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panzer dragoon orta HDTV issues


ok so i have a 43" DLP pansonic and it works fine on mine.

I bought my copy of panzer dragoon orta over to a friends place and his screen goes to crap. he has a samsung xbox with the ms HDTV kit. it works fine when he plays with the rca jacks.

no other games have problems with the 480p (ninja gaiden and burnout 3)

is panzer dragoon orta incompatable some xboxs in hdtv mode?

he has a toshiba 42" crt projection


If he has XBox Live, I suspect that the new Dashboard is causing problems with some game/TV combinations. This happened to me with Fable and Galleon. The fix for me was to start with no game in the system, hold both triggers and click-in both analogs sticks. This changes the Dashboard to 480p. Put the game in and go.
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