom of the barrel to find something tangible to protect their favourite series instead know,actually playing Pokemon but I don't blame them here,this drama has to be the most fun they probably had in years in this tired old series lmao
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Honestly, it feels like this whole plagiarism drama is but a cherry on top of the fact that this ... game (?) has sold several million copies while being what it is. If it has sold 50K copies no one would care cause that would be a fair amount of copies sold for a product of such a dubious quality. People are rightfully mad since this whole situation serves as yet another reminder of how a low effort, low quality product can still find its customers with all the respective consequences for the industry as a whole.


why people are so fixated on this?

the devs themselves never negated the inspiration, only focusing on how they had a legal team assure that they were safe from any risk

nintendo itself pretty much stated that if they had some legal leg to stand on, they would have already done something


I could understand if it was an original term, but it’s just fusing the name with the word index.

Everything in the game is like the Kirkland Signature brand version of something in a Nintendo game...which just makes the whole thing even more hilarious TBH.

"Plateau of Beginnings"


Nintendo fanboys are such crybabys defending that multi-billion dollar company.

Seriously I don't care, copyright laws with 100+ years of protection are stupid anyway, Nintendo themselves had to fight Universal for Donkey Kong imagine if they lost.


No, I saw that this was an image used in an article, I'm not trying to "fool" anyone, I don't know dick about Pokémon forms other than basic stuff, lol.

Okay, while more similar, what I said still goes for this image.

There are similarities, and there are differences. But what I said still remains IMO. Imagine all the "plagiarized" zombies out there in all the games that exist, lol.
The likeness is only one aspect. Memtwo IIRC from my limited Pokemon knowledge is the only Pokemon with the power to levitate, of which both are doing in that image via abilities rather than flying. If that is also the same for the Pals then the argument for straight up copying and trading via the Pokemon brand is that much stronger IMO.


The likeness is only one aspect. Memtwo IIRC from my limited Pokemon knowledge is the only Pokemon with the power to levitate, of which both are doing in that image via abilities rather than flying. If that is also the same for the Pals then the argument for straight up copying and trading via the Pokemon brand is that much stronger IMO.
I suppose, but it still wouldn't be enough in court or for legal IMO. The reality here is that, yes, Palworld (in terms of creativity) is lazy. VERY lazy. They never made it NOT clear that it stared at Pokemon as it was being developed. But until they can legit find something that is in the game that is directly plucked from the Pokemon universe or brand, I don't think it'll be enough.

The Palworld devs are bold, sure, but I don't think they were/are stupid. They knew what they were doing, and I highly doubt they would've put the effort they've put into the project for as long as they have if they knew there was going to be an issue or issues. Especially with a company like Nintendo.

I would be shocked, if they didn't research anything at all and just took a gigantic risk. Especially when knowing they will be playing in the same pool as Pokemon.


I suppose, but it still wouldn't be enough in court or for legal IMO. The reality here is that, yes, Palworld (in terms of creativity) is lazy. VERY lazy. They never made it NOT clear that it stared at Pokemon as it was being developed. But until they can legit find something that is in the game that is directly plucked from the Pokemon universe or brand, I don't think it'll be enough.

The Palworld devs are bold, sure, but I don't think they were/are stupid. They knew what they were doing, and I highly doubt they would've put the effort they've put into the project for as long as they have if they knew there was going to be an issue or issues. Especially with a company like Nintendo.

I would be shocked, if they didn't research anything at all and just took a gigantic risk. Especially when knowing they will be playing in the same pool as Pokemon.
Laws are different in each country, and I'm pretty sure the coordination of copied things would be enough for UK courts to rule in favour of the Pokemon company. As a minimally knowledgeable purveyor of the Pokemon brand, I could have easily mistaken that image as another newer evolution of Mewtwo. So trading on their Pokemon brand unfairly would certainly hold for consumers like me being easily duped by the copying..


Laws are different in each country, and I'm pretty sure the coordination of copied things would be enough for UK courts to rule in favour of the Pokemon company. As a minimally knowledgeable purveyor of the Pokemon brand, I could have easily mistaken that image as another newer evolution of Mewtwo. So trading on their Pokemon brand unfairly would certainly hold for consumers like me being easily duped by the copying..
As you said, laws are different in each country, so that obviously plays a huge part as well. I get what you're saying, and I'm not defending them, lol. Hell, I'm not defending either of them. I just think there are a lot of examples out there on the market where "x" is clearly copying "y's" homework, but "x's" answers have JUUUUUST enough changes to still get by.

