Palworld: datamine reveals Pal that looks like Mewtwo as Pokémon plagiarism accusation saga continues


creatively bankrupt
such a stupid term, it insinuates that they had the creative talent to craft their own assets in the past and lost it along the way. Pocket Pairs previous game used off-the-shelf assets so for them, this is a step forward. Personally I am enjoying the game and not knocking them as they built the game on a tiny budget with a small group of developers and mustn't have many artists in the team. Pocket Pair have been extremely smart with the way they have brought Palworld to market and they haven't sold all these copies of the game simply because it looks similar to Pokemon, they have sold so many because they have created a genuinely good game and put so many AAA studios to shame. They have taken the best bits of dozens of games and mashed them all together. They have also taken all those addicting mechanics that both mobile and AAA usually put behind a load of microtransactions and put them in without any special currency you can only buy with real money. They have put the boosts that you usually have to pay for right there in the game settings for everyone to tailor to their own preference as well as allowing the player to turn on and off all the mechanics that are traditionally grindy such as hunger and weapon durability. I think that Palworld is the most consumer friendly game I have played in a long while and certainly the first one i've played that has had all these mechanics included without asking for more money. Who cares if its technically plaguirism or not, it's not for us to worry about as consumers, leave that up to the lawyers. The exploitive mechanics that games have been increasingly using have at times being borderline criminal with many stories of people emptying their own or their parents bank accounts buying shit in games. Here is a game that flies in the face of all of that and what do we do, play white night for deep pocketed corporations SMH!
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