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Palworld: Modders and Devs show evidence that the game copies Pokémon (Up: evidence faked, confirmed as hoax)

John Bilbo

I thought the pals were designed with the help of AI. If this is the case it would make sense their design is iterative.


Pokémanchildren on suicide watch.
The fanbase, perhaps. As for The Pokémon Company… meh. I suspect Nintendo will eventually take some kind of legal action but I doubt they’re worried.

The reality is they release broke ass games and sell 10 million copies in 3 days, 23 million copies in a year. Palworld is never gonna touch that. People complained about issues with Sword and Shield for years and still ran right out and bought Scarlet and Violet in droves. The moment the next Pokémon game is announced, people will be jizzing their pants.

Nintendo might sue to send a message but there’s no way they’re financially worried about another soon-to-fizzle Pokémon clone. 🤷

Edit: Yes, “soon-to-fizzle”. Once the honeymoon period wears off, which it inevitably will, the player count will settle to a small niche while the mad rush of people who jumped on board the hype train will have moved on and will only remember the game at the end of the year when it comes up in “games of 2024” discussions.
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Nintendo fans desperately trying to get Palworld taken down. Can't fathom that some no name dev made a better game than Nintendo/Game Freak.
if you ask me GameFreak need to call it a day with Pokemon because some of the junk they've put out on the Switch is just crazy. They clearly need to take a break refresh the battery then come out with something of utter quality.


Its Nintendo, they wouldn't care, there is 2 companies you don't tend to fuck with, them and Disney

Not that it would stop being playable, AM2R is still around
Would hurt their image more than anything else. 1,582,482 concurrent players on Steam. Assumably a big chunk of people who usually play lots of Nintendo games.
And playable after legal actions means pulling millions of people into piracy, not sure that’s what anyone would want here.


Neo Member
I thought the pals were designed with the help of AI. If this is the case it would make sense their design is iterative.
There's no evidence of AI usage, under Steam's guidelines it would have had to be disclosed. Right now it's just heresy.
This is more likely just plain-cut asset flipping. Lazy, but not exactly uncommon on Steam.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
There's no evidence of AI usage, under Steam's guidelines it would have had to be disclosed. Right now it's just heresy.


I’m surprised Valve didn’t just go to Nintendo and tell them about it earlier. They obviously get into the game’s code at times when something is about to hit Steam. Look at the Dolphin Core.
Only a $6 million budget, which seems to be 10x what was put into Violet and Scarlet. If it wasn't obvious enough that Gamefreak is an indie developer


Lol this game is fun as hell, but watching Nintendo fans loose their shit is more fun
Nintendo fanboys are losing their minds over this. I saw a stream of Fightincowboy playing it (looking like he hasn't slept in days), my first thought is that it's what Pokemon on switch should have been, with a modern engine.
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Palworld is great and Nintendo deserves whatever they get for fleecing their customers for decades.

Is it necessary to release two versions of Pokemon when both games can just fit into one release? No! So Nintendo can get fucked.

Hopefully now someone spends 5 minutes making a Zelda clone with an actual story and fun gameplay that shames Nintendo yet again.


I find it fascinating that people desperately want this game to fail, but it hasn't, and very likely won't. The devs weren't stupid, I mean, they've been working on the game for years. But people still want to try and prove them wrong so bad. Nothing looks absolutely identical, and that's enough to protect them from a lot. Does it look similar? Oh, of course! It was obviously meant to, and they never held back on that from the start. But so do things that are parodies and otherwise. Hell, things categorized as parody or satire have looked even more like the actual thing thing than this.

I don't think Palworld is my kind of game, but all the hooplah definitely makes me curious.


The internet is an interesting place.

There's a difference between "based on the same animal/concept" vs "They have the same fingerprints"

And if that makes me a Pokemon Fan then I guess I have a lot of catching up to do because I think the last Pokemon game I played was Gold and Silver on Gameboy.

Edit: The game seems to be very good, that's a great thing, but if assets were taking from a pokemon game and then slightly modified... that's wrong. I'm playing the wait and see game. If there's a fault, Nintendo will act, if there is none, then I guess all is good.
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You guys don’t think Nintendo knew about Palworld before this last Friday? They know there’s no fight here.
Yeah, if something were to be done, I definitely think it would've happened already. Like maybe around the time when the one Palworld trailer was really making its rounds and getting noticed. Especially people and outlets basically saying "it's Pokémon but with guns."

Nintendo's lawyers typically strike very fast. I mean, look how fast they took down the Palworld Pokémon modder.


I am just glad some developer finally made a Pokemon game that Nintendo wouldn't make, yet people have been crying out loud for.
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If it does or don't, we are about to learn lol
In italy there is..