The big difference is in a lot of those cases is that the parties aren't being NEARLY as bold as the Palworld devs. Will it blow up in their face? Who knows? All I can say is that Nintendo strikes quick and fast with C&D's, and the fact they haven't struck anything yet feels pretty telling. They had plenty of time to do so when Palworld's teasers and trailers first started making the rounds awhile ago with all the articles calling it "Pokemon with guns".


TPC has nothing to sue them on, that they themselves aren't already guilty off, whether by intent, or just the simple fact that there are so many originals designs you can make before you make something similar to someone else's.


Nintendo isn't winning this.
Winning what? They aren't trying to do anything. It's weird Pokemon fans who are obsessed with this. When the first part of a companies reply to fans complaining about another property is "We have received many inquiries," they are saying we heard you already, give it a rest. The rest of it was super vague and basically came down to "if they steal anything we'll do something otherwise they haven't infringed on our copyright". It's been weeks, Nintendo and TPC do not care. Just like they didn't care with TemTem, just like they didn't care with Yoki Watch, just like they didn't care Pocket Morty's, just like they didn't care with Cassette Beast, just like they didn't care with Nexomon, just like they didn't care with Monster Rancher, just like they didn't care with Telefang and so on and so on. Pokemon fans just need to drop it.

Homie mewtwo itself is a ripoff of mew.

Stay mad

Mewtwo was a rip-off of Mother/Earthbound's Gigas
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Reseterror Resettler
Winning what? They aren't trying to do anything. It's weird Pokemon fans who are obsessed with this. When the first part of a companies reply to fans complaining about another property is "We have received many inquiries," they are saying we heard you already, give it a rest. The rest of it was super vague and basically came down to "if they steal anything we'll do something otherwise they haven't infringed on our copyright". It's been weeks, Nintendo and TPC do not care. Just like they didn't care with TemTem, just like they didn't care with Yoki Watch, just like they didn't care Pocket Morty's, just like they didn't care with Cassette Beast, just like they didn't care with Nexomon, just like they didn't care with Monster Rancher, just like they didn't care with Telefang and so on and so on. Pokemon fans just need to drop it.

Mewtwo was a rip-off of Mother/Earthbound's Gigas

Even worserer still!


It’s better looking. I’d easily trade some of the Pal monsters over most modern Pokémon.

Dear Sakurai replace Incineroar with Incineram. Your required shillmon for a Smash game was a garbage flop for Ultimate that nobody asked for.





Fucking stupid.
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After playing a few hours it really does feel like a rip-off of several popular games. Weird how this one seems to get a pass while games like the ones copying The Last of Us got raked over the coals.


and again if these Pokemon fans were real fans they'd be defending Scarlet and Violet in response to this - Tell us why Pokemon is better than Palworld - instead of these cheap tactics.
But they can't because Scarlet and Violet does nothing better and is shite.
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is it a lazy, iterative knockoff of pokemon? yes
is it a copyright infringement or plagiarism? no

I don't get why this is so hard for people to understand. Palworld guys changed the designs just enough so Nintendo can't really go after them. They are creatively bankrupt, but they aren't stupid.

Finding Nemo is a rip off of some french children's book, and Disney got sued for it, but still won anyways because the judge deemed there is a difference in the shade of orange in the fish.


What time is it?
Please no. Some of the first google image results for Incineroar were degenerate enough without running into that furry favorite fetish. All the more reason why he should be cut for the next Smash.

That other thing has diaper, furry and foot fetishes rolled into one package.


Lol "copy-cat claim". No one ever deserved to be ripped off as much as Gamefreak's lazy ass. They should call the Pal Newton.


It's a different model and a different monster.

People need to understand that using a similar artstyle doesn't constitute plagiarism in itself.


All of the rip off stuff is just dumb and been played out for so many years.

Yes there are likenesses and inspiration. The Pokémon Company can defend theirselves if they even cared even without the rabid fan base.


I mean, come on, Nintendo is one of the most litigious companies in the world and has a better understanding of the law than all these people online. If they thought this game was infringing on the IP, they would be all over it long before it was released.
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