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Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door [OT]: Princess Peach, can you teach me to feel this thing called love?


There is still not an OT for this game so I claimed it for myself. Made it in a hurry. Hope it's not too bad.

20 years later, the door opens up again...







Review thread: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/pape...e-review-thread.1670782/page-4#post-269224316

Enjoy :)
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To quote what I said in the review thread:

My only issue so far are the new arrangements for the music. Hard to explain but they are TOO busy. They've added more instruments and at times they clash with the old ones. Whats more annoying is you can switch to the original music but you would have to know where to get the badge to do that at (Badge shop in rogue port above the normal shop. Get there from the Inn).

As for the Frame rates, honestly not a big deal. It may be 30fps but it's smooth and never dropped a frame so far (Beat chapter 2). Plus, they balanced the timing for Action commands for the frame rate, honestly the timing is easier. Honestly I can't see how 30fps can take someone out of the experience as long as it's a smooth 30.


To quote what I said in the review thread:

My only issue so far are the new arrangements for the music. Hard to explain but they are TOO busy. They've added more instruments and at times they clash with the old ones. Whats more annoying is you can switch to the original music but you would have to know where to get the badge to do that at (Badge shop in rogue port above the normal shop. Get there from the Inn).

As for the Frame rates, honestly not a big deal. It may be 30fps but it's smooth and never dropped a frame so far (Beat chapter 2). Plus, they balanced the timing for Action commands for the frame rate, honestly the timing is easier. Honestly I can't see how 30fps can take someone out of the experience as long as it's a smooth 30.

30fps on a portable system is perfectly fine, specially for an RPG like this I agree.
Thanks for the OT 🙌🏻

So far…



I don’t remember this guy from the OG but after paying him 20 gold I ended up getting 2x star points after the fight with the sisters in Boggly Woods.

Seek that dude out. There’s some sweet fucking bonuses.

I think its a she haha but I seem to vaguely remember the fortune teller yeah, Ill keep an eye out on my playthrough.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
30fps on a portable system is perfectly fine, specially for an RPG like this I agree.

I think its a she haha but I seem to vaguely remember the fortune teller yeah, Ill keep am eye out on my playthrough.

It’s that that gives you bonuses during or after the fight. I don’t ever remember finding something like this in the original game.

Dude I got 56 star points after defeating the sisters. Never in my 20 years etc..,

You won’t get access til you can twist yourself to squeeze between bars.
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Nice OT! I might have to avoid this thread if it's going to be spoilery...it's my first time playing the game.

Oh and just to remind everyone, you can play this game in pseudo 60fps. If you have a OLED TV, you can turn the Tru Motion feature on. It actually looks great and works (mostly) for me, especially with a non graphically intense game like this. I would suggest at least giving it a shot and seeing what you think.
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I posted this in the review thread so I thought I'd just pop it here in the OT as well.

Just for people's reference, back in the day Gaf did a games of the generation vote for the PS2/Xbox/GC generation. Unsurprisingly games like Resi 4, Metroid Prime and Snake Eater took the top spots.

But there was a lot of extremely good games in that generation, so it may surprise some people to learn that Thousand Year Door was in the top 20 and was described by many people as a Jrpg masterpiece, including myself. Looking forward to replaying it for the first time in 20 years.

Hopefully the localization examples previously discussed are the majority of the butchering of the original game's script, since story was a strong point for Thousand Year Door.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
This is one of those games where I keep telling myself “okay, this is the year… this is the year I actually play this game”, and then never do. 🥲

But for real, this is the year.
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Yeah I've never played it either. I watched a lets play years ago, possibly game grumps. I think/hope I've forgotten most of it.


Whole thing is just adorable. Graphics are so good and charming. And I do love the orchestral score. When do you get the badge to be able to switch between old and new soundtracks?


Whole thing is just adorable. Graphics are so good and charming. And I do love the orchestral score. When do you get the badge to be able to switch between old and new soundtracks?
I believe it's located at Rogueport in a shop above the Inn. So go into the Inn then upstairs.

Is this game a 1:1 recreation of have they added new content?
There's new content. I heard there's a new boss fight(s) and some new badges.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Replaying gave me the itch to hunt down a copy of Origami King. I was really enjoying it back in the quarantine days and have no idea why I stopped. Something else must’ve released 🤔

The game was kind of a bitch to find. Had to drive all the way into The City.


Gold Member
I bought this, I have a trip in a couple weeks and plan to play it while traveling. I'm also playing through Paper Mario and despite its obvious age, it really is a tremendous game and one of N64's best.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I came incredibly close to buying this game when I was in Japan recently. GEO had it for only 5,280 yen which is about $33.


I thought to myself: "I'll probably wait to play this anyway." Now I'm back in the States and looking at picking this up for $60.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I’m feeling the FOMO like a MF. I even have the original GameCube game, I just have never played it. But now I wanna just buy the Switch version, even though I know I won’t have time to play it for a couple weeks. 😩
It arrived. This game could have come out yesterday, for the first time - if it wasn't for the references. Love the koopa kid who plugs Fire Emblem - a game basically unknown to western audiences, and also developed by Paper Mario studio Intelligent Systems.

God this game oozes personality in every aspect. Love the updated music, love the conveniences like the partner ring and being able to hammer above/below you, even little things like Koops' power icon with the arrow.

The cursed treasure chest and X-Naut salute recurring gags make me laugh every time, the humor in this game is top tier.

Having the best time revisiting one of the best games of all time. So glad Nintendo recognized it and took special care to make an excellent remake.

Shake Your Rump

Gold Member
I’m feeling the FOMO like a MF. I even have the original GameCube game, I just have never played it. But now I wanna just buy the Switch version, even though I know I won’t have time to play it for a couple weeks. 😩
You want to pay twice for a 20-year-old game that you already own, just to be part of the zeitgeist a few weeks from now?

Paying 200% for a game that runs at 50% of the framerate means you are only geting 25% value for your money.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
You want to pay twice for a 20-year-old game that you already own, just to be part of the zeitgeist a few weeks from now?

Paying 200% for a game that runs at 50% of the framerate means you are only geting 25% value for your money.

For someone with the username of a great opening track to one of the best Beastie Boy albums ever you debbie down like a motherfucker 😂

Buy the fucking game Dacvak Dacvak


I don't remember playing the originals at all I think Super was my first one, played a few hours of origami King as well

But this apparently is incredible, so I'm starting it now

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I dunno why outlets and others are saying that the new
Prince Mush
fight is post game. I got a letter from him begging me to come fight him in Glitzville as soon as I finished Chapter 4.

And he totally beat my ass. Wasn't expecting that. And Im considerably overleveled :messenger_grinning_smiling:
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