Article 5 of the European Directive on the harmonisation of copyright (Directive 2001/29), while safeguarding copyright, provides that a work may be used without the consent of the rightholder if the user does so for the purpose of caricature, parody or pastiche (i.e. imitation).

Moreover, the right to satire is recognized and protected in the Italian legal system as a particular expression of the freedom of expression of thought and criticism and is therefore included in the scope of protection guaranteed by Article 21 of the Italian Constitution.

In this perspective, satire is configured as a right of criticism exercised in a sarcastic and ironic form and, therefore, in relation to the intrinsic grotesque exasperation of the tones that generally distinguish it, the evaluation of the functional link between the expressive form and the critical-evaluative judgment that it manifests cannot imply the strict compliance with expressive parameters based on criteria of strict rationality and adequacy in general recalled in this regard of the right to criticize.

However, in order for this to happen, it is necessary that:

the parody must be clearly distinguished from the original work: that is, the parody, even if it does not cover an essential element of the work, must be easily perceived by the spectator;
The parody must be a humorous or mocking act, that is, it must be aimed at making people laugh or make fun, even if in a biting way. However, it must not border on defamation of the author.

According to the EU Court of Justice, the copyright holder can prevent the parody of his work if it contains discriminatory messages, The parody – the judges observe – must consist of a reproduction that evokes an existing work, "while presenting perceptible differences" and must have a humorous or mocking character. On the other hand, it is not required that it has its own originality. However, in the presence of a discriminatory message, it is clear that the copyright holder can request that the protected work not be classified as a parody and be protected if he intends to distance himself from the reproduction in a humorous way.


Pokemon fans......some of these fans defended a game that had some of the most embarrassing glitches on the worst performing shittiest looking AAA game I've even seen so nothing surprises me anymore with them.. They are seething at this I'm sure.

I'm also loving how nobody is coming out with any reason of why Scarlet and Violet is still better than Palworld even on a gameplay level because that's all it can compete on.. I mean defend your franchise properly.. have some pride.
When someone makes a Zelda like game at least those fans will argue that Zelda still has the best gameplay.
and make no mistake a lot of them ARE playing palworld.

I remember arguing with the owner of one of the large fan Pokemon sites about how he maintained that Pokemon could never be an open-world game when it was very clearly the obvious choice for the franchise going forward. The lack of imagination astounded me. He couldn't imagine any other gameplay other than the past 15 same games that were released at that time. Stuck in a bubble.

On Palworld being sued: If it hasn't happened by now it's not going to happen. Look how quick mods taken down including the Pokemon mod of that game. It isn't like Pokémon designs are complex to begin with. We're not talking about Monster Hunter monsters here :D
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Pokemon is still a copy of Dragon Quest, I find it funny and hypocritical of these Pokemon nerds.
Pokemon kind of copped the monster catching concept from Shin Megami Tensei too.

I haven't seen any evidence of asset or other IP theft here. It's obviously a direct parody of Pokemon and a lot of them are deliberately similar in the same way say, Ling-Ling from Dram Together is clearly a parody of Pikachu, but it's the sort of thing that is absolutely in the clear as far as copyright goes.
mods we gotta add a "Drama" tag to this. and that being said i'm fine with them copying Pokemanz


" it's pokemon w/ gunz"
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The bear of bad news
am I the only ones that sees cheap AI could replace hundreds of gabizillions costing games in the futures when AI get better??


ai could kill gaming my friends the marchines have won


What time is it?
It's obviously a direct parody of Pokemon and a lot of them are deliberately similar in the same way say, Ling-Ling from Dram Together is clearly a parody of Pikachu, but it's the sort of thing that is absolutely in the clear as far as copyright goes.

Genuinely curious, because I've seen people mention parody and satire in these threads. What is Palworld doing that would qualify it as satire or parody?


4. We need more Intellectual Property protection laws

I think we found Bob Iger's burner twitter account.
It can't be because movie studios never skip 2 before 3 4 5 and infinity
Let's be real... most of ya'll bitching over this so-called plagiarism would not bat an eyelid to rubbing one out to a porn parody of your favorite Sci-Fi or Anime IP.

Fucking hypocrites!
Yeah but Nintendo buys the rights to those plus how can you hate this


don't answer that

In italy there is..

Article 5 of the European Directive on the harmonisation of copyright (Directive 2001/29), while safeguarding copyright, provides that a work may be used without the consent of the rightholder if the user does so for the purpose of caricature, parody or pastiche (i.e. imitation).

Moreover, the right to satire is recognized and protected in the Italian legal system as a particular expression of the freedom of expression of thought and criticism and is therefore included in the scope of protection guaranteed by Article 21 of the Italian Constitution.

In this perspective, satire is configured as a right of criticism exercised in a sarcastic and ironic form and, therefore, in relation to the intrinsic grotesque exasperation of the tones that generally distinguish it, the evaluation of the functional link between the expressive form and the critical-evaluative judgment that it manifests cannot imply the strict compliance with expressive parameters based on criteria of strict rationality and adequacy in general recalled in this regard of the right to criticize.

However, in order for this to happen, it is necessary that:

the parody must be clearly distinguished from the original work: that is, the parody, even if it does not cover an essential element of the work, must be easily perceived by the spectator;
The parody must be a humorous or mocking act, that is, it must be aimed at making people laugh or make fun, even if in a biting way. However, it must not border on defamation of the author.

According to the EU Court of Justice, the copyright holder can prevent the parody of his work if it contains discriminatory messages, The parody – the judges observe – must consist of a reproduction that evokes an existing work, "while presenting perceptible differences" and must have a humorous or mocking character. On the other hand, it is not required that it has its own originality. However, in the presence of a discriminatory message, it is clear that the copyright holder can request that the protected work not be classified as a parody and be protected if he intends to distance himself from the reproduction in a humorous way.
nothing I've seen in palworld screams parody
but as far as infringing on Pokemon as long as it isn't mistakable for the real deal palworld is fine (that go catch em all would probably be actionable, but that's won't kill the game, just that ad campaign) my daughter doesn't think palworlds creatures are pokemon, but that isn't enough of a sample to see if the average consumer could be confused
anyway Nintendo can't kill this even if they want to, they might be able to force them to change designs, but Palworld as a concept is safe

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Genuinely curious, because I've seen people mention parody and satire in these threads. What is Palworld doing that would qualify it as satire or parody?

A parody is an imitation of something that is exaggerated for comedic effect. Like Space Balls was to Star Wars.

That's 100% what Palworld is, it's this ridiculous exaggerated version of Pokemon that pokes fun at the cognitive dissonance of that game where Pokemon are both friends/pets and where you battle them like Pitbulls. As Palworld progresses the exploitation of the Pals gets more and more ridiculous, along with the violence.

nothing I've seen in palworld screams parody
What is this take? How could anything be more obviously a parody?
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What time is it?
A parody is an imitation of something that is exaggerated for comedic effect. Like Space Balls was to Star Wars.

That's 100% what Palworld is, it's this ridiculous exaggerated version of Pokemon that pokes fun at the cognitive dissonance of that game where Pokemon are both friends/pets and where you battle them like Pitbulls. As Palworld progresses the exploitation of the Pals gets more and more ridiculous, along with the violence.

I know what a parody is and it's why i asked as nothing I saw in Palworld strikes me as parody or satire. To be fair I didn't get far in as it's not my style of game.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I know what a parody is and it's why i asked as nothing I saw in Palworld strikes me as parody or satire. To be fair I didn't get far in as it's not my style of game.
Yeah there's a lot of humor to the game and it gets darker and more ridiculous as you go. Eventually you're literally running sweat shop factories with your Pals and beating them to keep them from walking off the job, or loading them into rocket launchers to fire at enemies. The humor is a big part of it, but I suppose it might not be obvious if you only played for an hour.


What time is it?
Yeah there's a lot of humor to the game and it gets darker and more ridiculous as you go. Eventually you're literally running sweat shop factories with your Pals and beating them to keep them from walking off the job, or loading them into rocket launchers to fire at enemies. The humor is a big part of it, but I suppose it might not be obvious if you only played for an hour.

Thanks for that. Like I posted earlier in the thread, if, and that's a big IF, they stole models then satire/parody will not save them. That said, this has all been interesting to watch, mostly because of the insane sales and that's saying something, as there are few things in gaming that interest me less than Pokemon and survival-craft'em-ups.


Okay, you need humans to figure AIs shit, the likeness isn't enough, there is more into it that drags players to play pw instead of pm, why should I've to deal with what's missing in unique contents? why those devs decide the type of experience we are going to get from their "unique" contents? Cutting corners, compromises? If these are the real answers then welcome to AI as a friend, not an enemy.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I think the most concerning issue is not whether it's a rip-off or not, but that they simply do not care about making their product look unique at all.

This declining industry is rewarding devs that have ZERO originality

Games like Digimon and Monster Rancher had developers that cared about making the design and art style look unique, for instance.
Palworld just copied Pokemon design guidelines and called it a day. So lame.


I think it's a deliberate choice, it's not laziness or unoriginality, they're deliberately evoking Pokemon in order to parody it/poke fun at it.


I think the most concerning issue is not whether it's a rip-off or not, but that they simply do not care about making their product look unique at all.

This declining industry is rewarding devs that have ZERO originality

Games like Digimon and Monster Rancher had developers that cared about making the design and art style look unique, for instance.
Palworld just copied Pokemon design guidelines and called it a day. So lame.


Uh huh... And?
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